Have we met before..?

I'm falling in love..with a star?!?!
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So I guess they're close.. I don't know why I'm paying so much attention.. They've been sitting together, walking together, talking together.. Why is that a problem? They can be close. They can be dating for all I care! Ugh! I don't know why I even care. He just bothers me. 

So just last week week, he came over to the shop. Well not only him, the boys, but anyways. They came over and we had a interesting talk.


Two weeks before

The boys came over to the shop, and I just had to ask him a question. It was bothering me for the whole day. "Hey Bobby.. Why were you following me..? I mean why are you riding on my bus and attending my class and... How do you know that bit** I mean Hyomin..And ... "

I was cut short by the boys' laughter. Junhyeong chuckled saying "Hahahahahaaa you thought he was following you? He's attending your school because he was told to by our CEO. He didn't really have a choice!! And he's in your class because he was assigned that class. "

Bobby, as usual was the only one not laughing "I take that bus because our dorm is in that area. And Hyomin is not. A. Bit**. At least better than the likes of you." 

The laughter came to a halt, and the mood suddenly turned cold. I stared deep into his eyes"You. Don't. Know. Me." 

And then he said it. The very words I'm thinking about today: "I don't, at least not the new you."


What's that supposed too mean? The

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sunghajunglovers #1
Chapter 20: yeayy !! updated ! stay updated .. ;)
Chapter 20: good story ;))
sunghajunglovers #3
Chapter 19: Where's the update?? I've been waiting for months for your update . T.T
catdust #4
ive read ur foreword so im goin to subscribe
DarkSideHasCookies #5
Chapter 18: Omg.... I... Seriously..... He came back and he didn't even love her?? Oh meh gerd. Please update I wonder what will happen now. :3
Luhan18 #6
Chapter 2: Hey author..
Are u from ia??
DarkSideHasCookies #7
Chapter 15: Update pleeaasassee -ㅁ- pleeeaaassee
Mashimaru #8
Chapter 15: huhuhuhu TT.TT poor bobby TT.TT
Mashimaru #9
Chapter 14: please update >.< love your fanfiction :D