She loves me.. She loves me not.. She loves me.. Not.

I'm falling in love..with a star?!?!
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Okay.. So.. Um.. Ya.. 


He won. Omg. He won. Like first place. Like THE WINNER of all of SMTM. 

I knew he could do it!! I'm sososososososo proud of him.. Like.. Oh my..

Thing is.. He still won't talk to me. I called him.. Twice.. to congratulate him but he wouldn't pick up.. I left a message but it's been hours, and he won't reply. I understand. I hurt him. I hurt him.. My best friend.. The one person I truly truly cared about.. He's gone now.. Out of my life, and it's all my fault. 

Whenever I go to see the boys, I'll get rejected, saying that "they're too busy" or that "they're too tired". So basically everyone's turned their backs on me. This is the first time. The first time when I've felt lonely.. When we first moved here, and I first went to school. When I got bullied, and outcasted. I've never really felt.. Lonely.  Cause I didn't care about what they thought. I had myself, like it's always been.. But now. It's different. Once they came into my life, I've been leaning more and more on them. Whenever I was bored, I would call them and they would come. Whenever I was sad, they would make me feel better.. But that's not the case now. I have no one to lean on it seems. I have no one..


*no one's perspective *


"Hey Bobby hyung! Where were you?? We have to start practice!!" Yunhyung yelled.

"Oh.. Sorry, I  don't think I can practice today. I

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sunghajunglovers #1
Chapter 20: yeayy !! updated ! stay updated .. ;)
Chapter 20: good story ;))
sunghajunglovers #3
Chapter 19: Where's the update?? I've been waiting for months for your update . T.T
catdust #4
ive read ur foreword so im goin to subscribe
DarkSideHasCookies #5
Chapter 18: Omg.... I... Seriously..... He came back and he didn't even love her?? Oh meh gerd. Please update I wonder what will happen now. :3
Luhan18 #6
Chapter 2: Hey author..
Are u from ia??
DarkSideHasCookies #7
Chapter 15: Update pleeaasassee -ㅁ- pleeeaaassee
Mashimaru #8
Chapter 15: huhuhuhu TT.TT poor bobby TT.TT
Mashimaru #9
Chapter 14: please update >.< love your fanfiction :D