
School Affair

Walking with Jeongguk. It was strange, almost new to her. But more than anything, she was willing to try. He never spoke, just walked beside her quietly.

Sighing, she looked down at her feet. What could she talk about? Maybe if she started a conversation, everything would flow smoothly.


Looking up, she noticed him watching her. "Do you want to get some sweets? I've been craving them lately."

He looked forward again, and then around him. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her down the side street and didn't look back.

"Wait, Jeongguk-" He stopped and she ran into his back.

Pointing, Jeongguk stepped inside the shop, and she followed. The walls where filled with different types of sweets and cakes. Making sounds of awe, she wondered around until she spotted on she liked.

About to speak, she saw Jeongguk standing at the counter, flirting with the girl behind there. He reached out, touching her hair and smirking slightly. The girl giggled shyly and lightly touched his hand.

Anna felt envious, and she had to question why for a moment. Because he couldn't even look at her? Walking up to them, she shoved him out of the way. Placing a couple boxes on the counter, she gave a forced smile.

"Just these please."

The girl scoffed and her lip twitched like she wanted to say something. But instead, she rang up her boxes and took the money. Anna grabbed her bag and Jeongguk's hand, pulling him out of the bakery.

"Well I'm never coming here again." She huffed and let go of his hand, walking back in the direction they came.

Jeongguk grabbed her arm, twirling her around to gave him. "Why did you do that?"

Anna was shocked, and she didn't know how to respond. "W-What?"

"I had something going on there and you interupted. Don't you have manners?" He let go of her and started walking away.

"Me? You're the one without manners!" She yelled, making him stop. "You could have done that any other time, but when I'm not there."

Jeongguk glared, his nostrils flaring. "You're so stupid. Mind your own business."

He left in the opposite direction, and she stomped her foot. He was the stupid one. She hoped Namjoon was home so she wouldn't have to eat alone.

Upon reaching the house, she set her things down and scouted the area. No one was home?

Just as she sat down and opened a box, the front door opened. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin walked in, being loud as usual. They noticed her and hurried over, questioning her.

"Where did you go?" "Did we tell you we'd be late?"

Anna sighed and apologized. "Sorry, I forgot." Taking out a small brownie, she slowly nibbled on it.

They all sat down around her and took their own brownie, watching. They looked confused and worried and Hoseok pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

She smiled and nodded, patting his hand. It reminded her of the girl with Jeongguk and she drowned. "Why does Jeongguk hate me?"

They all stopped, their eyes big. Did she say something?

Namjoon tilted his head a bit. "He doesn't hate you."

"I'm actually jealous, he talks about you a lot." Jimin nodded, biting the brownie apart.

Yoongi grinned and pointed at her. "But I won't let him have you."

Hoseok watched her for a moment, his eyes moving as he gazed at her gave. "Don't look too much into the things he says. He really doesn't hate you though, he would have said so when we all first sat down at the lunch table."

Her heart hurt as she stared at him. He looked pained, but he smiled. "Thanks. I'll try talking to him and apologize. I was rude today."

Changing the subject, she opened the other box and held it out to all of them. She liked it better when everyone was laughing and have a good time. Although the other boys weren't here, she could deal with just these four.

Now, she had to come up with how to talk to Jeongguk. He must be really mad at her. He probably didn't want to speak to her anymore. Internally sighing, she had to come up with a solution.

Afterwards, they all sat down in the other room watching a movie. Some of them were asleep, but she was wide awake.

"What happened today with you and Jeongguk?" Namjoon whispered, leaning slightly from his seat beside her.

Jimin turned around from his spot on the ground, and leaned in her legs. "Yeah, I'm curious too."

Anna rolled hers and tapped Jimin's head. "Nosy. I got upset because he was flirting with the girl at the bakery. I wanted him to help me pick out some things for all of us, but he was too busy. I acted rudely to both of them, and now I'm embarrassed."

"Wow." Jimin chuckled. "Do you like little Jeongguk?"

Namjoon smacked his head, but looked to her expectedly. She shook her head. "N-No, I was just angry. He doesn't even talk to me and I've known him longer than that girl."

The two nodded and gave her a pat. "Don't worry, everything will be fine eventually." Namjoon grinned.

She hoped his words were right. Or else her part in the group was going to take a slow turn downwards.

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