The truth

I'm falling in love..with a star?!?!
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"Hanbin.." Bobby whispered.

"No Bobby. I know what you're thinking. Stop. Don't you dare doubt him-.." I said

"Do you think doubting him is easy for me?!?! He's my friend too.. Hanbin would never.. I know.. But, what if.." He paused, "what if.." 

"NO. I don't care what you think. He would never. You may have had the time of your life without me.. but.. but.. " I started.

"The time of my life. Ha, sure. You always only think about yourself huh.." He whispered.

Cutting him off I yelled, "do you know how hard its been.. Do you know how lonely its been.. And in the midst of everything, he was there for me.. When no one else was.. Not even you. The one person I actually trusted. So don't even try to blame this on him."

"Don't you think it's a little weird? He went to see you. He went to comfort you. Have you ever thought about why no one else did? Why everyone else stopped?" He asked

"No. I already know. I just became a second priority-" 

"No.. Do you not understand? Its because of him. The one you've been leaning on all this time. The one person you've been trusting. Hanbin.." 

"STOP," I yelled, " I said stop saying his name. Stop trying to blame this on him. He's done nothing wrong."

"No yenna. He has. Who do think is telling everyone to stay away. Who do you think is telling everyone to stop. He has Yenna. I don't care if you hate me, and think everything from my mouth is lies, but this is the tr

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sunghajunglovers #1
Chapter 20: yeayy !! updated ! stay updated .. ;)
Chapter 20: good story ;))
sunghajunglovers #3
Chapter 19: Where's the update?? I've been waiting for months for your update . T.T
catdust #4
ive read ur foreword so im goin to subscribe
DarkSideHasCookies #5
Chapter 18: Omg.... I... Seriously..... He came back and he didn't even love her?? Oh meh gerd. Please update I wonder what will happen now. :3
Luhan18 #6
Chapter 2: Hey author..
Are u from ia??
DarkSideHasCookies #7
Chapter 15: Update pleeaasassee -ㅁ- pleeeaaassee
Mashimaru #8
Chapter 15: huhuhuhu TT.TT poor bobby TT.TT
Mashimaru #9
Chapter 14: please update >.< love your fanfiction :D