Chapter 5

Love-o-Sparks { HIATUS }

Chapter 5

"Great morning and breakfast"


ADVERTISMENT: Greetings earthlings! ^^ Attention specially to Neo fans out there that craves feels. I have a new NEO fic and its called Coexistence <-- Click here. Please check it out and obviously it contains a lot of NEO.



PRRRRRT! {omygod! lame sound fx}


Yongguk whistled repeatedly and woke everyone up from their deep slumber. "Hurry up! Wake up wake up!" he added, his deep screams ringing in the campers' ears.


Just like a mother would do, Hakyeon shot up at the first whistle, rubbing his sleepy eyes before shaking Jaehwan and Hongbin awake.The light brown haired boy yawned before getting up while the other whined, still hugging his dolphinie. "Jaehwanie, we have to get up now or Yongguk-nim will ruin happiness for everyone."


"NO!" the brown haired boy awakened and shook his head immediatelyand went out. The two boys that were left inside chuckled to each other and followed their comrade outside.


"Nobody shall ruin happinessfor humanity!"


Taekwoon had been awake already even before Yongguk whistled but he stayed lying down inside the tent when he heard the scream (obviously Jaehwan's) . He was started causing him to shot up waking the other two up who were startled byb Taekwoon's unexpected movements.


"OW!" Wonsik released a high-pitched groan.


"Ah! What happened?!" Sanghyuk panicked, pulling on the blanket and set it aside to see what went wrong. And there was Wonsik, curled up holding tightly on his lower region and made ugly weird faces. That's probably why Wonsik woke up so early. Normally he was a heavy sleeper and no one had ever succeeded in waking him up-- unless you kick him down there or pour cold/hot water on him.


"Mian." Taekwoon apologized softly with his poker face directed towards the now recovered Wonsik breathing and panting heavily.


Sanghyuk on the other hand tried so hard in holding in his laughters when their tent suddenly opened up. "Out! out!" Yongguk glared at them and because they're scared intimidated, they went out and followed the camp leader.


Oncec everyone was awake and outside, Yongguk started talking. "Today, we're gonna have breakfast in the cottage." The kids whooped. "The caretaker prepared a good meal for everyone so be sure to say your thanks." the usual angry Yongguk, smiled at them.


"That means there are utensils!"

"We won't have to eat barehanded!" Wonsik and Sanghyuk chorused and the others just grinned and contained their excitement.


They all went to the cottage and greeted by an old woman probably in her 60s who was smiling, "Welcome welcome! I prepared meals for you. I hope you enjoy!" The old woman told the to call her Nana and she led them to the dining table.


"Nana! This is a lot!" They were in awe.


"Dig in." Himchan told them and everyone sat down, Hakyeon never failed to attend to his babies first before anything else.


Sanghyuk noticed the twinkle in Taekwoon's eyes as he took food on his plate, a smalland visible smile forming on his lips. Wonsik had started to eat already. Sanghyuk smiled to himself before taking turn to take food when a certain flower boy caught his attention. Hongbin, he remembered. He studied the other's features and everything was just beautiful.


"Yah! Han Sanghyuk!" Hyuk was startled as Wonsik practically screamed at him.


"Sssh, now now boys, quiet down." Nana smiled anyway while Wonsik bowed his head a bit, muttering a soft apology to the woman with Sanghyuk.


Wonsik elbowed the younger's side gently to get his attention. Once hyuk looked at him, he asked. "What are you looking at?"




The older smirked, "Oh.. a person." he said in a teasing manner before he placed a piece of meat on his salad wrap and ate it.


"Nana, can I have seconds please?" Taekwoon handed his clean bowl of rice to the caretaker which she gladly refilled with another poryion of rice.


After the satisfying breakfast at Nana's, the students headed back to the camping site, now arranged with flags and obstacles for something that they still didn't know. The curious ones ran closer to get a clearer view and saw slimes and ropes. There's also banana peels! Yuck!


"Is that banana peel?" a voice came from behind Hongbin.


"Yah! You scared me!" he held his chest while scolding the now chuckling person who owns the voice- Han Sanghyuk.


" I didn't know you two were so close." Wonsik teased and playfully wiggled his brows up and down.


"No, we're not!" The young ones said simultaniously almost as if theiy practiced.


"Wonsik was about to retort back when Jaehwan suddenly appeared and spoke beside him, "Who's getting close already!?"


"Ah!!" Wonsik screamed in fear

"Ahh!" Jaehwan screamed louder, followinf suit, screaming in front of Wonsik's face. They didn't even noticed Hongbin and Hyuk went away.


"Mm!" Wonsik smacked Jaehwan's face not too harsh but just enough to stop his screaming and just.. stop him really.


"Ow!" The older pouted and massaged his face. "Why do ou hit older people?" keeping his pout, he added.


"Eh?" Wonsik stepped back a bit and continued, "You're older?"


"Of course I am! You.. you bird poop!" he stood up and hit Wonsik repeatedly. Honestly, it wasn't even hard that it didn't hurt but Wonsik was just annoyed that his vision darkened and pushed the older on the ground.


The cutie fell down on his but and had his elbows support his body weight and so he had small scraped. It hurt and he almost cried but he prevented himself from doing so. He was a man! The brownhaired boy stood up and dusted himself off. Wonsik on the other hand, realized what he did but he can't bring himself to help the other. He watched Jaehwan fix himself and before even trying to say a word, Yongguk whistled and then they gathered a few steps away from the obstacles.


"Alright! Today, we're going to have an activity to see how much you trust each other and how are you willing to trust someone you don't really know." Himchan explained standing beside the camp leader.


"How does this work?" Sanghyuk asked with absolute curiosity.


"We're getting to that part, Hyuk," Himchan smiled.


The campers nodded, expecting explanations. "So.. You obviously have your names on two different bowls so that you could get partnered to the other team. In this activity, you will work in pairs." Himchan explained, holding two different bowls.


"So basically, you will pick a name on two different bowls and those names will be partners?" Hakyeon asked.




"Ah~" everyone nodded and understood the situation.


"Shall we start?"


Hey guys! 9 subscribers to 100! /grins/

This chapter is meh. I'm really sorry :c I'll do better on the next chapter.

Thanks for reading! ^^V

Comments - Upvotes - Subscribes are greatly appreciated!


- chanxlen 

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yazaki30 #1
Chapter 7: Hi, I follow this story from the begining but its my first comment ^^. This ia really a great story, and I wanna know what happen next. I don't know what happened but I hope you are alright and will update soon :D
Thank you :) :)
Naralove #2
Chapter 7: Woahhhh... thank u for update..
joanna20 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon! Ty ;)
Chapter 7: You should write more raven those guys are enjoyable
90sLineLover #5
Love it..can't wait for more.
Chapter 6: Thank you :D
HappyPinkieKpopper #7
Chapter 6: Yay~~ it was great! I will make sure yo check your other stories!! Fighting!! <3
AoiMizuiro #8
new reader here :3 I love your writing style ~ thx for update :3
Chapter 6: aww cute more Neo please
joanna20 #10
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating! ;)