Chosen School!

School Affair

"So Ann, sweety. Tell me about this program thing."

Anna looked up from her plate, her eyes connecting with her fathers. Matthew stopped too, turning to her. Her father was always curious about everything.

Setting her fork down, she took a drink of water and patted her chest. "Well I'd go to a different country to study for about a year or two. They will choose one, depending on my level probably."

She shrugged and her father nodded. "You know I'll miss you, right? Maybe I shouldn't let you go; keep you by my side."

"You won't miss me. And this will be a good thing for me." Anna paused and blinked. "Right?" She was beginning to question it again.

Her mother sat down beside her and hugged her. "Of course it will. Hopefully you'll come back, and feel so much better! Email me every night, got it?"

Matthew scoffed and leaned back. "I love how neither of you are demanding more information or scolding her for making a decision like that by herself."

Their parents chuckled, giving each other a look. "Looks like your older brother is going to forbid you to go."

He stood up and pointed to both of them. Anna flinched, her eyes widening at him. "Well someone has to! You can't just let her go to another country alone!"

They all laughed and he got even more upset, grabbing his car keys and storming out of the house. It wasn't like him to act that way, especially when it involved her.

"Is there any country in particular you are wanting to go?" Her father chimed in.

Breaking from her thoughts, Anna shook her head. "Not really. I'll be fine with anywhere."

The parents both nodded and smiled. "Well hurry and get to school. Find out where to, and then we'll talk more."

She smiled softly and stood, grabbing her bag that was hanging from the chair. Her nerves were going crazy, but she hoped more in excitement than fear. This was a big step for her, and it was moving rather fast. But at the same time, she really wanted to know where it was she would go to study.

Doing her usual routine of counting to ten over and over began, as she headed to the school. She would immediately tell Sam after meeting the teacher. What if her best friend rejected the decision too? Sighing heavily, she looked up as the school was in front of her.

The moment she would enter the school, her life would have a huge change. Was she really ready for that? Shaking her head, she pushed her hair back. Exhaling, she started walking, pushing back the panic springing like jumping beans in her body.

The first place she went to was her teachers office. There was no way she was going to wait after class for this. Knocking lightly on the open file, her heart felt like it was going to climb into and jump out.

"Ah, Anna. Please, have a seat." She did as she was told, awkwardly sliding into the faux leather seat. "After closely looking at your records, we picked the best place for you." She waited while he just stared at her. Chuckling, he handed a packet out for her. "How does South Korea sound?"

South Korea? Out of all the countries in the world, they chose this one? Not that she was upset, but she thought more like France or Spain. Scanning the packet, it told her all about what she would be learning for the next couple months before her departure. At least it wouldn't be right away.

"Just get your parents to fill out the forms in the back, and turn it in when you are ready." He watched her, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Is it alright?"

Nodding quickly, she jumped up. "Yes, it's fine! I'll bring this in by the end of this week. Thank you, sir." He chuckled and she left the office before he could speak again.

Going to the classroom, ave sat down and read through the packet. They wanted her to learn mannerisms and a good bit of the language. She could learn more when she went to her new school, but for now she should learn how to hold a conversation.

"Oh? Korea?"

Anna jumped in her seat, almost colliding her head into her best friends face. Sam laughed and sat in her seat, kicking her feet up. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Sam giggled and poked her cheek. "Awe, calm down. I was going to do it nicely, but I was reading your thing." She waved her hand around before pointing at the stack of papers. "Are you gonna do it?"

Anna stared at her, her heart pounding. "Should I?"

"Of course!" She slammed her hand onto her desk. "You have to send me pictures. I bet it's beautiful there."

Groaning, Anna rolled her eyes. "You're so stupid." Snorting in amusement, she looked back to the text. "I'm going to study, not tour the country."

Sam nodded in understanding but raised her brows. "You will take pictures though, right? Send me a new picture every day when we chat."

Ignoring her, she felt uneasy, wondering how her life would be. Were the kids going to welcome her or turn her away? Would she live with someone or by herself? Yet she couldn't help the bubbly feeling inside her heart.

"I bet there are tons of cute boys! Get yourself a boyfriend, that would be thrilling!" Sam laughed loudly, patting Anna's back.

"Sam!" Anna cried, feeling flustered and covering her heated cheeks.

Boys were the worst. Mostly because she had a difficult time speaking with any of the male species. But, dating wouldn't be so bad. Right

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