My Twelve B12others!
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THE GATES opened almost immediately when their car came. A few sound of clicks and the huge gates opened wide. Mr. Ji, their head security guard and some other guards greeted them as they went inside.


After the Gate, there is still a bit of a long ride before going to the Mansion itself. It was for security reasons why the gates are father from the main house. There are three guards in each gate. There is also two stationed  in front of the doors of the Kim Mansion.


Wearing black suits,  and a small speaker on their right ear. They stand there speaking hushed things on their speakers. Miyun always wondered what they are talking about in that speakers of theirs.


Who knows maybe they're ordering pizza. She giggled on the thought.


"Were here." Kris announced as he stops in the front door. Miyun went outside clutching her back pack. Kris went out with his sports bag not long after. Their chauffer got his keys and went to park the car in their parking lot located at the back of the house. They were on the door when Kyungsoo beeped at them in his brand new Hammer that he received last month on his birthday.


"Princess!" Kai shouted coming out from the shotgun running to them and tackling Miyun. "Oh hey Kris Hyung! " Kai greeted him with Miyun still on his tight squeeze.


"Kai you left your bag in my car" Kungsoo said to him making him release the poor girl. A little bit more time she would've been suffocated.


"I better go to my room and rest *yawn* kyungsoo just wake me up if its already time for dinner" Kris gave Miyun a small kiss in the head. He gave the two other boys two hard pats in the back and went his way inside.


After exchanging Hello's Miyun went inside the mansion trailing behind her brothers.


Kai whose name is really Jongin is her brother, 3rd from the youngest. He is currently in his first year of college majoring in Civil Engineering.


Kyungsoo or D.O on the other hand is in his 2nd year of college major in Chemical Engineering. He's Miyun 4th brother from the youngest. He and Kai are the closest among them all.


"Good evening Sir Kai, Sir Kyungsoo and Miyun agassi" the maids and Mr. Seo their Head Butler greeted them with a formal bow as they entered.


The two boys just walked their way up to the spiral staircase not even giving a small smile to the maids.
Miyun on the other hand gave them a small nod and greeted them a good evening.


Miyun always considers Mr. Seo like a second father to her. He was the one always there when she was being homeschooled. Every time Miyun escapes her class with Miss Go― a very strict, poker faced lady who was fond of wearing pencil skirts―Mr. Seo was the one helping her in escaping if the class was already too boring for the young lady's liking. He cares and adores Miyun like what a real father does. Mr. Seo also sees Miyun like his own child.


Miyun excused herself and went upstairs to change. Her room is on the 3rd door located at the east side of the mansion's Second floor.


Miyun went past Suho's room and it seems like her brother isn't home yet.
She just shook her head at her brother's absence for it only means one thing, He's still at Empire High working.


She opened her door and walked until she reached her bed. She threw her bag at the pillows nearly hitting her white munchkin kitty and laid herself face flat on her queen size bed. Momo, her cat snuggled at her knowing Miyun has already arrived.

Her room was quite girly for her liking, courtesy of her mother of course. Her walls were painted with the hues of white and baby pink. She tried customizing it as well. She putted up posters from her favorite anime shows like Death note, SAO, FMA: Brotherhood and many others to cover the pink wall she has.


After 5 minutes of laying motionless with her cat sitting on her stomach, she groggily stood up and changed her clothes. She wore a plain pikachu t'shirt and loose pants. She put her hair up in a messy bun and went to her desk.


Miyun opened her desktop and browsed some sites on the net looking for a new series to watch while working on her assignments, then there was a knock on her door.


"Princess?" Somebody called from the other side of the door.


'Princess' has been Miyun's nickname ever since she can remember. Being the only girl in all siblings, she is no doubt the only princess in the Kim family. Miyun doesn't like to be called that way but the name had already been stuck for 16 years so she cant change it anymore.


"Yeah?" Miyun answered not looking away from her monitor. She heard the door open and it was her the brother Chanyeol, he went inside her room not even asking her permission and sat on her bed playing with her cat who is purring at the deep voiced male's touch.

"The others are planing on watching a movie before dinner want to join with us?" Before Miyun could reply another person entered her room. It was her brother Baekhyun. He laid on her bed beside Chanyeol. 


"You better join us and stop hiding here in your room. We barely even talk to you at school because of that wish of yours." Baekhyun said pouting. 


Miyun turned her revolving chair to look at the both of them sternly with her eyebrows up. Miyun doesn't like her brothers to enter her room without permission.


"First of all Chanyeol Oppa, when I said 'Yeah?' It means stay where you are and state your business NOT go inside my room and play with Momo"―the name of her munchkin kitty that Chanyeol is currently cuddling.

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Part two is here guys! better check it out! Im so sorry for the late update i hope you understand.. so see you again next chap Annyeong~


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Chapter 9: Wow, they not believe their dongsaeng could wake up
Chapter 9: Thank you very much for the update! Well, it is a miracle to see all of your brothers and sisters in one table to me. Keep up the good work. - Yuki
Chapter 8: Thank u update
Where Exo ?
Chapter 8: Jungkook is going to same school as the Kims? I can't wait for him you meet them and the reaction will be hilarious. Thank you for the update. - Yuki
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update, you say you want to tell us Miyun 'friend'? When? But anyway I' still grateful for this update. -Yuki
Chapter 7: ~~ Update soon ~~
Chapter 6: Hmm...thanks for the update and I think is it HyunA? keke and looking forward for the next update - Yuki
Chapter 6: Update soon.
Thank u update this chap
Keep update ! I laugh bcoz 11 brother Miyun to hear Miyun and Minseok speak at Miyun's door !
Chapter 5: Tao and Miyun must be really close I think...Jeon Jungkook?? hmm...sound interesting to me x) Looking forward for the next update - Yuki
Chapter 5: update soon
Kris so kind brother to Miyun
Queenka so rude with her friends