Affair, Start!

School Affair

Anna was laughing again, sitting next to Taehyung in the classroom. Seokjin was in front of them, smiling and listening along. Her sides hurt and she was about to fall out of her chair. She had never heard jokes like his, and he seemed happy she was enjoying them.

"Are these really funny?" Seokjin questioned, smiling at her. She nodded, wrapping her as around her stomach.

Taehyung waved him away and turned to her. "Of course I'm funny! Oh, are you going to eat lunch with us again?"

She stopped, blinking at him. "Am I not allowed to?"

He shook his head and held out his hands. "No no, that's not what I meant!" She laughed and he froze. "Why?"

"What's with the serious expression?" She couldn't hold it in, and Seokjin was patting her back.

It had already been a couple months since Anna began her new life here, and she was already close with the boys. She could laugh freely and she wasn't shy around them anymore.

The language came so much easier now that she knew more, and it was like she didn't need to use English. Classes were easier to get through and the food tasted better.


She looked up, seeing Taehyung and Seokjin standing. "Huh?"

"Are you going to eat?" Seokjin held out his hand, and she smiled, her heart beating. She had started falling for him, but she wasn't too sure herself.

Taking his hand, she stood. "Ah, yes."

Taehyung held out his other hand, pouting. "Hold my hand too." Giggling, she took his and squeezed, lightly bumping his shoulder.

Together, the three of them walked to the lunch room, meeting the rest. Hoseok and Jimin complained about the hand holding, yelling about how they never get to. Yoongi joined in, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her over the table playfully.

"You two are taking advantage of the fact that you have the same class as her." Namjoon rolled his eyes, smirking.

Taehyung stared for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, and it's worth it."

There was a buzziing in her coat pocket and she jumped. Pulling it out, she hushed all of them, answering it. "Hello?"

"Anna." Silence. "How could you not listen to me?"

Matthew rarely called her, but now she was concerned. Was he crying? He sounded drunk as well. "Have you been drinking? Matthew, go to bed."

"No. You are a hateful sister. After everything I've done for you, you don't even listen to what I have to say?" His words were slurred and he sounded like he wanted to puke.

The boys were watching her, eyebrows raised. Namjoon sighed, knowing what she was saying. "I'm at school, call me later, okay?"

After hanging up, she huffed. "Who was it?" Hoseok asked carefully.

"Is he crazy? Calling me to nag about how I left. My brother is stupid." She put her head down, but back up immediately. "Who's going to share their lunch with me?"


The rest of the school day went by slowly as she thought about her brother mostly. She'd have to message her mother to keep him in check. Writing in her notebook, she snuck glances at Taehyung, who was sleeping.

The bell rang and she stood, packing her things. "Taehyung, wake up." She nudged him, laughing quietly at his dumbfounded look.

Seokjin waved goodbye and left first. He told her earlier that he had something to do later, and she let him go. Everyday all of them would walk home together.

Patting Taehyung's head, she left the classroom first, going to her locker. Filling her bag, she closed the door and skipped to the entrance, feeling hyper. Maybe she'd ask for them to stop and get sweets.

Anna slowed as she noticed only Jeongguk standing there, leaning against the fate. He was looking somewhere else, oblivious of her.

It wasn't like they didn't get along, but he was taking the longest to warm up to. It seemed he didn't like her, but she didn't take it to heart. Once his eyes set on her, he stood like he was going to leave.

"Wait." She called, grabbing his jacket. "Are you leaving? Where is everyone else?"

He turned to her and shrugged her off. "I don't know. And yeah, I'm leaving."

Pain pierced her chest and her shoulders slumped. "Won't you walk with me?" She was hoping he'd agree, but he didn't seem to want to.

Sighing, Jeongguk stuffed his hands into his pockets and waited for her. "Let's go."

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