
School Affair

After months of endless learning and practice, Anna had gotten surprisingly good understanding Korean language and culture. There were plenty of new words she never knew before and it was exciting.

Now, she had stepped off the plane, her feet planted firmly on Korea's soil. A woman was there to find her, and take her to the home she'd be staying in. She had already been told that the family had a son and English was well known among them.

The car ride wasn't long, and the house she'd be living in for a while was rather large. Everything she passed made her gaze in awe, the sight too beautiful and new to her.

"Don't worry about anything. If you need assistance or are in trouble, do not hesitate to call us." The woman in the passenger seat smiled, and Anna nodded.

Her and the driver both helped with carrying her things inside the home, where she was greeted by two lovely looking adults. Bowing slightly, they waves theirs hands, laughing and grinning widely.

"Welcome. I'm so glad you made it safely. You must be tired!" The mother took her hand gently and led her up the stairs, smiling all the way up. "You're much prettier in person!"

"Namjoon, get out of your room and greet your new sister." The father yelled from behind her, causing her to jump. She learned that he didn't actually mean 'sister' as in family, so she pushed it aside.

Two boys rushed out of a room, and she could sense the excitement radiating off them. But she stopped dead in her tracks upon examining each of their faces. Oh no. They were insanely cute. More good looking than cute.

She quickly bowed, feeling her cheeks heat up. "Ah, h-hello." Standing straight again, she watched them bow their heads.

"I'm Namjoon." The boy with white hair smiled. "And this is Yoongi, he comes over once in a while."

Yoongi laughed and lightly punched his arm. "More now I think." He was speaking in Korean, and she tried to pretend she didn't hear.

His mother waved them away and pulled her along. "Your room is right across from our Namjoon's." She smiled and opened the door, seeing how it was decorated already. "I hope you don't mind."

The room was full of colors with a large bed in the middle against the back wall. There were stuffed animals all around and a vanity near the closet. Most of it was pastel colors, and there were decorative ornaments hanging around.

"Is it too much?" The father questioned, almost like he was disappointed.

Anna dropped her bag, walking into the room, turning around. She was smiling widely, almost wanting to cry. It was the most beautiful room she had ever seen. Hers back at home was plain and she didn't have much to call her own.

She picked up a cute stuffed rabbit and held it against her chest, spinning quickly, laughter rising in her. "It's amazing!" She looked back at them, grinning happily. "Thank you!"

All four of them were standing there, staring at her like she was a brand new species.

"Wow, cute." Yoongi and Namjoon said at the same time, earning a smack by the adults.

Anna hurried over to the mother and hugged her quickly. "Thank you, mother. Also I'm sorry, I'm just excited."

Mother laughed and gave her another hugged, patting her back. "You're welcome, dear. You must be tired. Take a nap and I'll wake you for dinner."

(Everything is spoken in Korean unless stated otherwise)

Anna stood at the front of the classroom, fully dressed in her new uniform. As everyone stared, she felt more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Introduce yourself, please." The teacher went first, and she nodded.

Bowing, she looked back up and built up her courage. In Korean she spoke, "My name is Anna Hart. Please take care of me."

"Go have a seat by the idiot sleeping over there." She bowed her head and found the idiot he was mentioning. "Hey! Taehyung, wake up!"

The boy sat up quickly as she sat down next to him. "What was the question?" The students laughed and he turned to her. "Who?"

Anna had to stop herself from flying from her seat. He was cute too! Avoiding his gaze, she lowered her head. "I'm Anna."

If cute boys kept appearing out of nowhere like this, she was going to have a heart attack. He finally just shrugged and put his head back down. Letting out a sigh, she looked around the room cautiously.

Yet, there was a boy staring at her. He had soft features and he was incredibly cute. Tilting her head, he smiled in amusement and faced the front.

If she could find Namjoon later, she'd have to ask for help, but at the same time she didn't want to bother him. Couldn't, bother him. Talking to him at home was hard enough.

Lunch came sooner than she thought and she slowly made her way to the lunch room. She wasn't hungry, but looking around didn't seem to be a problem. A familiar face came into view and she didn't have time to run away.

"Anna!" Yoongi's bright smile almost blinded her and she was wary about smiling back. "How is your first day going?"

Anna bit her lower lip and searched for anything. "I-It's alright..." Her face was burning again and she just wanted to escape. He didn't seem to be leaving any time soon though.

"Ah don't worry. It'll get better, I promise."

Her eye caught something but when she looked back, Yoongi was gone. She found him sitting on a table, talking to some girls who were giggling. Sighing, she turned around, only to bump into someone.

"Watch it!" The boy hissed, pushing her back.

Another stepped over, keeping her upright. "Wait Jeongguk, don't push a girl!" The boy rolled his eyes, walking away. "Ignore him, he's still young."

Anna looked up at him, his big smile making her heart race. The heart attack was coming next, she could feel it.

"Jimin!" A very excited and hyper boy hurried over, jumping beside them. "Who's this?" He leaned forward, and then punched Jimin in the arm . "She's cute. I call dibs."

The two started arguing and she stepped back. "I have to go.." She bowed and walked as fast as she could away from them. How all these guys are showing up was beyong her, but she couldn't stay around them.

Out of the lunch room, Anna sat down on a bench, holding a hand to her chest. It wasn't so loud anymore and there wasn't a lot of people surrounding her.


She jumped up and saw Namjoon walking towards her. Now he shows up, perfect. "Oh.. Namjoon."

He stood in front of her, looking a little worried. "Are you okay?" She gave a smile and looked down. "First days are always tough, but I know you'll do fine. Just focus on school, that's what's best." He messed up her hair, chuckling.

As he walked away, she watched him, feeling like she was more alone than ever.

If only Sam was here. Remembering her, Anna pulled out her phone, and stepped ouside to the courtyard. A large, beautiful tree was in the middle and she snapped a photo of it.

Looking closely, she realized there was someone standing by the tree. Her gaze moved up from the screen and she stepped closer. The same boy from her class was there, leaning against the tree.

"Mind if I see?" He smiled, slowly making his way to her.

He was like a prince, his gave just gave off that appearance. His stance and the way he walked helped boost that thought. "S-See what?" She really needed to stop stuttering when a boy was talking to her.

He chuckled and motioned towards her phone. "You took a picture, didn't you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." She started messing with her phone, trying to delete it.

He grabbed her phone and smiled. He started messing with it and his smile grew. Handing it back, he walked away, his hands shoved in his pockets.

Confused, she looked at her screen, seeing the contacts book open. It read 'Seokjin' with a number under it. He put the picture she took as the contact photo.

Anna giggled and quickly covered . She couldn't help the grin that was pulling her lips and she walked back to the classroom.

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