
School Affair

Anna yawned and got up slowly, running her fingers through her knotted hair. Looking at her clock, she read it was Saturday, and she didn't need to rush. Stretching, she went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth.

Entering the hallway, she looked around. That's right. Mother and Father went on a trip. Namjoon wasn't here though? She peeked into his room, but it was empty.

Curious now, she slowly made her way down the steps, wondering if anyone was in the kitchen. Nope. Stratching her head, she moved on to the next room. Going around the sofa, she froze.

Jeongguk was lying there, his eyes closed. Why was he here, and no one else? Turning slowly, she tried to leave quietly.

"Where are you going?"

Anna turned back around, and her heart sank. His eyes were open, small and intimidating. "You want to talk to me now?"

He rolled his head and raised his chest, his back cracking. "Not really. I want an apology."

"With that attitude, you won't get one." She turned away again, but his foot went out, stopping her.

Facing him, she stood tall. "Were you jealous?"

Jealous? What was he saying? Well, it wasn't a complete lie, but he didn't need to say it. "Why would I? Maybe a little, but only because you never talk to me. How am I supposed to feel? Do you hate me?"

At that, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down on top of him. Her chest was against his, and his legs wrapped around her own. His hand pressed firmly on her back when she tried to push off, holding her down against him.

"Noona.." Jeongguk spoke softly, and her breathing shortened. That was the first time he'd called her that. His other hand cupped her cheek, his thumb grazing her lips.

She didn't know what to do. He wasn't going to let her go, and she couldn't bring herself to leave. The way he spoke had caused a flutter in her that she never felt before. Her breaths got heavier and she felt like he was the only one holding her together.

"Noona." This one was quieter, his voice lower and leaving a hot breath on her skin. His eyes slowly closed and he pulled her head down, pressing their lips together.

Breaking apart, he whispered so quietly she was almost sure she didn't hear it. "I don't hate you."

How was she supposed to react? Her heart was racing that she began shaking. Pushing away from him, she stepped back but he sat up, grabbing her hips.

"Noona.." He was still speaking softly and he leaned his face against her stomach, his fingers grazing her bare thighs. "I'm sorry. I don't hate you. I actually really like you, noona."

Anna's heart was hurting and she pushed away from him, hurrying away. The front door opened and the other boys walked in, greeting her with a smile but only to be ignored.

"Anna?" Namjoon watched her and Hoseok tried to stop her but he wasn't quick enough.

They all exchanged looks. "What happened?" Taehyung gazed up the staircase curiously.

Closing the door to her bedroom, she leaned against it, taking deep breaths. So this is what it was like. It was different than just being friends with boys. These new feeling were stirring in her. Has a boy ever loved her?

It was foreign and she didn't understand, she began crying, unsure of why she was acting this way.

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