Chp 2


It was a Saturday evening and I had no classes and I was bored to death. Mom and dad were out to Busan for a short trip so it was just Hana and me for the weekend. Lyra was out with Joon and I had no idea where to bring Hana to. Like mother like daughter, we couldn’t sit still at home. She was throwing tantrums and I was seriously getting annoyed.

“MAMA OUTTT!” Hana screamed as loud as she could, pointing outside.

“Out where baby….” I sighed, feeling helpless. Why can’t husbands just drop down from the sky?

“Park… Mama go park…” She stood up and held my hand with her chubby fingers, trying to pull me up.

“Okay… Let’s get you ready then…”

Once we were dressed I contemplated on bringing her stroller or not. If I brought it out, it would be a hassle to take the public transport. Okay forget it – I’ll just bring it and take the cabs, I was lazy anyway to walk to the subway. Plus Hana could be super cranky at times, you never know.

I brought her to a park probably about 30 minutes from home and she got excited as soon we stepped down. There weren’t much people in sight and I wondered where people go during weekends. We walked a fair bit till we were at the end, settling under a gazebo.

Hana took out her toys and play doh (ew) and started dirtying her chubby fingers. I looked on and daydreamed, feeling somewhat blissful.

“Fancy seeing you here…” A male voice said and I turned abruptly – maknaes of EXO were on their bikes.

“Omo! Hi… Sorry, I was spacing out…” I said quickly.

“It’s okay… Hi Hana!” Sehun said brightly and sat next to her. She remembered him and flung herself onto him. Playgirl Hana, haha.

“You guys have no schedule today?” I asked awkwardly.

“We’re free for today, thank god…” Kai muttered as he flashed a smile to Hana.

“So, Hyemi sshi right? You’re… Erm… Noona?” Tao looked nervous when he asked and I panicked a little, would they judge me if they knew my age?

“Erm… No… I’m born in 1994…”

“Hey we’re the same age!” Sehun said happily pointing to Kai & himself. “No honorifics okay?” He looked at me.

“O… okay… Sure…”


“Yes baby what is it…”

Hana walked wobbly over to me and seemed to be looking for something – my phone. She grabbed it and handed it over to Kai, placing her head next to his and holding up the phone. Oh my gosh, I taught her how to selca – was she asking Kai to do the same?!

“Selca?” Kai asked and laughed along with Tao and Sehun.

“Se… ca…” Hana repeated after him and did the gesture again.

“Yahhh she’s so smart isn’t she!” Tao commented.

“Must be from her mom huh?” Kai said and looked at me – I swear his eyes could kill. I knew how well he danced on stage, he could people in.

“Hana smile… 1… 2… 3…!” Sehun said as all four heads pressed together.

I watched them play with Hana and felt happy even if this was only for a while. I was comfortable being with the three of them even though they were idols. They were my age and most definitely humans. They were rough with each other but gentle with Hana, I think she liked them a lot as well.

“So Hyemi, are you working…?” Tao asked.

“Ne… I teach at dance school….”

“Jinjja?!” All three exclaimed. Hana followed suit and made a surprise expression on her face.

“Yes… Oh! Hold on, it’s my mom – Yobseyo? Ne omma. No, I’m outside with Hana… And a few friends. WHAT. NO. They’re busy, they can’t come over.  NO I AM NOT DATING. Don’t talk to me bye”

The three guys looked at me weirdly and I smiled sheepishly. Mom always knew how to embarrass me.

“I… Erm… My mom – “

“She invited us over?” Kai finished my sentence.

“Y.. Yeah maybe next time… Let’s go Hana. Halmoni is looking for you…”

I packed her things and felt slightly pleased when Kai helped as well while the other two kept an eye on Hana. I suddenly had a vision of what it was like if baby daddy stayed around, maybe things wouldn’t be so hard. I had my parents’ help but sometimes I needed a husband, Hana needed a father.

“You okay?” Kai whispered when he saw my expression changing.

“Huh? Oh. Yeah… I am…”

“Where’s Hana’s father….” I was shocked at how fast he caught on and it put me off guard. Nobody has ever asked before.

“He… Erm... I – “

“Mama!” Hana’s voice startled me and I stuffed the remaining things into the bag and walked towards her, ignoring Kai’s question.

“We got a cab for you!” Sehun said happily as Hana played with his cheeks.

“Hana… Don’t do that... Thanks guys”

I saw Kai looking at us and I looked away, unable to meet his eye. He was getting a little too close for comfort.

“Bye… Tao… Hun… Kai…” Hana waved her chubby hands to the boys.

“Bye Hana! See you around!”

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Chapter 14: This was so bittersweet omg, but I love it nonetheless. The interactions with the baby were priceless and it makes me want to have a kid of my own ahas
Chapter 14: Wow, that was really good!!!