
The Contradicting Side of Luhan
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: : The Contradicting Side of Luhan : :


Luhan was amazed and fascinated by the streets of Korea as the driver could see from behind that Luhan's jaw drop.

"Aren't you a Korean?" the driver asked looking at Luhan through the vanity mirror.

"Anni, but I know how to speak Korean because my twin sister taught me when I was in China" Luhan explained and nodded as the driver nodded along and went back driving.

Hours past as the driver finally stopped.

"We're here at your destination mam" the driver said.

Luhan paid the driver and went out. He looked up at this tall, wide building, preferably a school where Lurin is studying at. Ewha Womans University was the name of the school.

'Here goes nothing Luhan' he thought before holding the strap of his bag tightly slowly marched inside the school.

He would drop his jaw as if it's his first seeing a school that big. He gotta admit, although the previous school he studied was big, this one is bigger. He noticed that the girls are looking at him weirdly.

'Oh yeah right! Act as Lurin Luhan! Act as your twin sister!' Luhan thought and slapped himself mentally.

While looking at the room number, he would see girls walking around the campus. He was blinking seeing pretty girls around him.

'If my friends know about me studying in here, they would be envious and jealous because I can see pretty girls in here' he thought chuckling cutely.

He stopped as a group of girls walked in front of him showing a fierce, beautiful faces as he could see that the other girls beside him was aweing at them. He remembered his life in school where his fangirls would give him gifts everyday. He shook his head snapping out when he found Lurin's room.

'Finally' he sighed in relief before unlocking the door using the key that Lurin gave it to him.

He blinked got fascinated once again seeing that it was big.

'Wow! Eventhough this room is smaller than my room, it feels comfortable to live here' he thought closing the door and was about to jump to Lurin's bed when he was facing at the two beds in front of him.

He keep switching looks trying to identify his sister's bed. He smiled widely as he finally found Lurin's bed and jumped right it. He was jumping to her bed like a kid until his energy drained out. He decide to open the television and perhaps his smile faded and changed into a deadpan seeing himself at the news.

'Aish! Do they really need to broadcast about me missing?' he thought and facepalmed.

The door flew open making him flinched and jumped to the bed seeing a girl who has this poker face while closing the door.

"Yah Lurin! What the heck are you doing there?" the girl hissed pointing at Luhan as he was blinking in confusion.

"Laying at my bed. Wae?" Luhan answered innocently with his girl tone.

"At your bed?! Are you insane?! That's my bed ! Get out of my bed right now!" the girl hissed as she marched to his direction and grabbed his arms tightly remaining at her spot for a second before pulling him hard on the ground.

Luhan winced in pain rubbing his arms.

"Yah! Why do you need to do that?" Luhan hissed standing up.

"... And why do you need to lay at my bed huh? You have your own bed right there" the girl said pointing at the other bed. "And why do you have the guts to get angry at me huh? I should be the one whose angry right now! You even mess my bed!" the girl hissed and rolled her eyes.

"Mianhe, okay?" Luhan said looking away.

Luhan blinked when he was about to switch the channel when the remote isn't on his side. He looked beside him and saw the girl holding the remote and changed the channel. Wait wait wait! Why am I even saying a girl? It's Byun Beanim anyways!

Luhan's mind starts to flash the past with Lurin while they're at the airport.

"And besides, that's the phone that Beanim usually sees" Lurin blurted and nodded.

"Wait! Who is Beanim?" Luhan asked and tilted his head.

"She's my roomate! I'm very close to her" Lurin said and smiled widely.

'So, she's the Beanim girl?' he thought looking at her from head to toe examining her before raising a brow. 'She looks ordinary' he thought and tilted his head.

"Yah! Will you stop looking at me like you still don't know me! You look dumb when you're acting like you've met me for the first time!" Beanim blurted as Luhan snapped out and saw her look towards him.

"Yah! Why did you change the channel? I'm watching the news--" Luhan was cut off.

"Do you have an amnesia or something huh?" Beanim asked and

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Chapter 70: second time reading this ahhshshsjs and still think this fanfic is cute kyahhh thanks author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿)
Alluviamore #2
Chapter 14: I just squeal when suho find out lurin is luhan! What the luhannnn!!
yme_xiu #3
Chapter 20: I think that I gonna change my bias...ermm I luv seulgi now
yme_xiu #4
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Wendy and joy
Chapter 70: omg I love ur story!! ♡♡ and all of ur gifs are so cute!! ahahaaha (ಥ_ಥ)
hello_olleh10 #6
Re-reading! Woot woot :D
hello_olleh10 #7
Chapter 69: Ooohh ooh >~<
YukiZeref #8
Chapter 70: Love this story a lot! It's really great author-nim! One of the best stories I've ever read! ⌒.⌒