
School Affair

There were so many voices outside her bedroom door. Anna was so tired that she couldn't even comprehend what they were saying. Namjoon must have friends over so early in the morning, but couldn't they at least be quiet?

"You have someone else living here?" "Is she cute?" "Why didn't you tell me before?" "Wait, you knew!?"

There was no way she going out there to tell them to shut up. She was only wearing a large shirt and a pair of shorts. Please just go away, she begged, covering her head with the pillow.

A soft knock at her door caused her to freeze, and the voices stopped. "Anna." It was Namjoon. "You should get up and get ready for school."

She let out a light sigh and remembered. That's right, school. With the gorgeous boys.

Crawling out of bed, she yawned, holding a stuffed bunny. Just then, the door slowly opened. "Anna?" Namjoon stuck his head in, followed by several other boys that she recognized.

"Close the door!" She screamed, dropping and hiding behind the bed. The door slammed and she covered her face, flustered.

Suddenly, she heard Mother yelling and footsteps running frantically down the stairs. She felt much safer now and laughed to herself, standing up. Turning on her computer, she grabbed her uniform and hit the shower first.

Mother had cleared the boys from the hallway and she was able to safely make it into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth first, using water from a water bottle. She'd have to get used to that.

After her shower, she changed and hurried back into her room, locking the door. While she put on her shoes, she checked for messages, and smiled when Sam's name was first. Anna had sent her the photo she took and told her about her encounters with the seven boys.

"See, I told you." Sam sent, with little emotions after it.

Anna giggled, and quickly typed. "This isn't a good thing. I miss you. I have school now, I'll talk send you a message tonight."

The next message was from her brother and she was almost afraid to open it. But when she did, all it said was, "How are you?"

Feeling irritated, she just replied with one word. Fine. If he cared a little bit more about her, she wouldn't hate him so much. Turning off the computer, she grabbed her bag and ran out the room.

"Good morning, Anna!" Father grinned at her as he left for work. She bowed cheerfully and waved.

Once entering the kitchen, she freaked out and pressed against the wall. Seven boys were sitting at the table, watching her.

Taehyung and Seokjin from her class were there. Of course, Namjoon and Yoongi were next to each other. But now she was seeing Jimin, the other boy who's name she never got, and Jeongguk.

"There you are." Namjoon smiled, standing. "Are you okay?"

Anna couldn't breathe and she held her hand to her chest. This isn't how she wanted to start her day. "You all know each other?"

They nodded, a little confused by her question. Shaking her head, she began walking back to the front door.

"Wait!" She looked back, and Taehyung was running towards her with her while throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Let's go together."

Her heart raced and she stepped back. "Why?" She couldn't trust boys, especially this one.

He shrugged and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away. She tried to protest, but his dorky smile was forcing all her limbs to ignore her. Once they got away from the house, he let go and casually walked beside her.

"We should get along. We sit next to each other, anyways." He grinned and leaned towards her.

Anna leaned away and pouted. "That doesn't mean we have to be friends." She wasn't trying to be mean, more she was making a point.

Taehyung stopped and grabbed her arm, pulling to her face him. "You really don't want to be my friend? Honestly?"

His epression pierced a knife through her heart and she felt bad. Sighing, she have a small smile. "I didn't mean it like that. We can be friends."

The boy shouted and laughed so loud she thought he'd wake people. His fingers went under her chin and he leaned forward. "You can't take it back now." He took her hand and pulled her the rest of the way to school.

She couldn't really say she hated sitting next to him, because that wasn't true. But now that they are friends, he wouldn't leave her alone.

Even at lunch he dragged her to go sit with all of them. Most were jealous that they didn't get to walk with her, but Jeongguk stated already he didn't care. She learned that the other boys name was Hoseok and he was really entertaining to her.

"I think I'm her favorite." Hoseok joked, winking at her. "I've made her laugh more than any of you."

The boys started laughing and pushing his around. "As if!" Yoongi cracked, smacking his friend on the head.

"I think she likes me more." Jimin smirked and practically jumped over the table, but Taehyung and Namjoon held him back.

While they went on with their conversation, she noticed Seokjin being quiet and watching them. He didn't seem like the others, but there he was.

Maybe she could get comfortable with them. They were funny and very lively. She'd have to give it a try.

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