Chp 6


So that was basically how I befriended EXO. Through my daughter. Every two weeks or so Kai would call asking to bring Hana out and she enjoyed their company. They pampered her with hugs and kisses and presents. She was the most scared of Kris and vice versa and preferred Kai over the rest. I kept my feelings in check and tried not to get too close to Kai. Actually, he isn’t Kai anymore in my eyes. He’s Jongin. On stage he was the y beast Kai. Off stage, he’s the lovable & shy Jongin.

It was my last class for the day and Tao offered to pick me up since I brought Hana to work today. He was going to show off his new car, Maserati. I was thinking he might have asked Suho to help but I could be wrong haha.

“Taotao!” Hana called out when his car pulled up by the roadside. Well, someone’s excited. Wait till she eats chocolate in his car and smear it all over his leather seats.

“Nice car Tao…” I commented as I took the passenger seat, handing Hana over to him while I buckled myself.

“Yah yah Lee Hyemi! Hana’s hands!” He panicked seeing his white shirt already smeared with chocolate. I laughed and took out wet tissues while Tao continued on whining.

“Relax Mr Huang!”

“Lax… Huang!” Hana followed and I laughed even harder.

“I’m watching the both of you!” Tao threatened playfully and handed Hana back to me.

“Where we heading to?”

“Our dorm. Chanyeol’s cooking…”

“Yeolllieee” Hana clapped her hands happily.

Not long after, we arrived at their dorm, which was pretty lavish compared to those that I’ve seen on TV. Suho was the first to greet us, wearing his apron which probably came from the Joseon dynasty and pulled me into a bear hug. Hana wriggled out of my arms and I knew she was looking for Jongin.

“Chanyeol oppa! I brought the under eye cream you asked for!” I said out loud, placing my bag on the sofa.

“YAH LEE HYEMI YOU BROUGHT FOR CHANYEOL ONLY?!” Chen screeched from the bathroom. Honestly these guys were that close they didn’t have to close the door when they were doing their business?

“It’s a big bottle all 12 of you can share okay! Sheesh!” I grumbled and looked for Hana. It was almost her milk time. Lay came out from nowhere and pointed to a bedroom, when I asked if he’s seen Hana.

I recognized the room as Jongin’s and Sehun – gut feeling. Hana was lying on Jongin’s chest (WHY WAS HE BARE CHESTED ANYWAY HIS CHOCOLATE ABS WERE SHOWING I CAN’T BREATHE), falling asleep. Jongin was patting her head, humming slowly. I couldn’t pull my eyes away. My heart clenched again, loving the sight but hating it at the same time. Hana was getting too close to Jongin.

“Hey…” I said softly, Jongin sure wasn’t shy exposing his upper body.

“Have you eaten?” He replied, his hands not moving from Hana.

“No… Hana needs her milk now…”

“Go eat, I’ll take care of her…”

“Thanks Jongin…” I smiled and closed the door, knowing the rest would be rowdy as hell and I didn’t want her waking up so fast. “So, what’s cooking  oppa?” I asked Chanyeol as he stood by the stove stirring some red thingy.

“Cheese fried rice!”

“With chicken!” Chen added.

“And mushroom!” Kyungsoo continued.

“And ramen!” Baekhyun said.

“Hyemi, could you help set the table?” Suho asked as he handed over the cutleries. He really was like an omma. And Kris was appa.

“It’s okay Hyemi, you don’t have to sit with us… Bring this for Jongin as well” Lay said as he handed me a try full of Chanyeol’s dishes. I was shy, I usually avoided being with Jongin alone.

I nodded and took the tray anyway, heading to the room. I could hear the boys whispering and whistling and I turned glaring at them, warning not to make any assumptions. Suho cleared his throat and smacked Baekhyun who was nearest to him to shut up.

“Jongin? You asleep?” I asked softly upon entering the room.

“Was waiting for food… Haha. Hana’s fast asleep already…”

“Here... Take this. I’ll carry Hana”

“You’ll get tired just standing Hyemi. Just lie down with her…” Jongin said as he took the first bite.

It was tempting to lie on the bed and pretend all this was true, maybe just for today I’ll play along. I was tired anyway. I gently laid beside Hana and watched her sleep, it was peaceful. How nice was it to not have any worry in the world, cry a little and some attention would be given to you. Jongin’s bed was comfy, I was seriously going to doze off anytime.


“Hmmm?” My eyes were already halfway close by then and I honestly couldn’t hear what else he was saying. All I felt was his lips on my forehead and I drifted to sleep soundly, having dreams one day I would have my own happy family.

Hana was fidgeting non-stop and it stirred me awake, guess someone needs her milk now. Did Hana crawl onto me or something? I opened my eyes a little and saw Hana was closely nuzzled at Jongin’s neck. His arm was sprawled across us, landing on my waist. I’m going to be in big trouble. I started to remove his arm but he weighed it down even more.

“Just for today Hyemi….” He whispered.

“It’s going to hurt us Jongin…”

“No it won’t… I promise I won’t hurt you… I’m not Ravi… I lo – “

“Don’t… I don’t want to hear it…”

Jongin sighed and honestly it broke my heart a little. I reached out to touch his face and looked at how comfortable Hana was with him. This was a ticking time bomb. I cannot let this happen again. What is up with me and idols?!

@luexolu posted:
*selca with Hana and EXO*
Having our own Hello Baby show in the dorm!

“OPPA! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!” Hyemi screeched when Sehun showed her the photo. 20,153 likes so what. That’s my daughter!

“Aw come on Hyemi. Nobody would know. We’ll just say…. Well… Erm…” Luhan looked nervously at me.

“Relax Hyemi. Not everyone is like Ravi…” Kris said gently.

“This. Is. Not. About. Ravi”

“Mama…?” Hana held onto my hand, and I felt my anger subside a little. Maybe I was overreacting.

“Come here Hana” Chen carried her and brought her to his room, Baekhyun and Xiumin following  closely behind. I needed to go crazy but not in front of my daughter.

“What’s bothering you?” Kyungsoo asked with his big round eyes.

“I’m just scared okay?! I don’t want Hana getting hurt because she’s receiving attention from you guys that your fans want”

“She won’t. We promise…” Tao held up his pinky finger to me.

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Chapter 14: This was so bittersweet omg, but I love it nonetheless. The interactions with the baby were priceless and it makes me want to have a kid of my own ahas
Chapter 14: Wow, that was really good!!!