Chapter 5 :Friends that never leave you alone.

[SEQUEL] Surviving High School - Grade 2

That weekend,you decided to visit Mark at his house because first you wanted to refer to his old assignments which he have done last year to finish up your assignments which your lecturer handed down.You have totally no idea of how to even start the assignment.Secondly,today is the first day of your boyfriend's debut.He has a live stage at 5 in the afternoon so Mark invited you over to watch together.

You pressed the doorbell,only to see Mark's appearance after a couple of seconds. "Ah,you're here.Come in,"he said,signalling you to go into his house.You stepped into his house carefully after removing your shoes. "Nice shoes,"he complimented,from your back.You smiled back at him before you opened your mouth to speak. "Should we start with my assignment first so we can watch JungKook's showcase without any obstacles?"you asked him.He nodded,and guided you to the study room.You set your stationeries on the table and begin your work with Mark's accompany and help.Thanks to Mark,you managed to get it done 10 minutes before JungKook's showcase begins.

You streched your body and so do Mark due to sitting on the chair concentrating on work for a long time.You stole a glance of the clock on the wall of the study room. "10 minutes more to his showcase,"you reminded him.He glanced at the clock before looking back at you."Let's go,we don't wanna miss any part of the showcase,"he said.You make your way to the living room wherelse Mark said he'd go to the kitchen to prepare some snacks while watching the BTS's showcase.You pick up the remote and hit the buttons so that the particular channel appears on screen.

Few moments later,the scene of the stadium of BTS's showcase showed up on screen.And that is when Mark came from the kitchen with a big bowl of caramel popcorn.He sits next to you and set that bowl of popcorn on his lap.You gaped at the capacity of the stadium because it was literally full of people.You can hear the reporter announced that their ticket was sold out in one hours,which shows that they are quite popular even before they officially debut.

You and Mark focused on the showcase when it started,at the same time chewing on the caramel popcorn.The boys really did put up a fantastic show.You could tell-vocal,rap,not to mention those complicated dance moves which normally takes at least weeks to practice.At the last verse of the last song,JiMin did a tumbling which makes the fans squeals.They are overall,very,very great.

Then it was time for them to say goodbye.They give speeches one by one about how they feel for their debut stage.When it was JungKook's turn,he said 'thank you' and stuffs like that before he winks at the camera,as if he knew you were watching.Your heart felt warm when he did that.You are also glad that he has make his dream a reality and he had success in pursuing his dream career.Mark looked at you and comforted. "At least both of you didn't break up," Sure,Mark is the only one who knows that you and JungKook hasn't breakup yet- because JungKook told him,probably.

"Yeah,"you said,smiling bitterly."But I can see this day would come any soon," Mark frowned. "Look at the positive side,"He said,while wrapping his left arm around your shoulder,initaiating a hug. "Well,this is all I can do as a friend.I'd leave the rest of it to you and him..."Mark stated,while pulling you into a hug. "Why,thank you,Mark."you thanked him.

Few moments later,he let go of you and smiled,before he stood up and take the empty bowl which was filled with caramel popcorns earlier to the kitchen to wash.You followed him to the kitchen. "Any question?"he asked,while doing the dishes.

"You're so nice to me.I think you're the best friend ever among all of them I've met,"you stated,when Mark was already finish cleaning up the dishes and was wiping his hands with a towel.

Mark blinked a few times,hesitating to let her know the incident when he was small or not,because this is the only chance to tell her,since he,JungKook and you always hangout together as 3.Today is the only day both of you managed to spend time together face-to-face.

"Actually..."Mark started off with a pause,while looking at you who gives him a look which encourages him to continue speaking. "I liked you when we were back in elementary...Do you remember that you told me you'd move to another town?I actually planned to confess to you at that time but I didn't know why I just didn't have the courage to..."he said,while lowering his head to the floor due to regretfulness.You patted his back.He continued. "As time passes,I realised that I should be grateful for everything.I find that it is not necessary to be with someone to be happy,but true happiness is to see the person you love or like to be happy." he raised his head and look at you. "I hope you're happy," You nodded. "I'm sorry Mark,I didn't know."you replied.He smiled."It's okay,I guess it's over now.The most important thing is that you're happy,"he stated.You placed your head on his shoulder. "I'm happy having a brother-like friend like you." you said,as you smiled.

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shawol_blingbling #1
Chapter 11: Omg please update Author-nim!!!!^^ this is really good~!!
yasmin_yeol #2
Chapter 11: update pleaseee :)
eunki_kim #3
Chapter 10: Woahhh i hope she choose Hongbin
Chapter 10: Hongbin is such a sweetie but I hope hyunri chooses jungkook instead-
Hongbinne :(
key2391 #5
Chapter 10: New reader update soon please.
AirysIsabelle #6
Chapter 10: New reader here!! YOUR STORY IS AWESOME!! UPDATE SOON PLS!!!
hoesokk #7
Chapter 9: update soon please ;-; whats happen with hongbin;-;
SMentFan99 #8
Chapter 8: Update soon!!!!
Chapter 8: please update soon... I'm hoping that Hyunri and Jungkook can make it
lovelygirl_LhJk #10
Chapter 8: update soon~~~~~ i want hyunri and jungkook back together....