December 12, 2015.

I'm falling in love..with a star?!?!
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Life did go on. Here I am, 2015, December 12. A year has past, and I'm fine. I'm FINE. I'm fine.. Yet, why am I here, in the same place. The bench, our bench, waiting again?.. 

It's my freshman year in college. It's been almost a year since he's debuted. Life went on. Two different paths, him, as successful as I thought he would be and me, as plain as I thought I would be. He has millions of fans, millions, including me.. I don't know why.. Since those days, phone calls went extinct, messages as well. Only Hanbin messaged me a few times to see how I was doing. I understand. They're shining idols, and I'm a lower class citizen. We can't be seen together, and we weren't meant to be together.

One day, I recieved a message from a blocked number. 

"Come out to the park at midnight." It said.

"Who is this? And why the park? Why at midnight?.. "I asked

No replies were send. I don't understand why anyone would want to meet me.. What if this is a prank.. 

Oh. Wait.. Oh my gosh. What if this is Bobby!! What if he remembered this day! What if he's coming to see me! To surprise me! I hoped.

I dressed myself up, and waited. Just like a year ago. I waited, and waited, then I thought. What if.. What if this isn't true..? What if it's not Bobby. What if.. What if.. But what if I dont go? The answer was simple. If I didn't go, I would regret , and hate myself for the rest of my days. I had to go. Even if my heart was going to get crushed once more. I have to risk it. 

The clock midnight, and I was waiting once more. Alone and cold. Just like that night. Again, I thought to myself. I'

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sunghajunglovers #1
Chapter 20: yeayy !! updated ! stay updated .. ;)
Chapter 20: good story ;))
sunghajunglovers #3
Chapter 19: Where's the update?? I've been waiting for months for your update . T.T
catdust #4
ive read ur foreword so im goin to subscribe
DarkSideHasCookies #5
Chapter 18: Omg.... I... Seriously..... He came back and he didn't even love her?? Oh meh gerd. Please update I wonder what will happen now. :3
Luhan18 #6
Chapter 2: Hey author..
Are u from ia??
DarkSideHasCookies #7
Chapter 15: Update pleeaasassee -ㅁ- pleeeaaassee
Mashimaru #8
Chapter 15: huhuhuhu TT.TT poor bobby TT.TT
Mashimaru #9
Chapter 14: please update >.< love your fanfiction :D