
School Affair

A note was pasted onto the billboard outside of the classroom, where all announcements unnecessary to be made by the principal were posted. It wasn't very big, and an empty list was right next to it. After reading it over, Anna felt very interested and decided to write her name down.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around, only to run into someone. "Hey, what'cha got here?"

Her best friend turned her around and pointed to the flyer. "What do you mean?"

"Is it a trip? Nah, looks like more schooling. When will you ever stop reading something educational?" Sam laughed loudly and kissed her cheek.

"I," Anna sighed and allowed her friend to pull her back to the room before she could get her words out. Both of their seats were next to one another, so they sat down at the same time. "You should study more. Your mom showed me your grades."

Sam held her index finger to her lips. "You hear that? It's the sound of me not caring."

"Don't be like that." Anna huffed, turning to face the front. Sam hated it when she brought up school, but it wasn't her fault. She was worried that she'd be alone and graduate by herself. It scared her to no end. "I just,"

The tomboy sat up straight, patting her on the shoulder. "I know what you are doing, and I'm grateful. But I just don't need it." Sam was very sweet, despite picking fights non-stop.

The teacher walked in, calling for their attention. Once the room quieted down, he rolled his eyes but gave a smile. "I see some students decided to join the exchange program. Other halls have their lists going as well, so we aren't the only ones."

Some students turned to Anna, knowing already she was the only one to sign the paper in their hall. Sam gave deadly looks to most, tossing a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Tomorrow, you'll be assigned to your new high school in a completely different environment. Be prepared and if you have to back out, we'll give you a paper for your guardian to sign." The teacher went on, nodding to her.

The class got loud once more and he slapped the desk. Breathing slowly, Anna looked over to her best friend. Where was she going to go, and how soon? She was going to be leaving the only person she liked.

"Don't worry Anna. We can message every night or morning, and we'll still be friends." Sam began as if she was reading her mind. "It's not like you'll be gone forever!" She grinned and hugged her tightly.

Anna couldn't help but laugh, despite the teacher's stern look. Lightly pushing her off, she sent happy smiles at her throughout the period, thankful for such an amazing friend.

After school, she went home alone, normally. Watching her feet as she walked, she gripped the straps of her bag and counted to ten over and over with every step. It was a habit of hers, to make sure she didn't make a fool of herself in any way.

Reaching her house, she went up the stairs and through the main door, looking out for running children.

"Anna you're home! Mom, Anna's home!" The four year old holler as he raced down the hallway.

Kicking off her shoes and dropping the backpack on the ground, she followed the hallway towards the kitchen, being greeted by a toddler in a booster seat.

"Ann, how was school today?" Her mother, standing at the stove cooking and ignoring the four year older holding her leg, smiled.

She pulled out a chair and sat down, playing with the little girls fingers. "The same. I signed up for a program at school. I'd be sent to another country to study for a year or two. Depending on how well I do."

"Sounds exciting." Her mother spoke with sincerity and parted the little boys head. "But," she stopped and looked at her seriously. "Are you going to be able to handle it? You'll be so far from home."

Anna nodded and pursed her lips. She was right, but it was like she had a deep moment where she had a better understanding on her life. If she didn't try something new, she'd be stuck forever. "I might."

"Well whatever you decide, your father and I will support you." Turning off the burner, she sent her brother to a chair. "Could you go get Matthew for me? He's in his room."

Standing, Anna left again, picking up her bag and going up the stairs. She was so tired, her mind was traveling to different topics all at once. There was just so much going on in such a short time.

Knocking on the first door at the top of the stairs, she slowly opened it.

Her older brother Matthew was lying on his bed, headphones covering his ears. She walked inside and lightly tapped his leg. His eyes opened and he stared at her with an unchanging expression. "What?"

"Dinners ready."

With that, she walked out of his room and moved onto the next door, going in and dropping her bag once more. She wasn't hungry, and she was too tired to change.

Laying on her bed, she closed her eyes, anxiety running through her. Second thoughts on whether she made the right decision or not. But she wasn't going to back out, not now.

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