
I'm falling in love..with a star?!?!
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"I hate you, but I've missed you."

Again MISSED that past tense. Why would he say that.. For what reason? Why would he miss me. 

Dumbfounded, I sat there for a while. However, the more I thought about it, the more it became confusing. First, he says "...not the new you" , then "I've missed you." I couldn't bear it any longer. I walked up to him, demanding an answer.

"Bobby. I don't care if you hate me, but I need to ask you this. Do you know me? How? Why do you keep saying those things? You keep acting like you've known me for forever, but I know for I fact that I haven't seen you before."

He stared for while, finally responding "Haven't seen me before? Is that the best you can come up with? It's been two years. Two years since it happened. Stop acting.You can't forget fifteen years of being together. Yenna. Do you know how long I've waited? After you left me. Without a word. Without a call.. Without a goodbye... Do you know how devastated I was?" 

"I.. I'm sorry.. " 

His hard, cold eyes gave in a little, "Sorry isn't going to fix .."

I cut him off "But I honestly don't know what you're saying.. I think you have the wrong person." I didn't know what to say. I felt bad for him, but I really didn't know what he was talking about. I walked away, I could feel everyone staring at me, so I slowly picked up my pace, however, just as I exited the door, I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. 

"Yenna.. I know you remember. I'

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sunghajunglovers #1
Chapter 20: yeayy !! updated ! stay updated .. ;)
Chapter 20: good story ;))
sunghajunglovers #3
Chapter 19: Where's the update?? I've been waiting for months for your update . T.T
catdust #4
ive read ur foreword so im goin to subscribe
DarkSideHasCookies #5
Chapter 18: Omg.... I... Seriously..... He came back and he didn't even love her?? Oh meh gerd. Please update I wonder what will happen now. :3
Luhan18 #6
Chapter 2: Hey author..
Are u from ia??
DarkSideHasCookies #7
Chapter 15: Update pleeaasassee -ㅁ- pleeeaaassee
Mashimaru #8
Chapter 15: huhuhuhu TT.TT poor bobby TT.TT
Mashimaru #9
Chapter 14: please update >.< love your fanfiction :D