I love you, Bambam, really...

Should I confess to you?

                                 Mark sat above his bed, rubbing his cheek that was slapped by Bambam last night. Mark is still feeling with full regrets for what he had done. He just wanted to be protective, trying to show his real personality. Then, he heard his phone rang. A message was sent by Bambam, He actually felt light up but then the message says... 

To: Mark_Tuan

Sir, this is Bambam, I'm here to tell you that I would be no longer working there as a servant so I hope you would understand me if you need any information on why I decided to resigned, please call this number, XXXX XXXX ( Jackson) I hope that you would not disturb me anymore. Sent my regards to the family too. Thank you so much for your hard work for taking care of me. Master/ Sir Mark Tuan Yi En.

Sincerely, Bambam (Kunpimook Bhuwakul)

From: Bambamcutie:)

                                Mark felt his heart had brokened into pieces like the world had ended for him. Tears fade from his eyes. He sobs loudly on his knees. Mark decided to go to downtown to search for Bambam and apologised sincerely. He got out of the house with his motorbike. Mark tried to look for Bambam using the GPS Navigation System but it could not detect it, it might be because Bambam had switched off his phone. Mark then got an idea to go to Bambam's apartment, He quickly rode his motorbike there. 

[Mean while, Bambam..]

                                        Bambam could feel his tears fading down his cheeks, he wiped it a few times but it still fades. Then, he felt someone tapped his shoulder. Bambam turned around and saw JB, Mark's best friend. "Why are you here, Bambam? I thought you're supposed to be at work, Aren't you?" asked JB to Bambam while looking concerned. Bambam shook his head. "I have resigned, Sir," JB got startled by Bambam's answer, he decided to sit in front of Bambam while wanting to know what had happened. Bambam did not even expected that JB could be in the Gangnam street at this hour, 10:30am. Somemore, in a Cafe. JB is working as a boss of an agency music that's supervised by his father. Wouldn't he be busy at this time? At work of course. Bambam told JB everything. JB sighed after hearing everything from Bambam, He had the feeling of punching the damn idiot Mark even though Mark is his best friend. JB suddenly took Bambam's hand and lead Bambam out of the Cafe to somewhere else. While the both of them were rushing,they did not even realised that Junior's there with shopping bags. Junior actually had saw them from far and waved but there was no wave back from JB and Bambam. Junior got more closer by standing right beside them before they came more closer walking past by him, Junior smiled to JB but instead he got ignored. Is it maybe because he can't see Junior because there were a lot of people or maybe JB perhaps ignored him. Junior felt hurt and abandoned by JB. Junior thought to himself, JB, Why are you with him instead of me? Don't you notice me standing here looking at you like a Fool?...

                                          Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Mark have been standing in front of Bambam's Apartment for a few minutes, ringing the doorbell  but no one came out and opened the door. Then, Mark saw a silihoute of someone opening the door. It was not Bambam, it was someone else. A blonde-yellowish hair guy with only a thin sweater and black long pants opened the door. "I'm sorry, who are you? My name is Mark, I came here to see Bambam, Is he around?" The guy laughed at Mark. "Ah, You are the Mark that Bambam has been speaking about but I'm sorry Bambam is not around, he had came out early today, Why?" Mark nodded his head slightly showing that he understood the guy and was about to leave when he heard, "Wait, Can I speak with you?" Mark turned around and saw another guy wearing a snapback asking him to come in to have a talk with him. Mark agreed. Well, He also needs to know why the reason Bambam resigned and maybe this could be the guy with name of Jackson. Mark walked into the apartment and looked around it. It was smalll, a little spacious. He sat at one of the sofas in the Living room. "If you want to know why Bambam resigned, you can asked me, I'm Jackson anyways." Jackson let out his hand and decided to shake hands with Mark, Mark shook his hand with Jackson. His prediction was right. "Yes, I would want to know why he  decided to resigned. Can you perhaps tell me the reason why?" Jackson smiled widely to Mark and started explaining. Mark listened to his explaination clearly. Bambam had resigned because he had started hated Mark and actually had the feeling of guiltyness because he had slapped Mark last night as Jackson told everything, the yellowish-blonde guy intruded into the dialogue, "My name is Youngjae, I'm Jackson's Boyfriend anyways Bambam had told me that he had this feeling of crushing on you but after days passed by, he realised that his feelings towards you may have fade away.. All this time, Bambam had fallen in love with you," explained Youngjae neatly to Mark. Mark got slightly shocked. Bambam liked him? Loves him? But why doesn't Bambam show it to Mark? Jackson adviced Mark how to persuade Bambam to be back with him. Mark got all of his advices in his pocket and heads to where would Bambam be, he was told that Bambam would always be at Hangang Park to release his stress. Mark quickly leaves Jackson and Youngjae and headed off to Hangang Park.

                                  Bambam got startled why would JB bought him to the Hangang Park. "Bam, I know you well, you are always here sometimes to release your stress right and take a fresh air, don't you?" Bambam chuckled softly, he thought that JB actually does know he well rather than Mark.  Bambam breathe in fresh air deeply and exhale all the stress that's inside of his mind, It was quite relaxing. Without even realising that JB actually had his hand on his waist,  he tried to escape but there was no chance, JB is much stronger than him. "JB! Bambam! Yoo hoo!" Bambam got shocked by the shout, Junior had called them from far. Bambam at last get his chance to escape from JB's embrace. He stood up and bowed to Junior. Junior smiled to Bambam then to JB. JB smiled back too. Bambam had a sudden urge to the toilet feeling like his stomach has a problem, He excused himself and left the two besties have a conversation. Bambam ran to the toilet as he saw Mark walking right in front of him. Mark?  Bambam whispered softly to himself but surprisingly, Mark heard it. He turned around and saw Bambam. Mark  hugged Bambam tightly, making Bambam had difficulities to breathe. Bambam escapes away from Mark and ran into the toilet. Mark sighed. He knew that Bambam wants to use the toilet so he waited outside the toilet, sitting on a bench, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

                               Five minutes after using the washroom, Bambam went out and approached Mark, sitting away about 2 spaces away from Mark on the bench. "I told you not to disturb me didn't I?" asked Bambam, he felt irritated to Mark who's stubborn on getting him back.  *Smirks* "Yes, you did, but I got everything in hand after knowing everything Bam." Bambam gave Mark a confused look. "The Jackson you told me to contact with, I met him and we had a conversation at your apartment together with his boyfriend, Youngjae." Bambam gasped and was about to say something but got cut by Mark, "There's no need for you to hide from me anymore, Bambam, I know everything, seriously, almost, EVERYTHING," Bambam felt nervous suddenly, he knew that Mark knows the reason why he decided to resign from the job and perhaps, his crush on him, No, Totally, No way.  "Do you perhaps knew that I-" Before he could continue his question, he saw Mark nodding his head. Bambam smirks to himself. Wow... That's shocking to know.. "Bambam, do you hate me now? That until you decide to resigned because of me right? And those excuse about you feeling guilty are not right, Am I right?" asked Mark, eagerly wanting to know Bambam's answer. Bambam hesitated to answer. He keeps the situation down with silence while looking at Mark whose eagerly waiting for his answer. Unpatiently waiting for Bambam's answer, Mark came closer to Bambam and cupped Bambam's face with his face. He was warm. "Bambam, I...I...I-ju-just want you back with me and don't leave me alone," whispered Mark. Bambam stared into Mark's eyes, he could feel tears around Mark's eyes. Bambam pulled  himself and hugged Mark, he cried with Mark persuading him. Bambam cursed Mark and Mark just couldn't help to accept those words by just smiling. Mark thought to himself, "Bambam, I actually wanna tell you that I love you, Bambam, really.."

The chapter has been updated, sorry for the incovenience that I had made.. I apologised sincerely. 

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AnnaArmy2003 #1
Chapter 15: I am almost cry it's a very touched story. Great jon author-nim
catsKatty #2
Chapter 15: Omo i'm almos cry by reading it T^T what a beautiful ending... But I hope you can added markbam's child hehe XD I really enjoyed the story!! Good job author-nim!! ^0^
totallynotMyaSoriano #3
Chapter 15: You should at least make the baby there first in the markbam family then you end it!
totallynotMyaSoriano #4
Chapter 15: This really *sobs wonderful *sobs MARKBAM FOREVER
MarkBamBaby #5
Chapter 15: I really love this fic... The last chapter make me crying so hard... It's so touching... I hope myself can get happiness like this and also i wish my MarkBam also get happiness with each other in reality too...
MarkBamBaby #6
Chapter 8: I really love thos chapter OMG... My MarkBam how sweet you are? I think if make them dating in GOT7 and while fansign they have sweet moments together it'll be perfect and make me crazy because read all of this... I'm so embarrassed right now... Love you My MarkBam
TsunTsun #7
Chapter 15: Ps. I really love the story! *0* I hope you make more like this hahaha.

//Biggest fan *u*
TsunTsun #8
Chapter 15: Woah. This chapter is really weird..Bam bam having a child? Woah. Like wow I can't contain my feels like am I disgusted or happy

Andddddddd I'm not insulting or hating dis. Its just dat...its so werird

Dont hate me hahaha Its just dat I'm unique or mature for this hahahahah

How will the baby come out though? .-.
//I'm sorry i can't keep my mouth shout
//I'm not a english person so sorry for my english hahaha
jyp_stan11 #9
Chapter 15: Please continue, i want to know their child. I can imagine he/she will be very cute and adorable.. ^^
jyp_stan11 #10
Chapter 14: Woah. .finally you update this story. I really like this chapter. ^^ mark is so naughty *evil grin* and poor bamie