Marriage Announcement // I'm sorry.. Mark-hyung but...

Should I confess to you?

                        It has been half a month since Mark and Bambam officially started their relationship as a couple, Bambam's no longer a servant and would always come to the Tuan's house everyday, even if, he's busy, he would totally come over. Mark would always be happy when Bambam comes over cause if Bambam comes around the afternoon, Bambam got to stay till late night and maybe have some fun with him but more fun is ; whenever it's Saturday! Bambam could totally have the chance to return the next morning and guess what, He would totally have his body sore and numb the next day. Well.. L.O.V.E, definitely. Everyday has been fine but not today.. 

    (BAMBAM POV)      

                       I slowly open the curtain out large and earn a whining Mark Tuan whose still in bed under the blanket, sleeping. “My boyfriend, please wake up! Please!” I whispered.  I crawled above Mark as I pulled away the blanket away from him. Mark gave me a small smile and whined, “Can I have another 5 minutes?” he asked. I pinched him hard on both of his cheeks and said, “No... Wake up! Your parents wanna meet you downstairs like right now! Let's go!” I let him go and ran out of Mark's room as quickly as I can so that I would get punished for doing that to my boyfriend whose four years older than me. 

     (Mark's POV)

                        I groaned. I slowly pull away the blanket which is above my legs and walked out of my room with only my pajamas on. I rubbed my eyes as I walk down the stairs, down to my surprise, I saw Junior seated in the living room with JB and Bambam with my whole family, they were all laughing while chatting to each other.  Junior had discharge from the hospital the last week and had just be in a recent official relationship with JB, well, that is what I heard from my cutie, Bambam. My father saw me in my pajamas clothes and teased me in front of everyone making me embarassed, Joey also teased Bambam as well, “Ohh, those red marks are getting more red this time though!” Everyone laughed out again, I ran to him and smack him hard on his shoulders while he whined in pain. My mother told me to stop beating him and I stopped but I had my arms folded while glaring at Joey whose sitted beside me. Bambam had his face flushed red. I did noticed that. “This is good! Everyone is here! I have an announcement to say though..” said my father in a happy tone. JB asked him what was it and he replied, “ Well, uh, The Tuan family has decided to have this occasion and everyone agreed so anyways one of them needs protection while one of them needs much love.. so.. I hope this might work well.. Uhh... Mark Tuan Yi En and Kunpimook Bhuwakul are getting married!” announced my father to everyone.Everyone were all shouting like crazy and I was smiling like a fool too. I was happy to know that. At last, the person I'm in love with, I gotta be with him for life. Meanwhile I'm happy here, Bambam caught my attention, He was smiling all along to everyone whose around him whose making the atmosphere happy. I knew he had something in his mind right now. I decided to bring him somewhere else as I walk to him and whispered to him, asking him to follow me. Everyone was having fun and did not even realised that we had left the scene.

                               I bought Bambam to the house's rooftop and sat down on the benches prepared. Bambam had a space between me and him. We were sitting one space away. Bambam was fiddling with his fingers when I spoke, “Is there.. something wrong?” 

Bambam: *sighed* “Well, It has been about a half of the month we have been dating and I told my parents about it, they were okay with it, all of my family members were okay with it.. But I'm the one.. whose..

Me: “ Whose?”

Bambam: “ Whose..”

Me: “ Worried? Bambam, you know me already right? When I love someone, I'll give that person my whole attention to him/her. right? Don't worry. I will always be there for you when you're down or not.. It's my responsibility since you're mine right? 

Bambam: “ I know that you love and you know that I love you but I just need some time to think.. Like, you know, I'm still a high-schooler and I have my future plans ahead. This is just too sudden. I hope you could understand what I'm saying and I'm sorry but Mark-hyung.. I'm rejecting this offer. Maybe give me sometime, I beg you, please..”

                              I got startled with Bambam's words. Bambam was about to leave the scene when I hold on his wrisk, he gave me a small smile and lets go of my hand off his wrisk and walks off. I cried my heart out, My tears were falling down non-stop. I was really surprised. I was really stunt. I didn't know what to do. 

Even though you can’t hear it.

I love you so, please look at me

I love you so, please come to me

Please come one step closer, I will wait for you.

I’m sorry because I only know you

I’m nothing without you.


                 I ran out off out of the house, I ignored Joey whose calling my name when I ran past by the living room.I just wanted to ran away! I was so stupid! Stupid me! Why did I did that! Why did you leave your love! Stupid! You love him don't you! Why am I like this? Seriously.. Why did I said that? What if Mark hates me after this? What is gonna happen after this? But Mark hyung, I will always love you, I just need some time that's all.. To think if I'm good enough to be your real love for the rest of your life or not..

Yes.. What is gonna happen after this? How did you think? Yes, Bambam, you was stupid to have reject the offer. BTW, sorry for the late update. Well, you know, I'm back for school and I'll be returning late for home so.. I'll be busy. But, not to worry, if I have the time, I will totally update the fanfic! Hope you had fun reading! :) -XOXO 




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AnnaArmy2003 #1
Chapter 15: I am almost cry it's a very touched story. Great jon author-nim
catsKatty #2
Chapter 15: Omo i'm almos cry by reading it T^T what a beautiful ending... But I hope you can added markbam's child hehe XD I really enjoyed the story!! Good job author-nim!! ^0^
totallynotMyaSoriano #3
Chapter 15: You should at least make the baby there first in the markbam family then you end it!
totallynotMyaSoriano #4
Chapter 15: This really *sobs wonderful *sobs MARKBAM FOREVER
MarkBamBaby #5
Chapter 15: I really love this fic... The last chapter make me crying so hard... It's so touching... I hope myself can get happiness like this and also i wish my MarkBam also get happiness with each other in reality too...
MarkBamBaby #6
Chapter 8: I really love thos chapter OMG... My MarkBam how sweet you are? I think if make them dating in GOT7 and while fansign they have sweet moments together it'll be perfect and make me crazy because read all of this... I'm so embarrassed right now... Love you My MarkBam
TsunTsun #7
Chapter 15: Ps. I really love the story! *0* I hope you make more like this hahaha.

//Biggest fan *u*
TsunTsun #8
Chapter 15: Woah. This chapter is really weird..Bam bam having a child? Woah. Like wow I can't contain my feels like am I disgusted or happy

Andddddddd I'm not insulting or hating dis. Its just dat...its so werird

Dont hate me hahaha Its just dat I'm unique or mature for this hahahahah

How will the baby come out though? .-.
//I'm sorry i can't keep my mouth shout
//I'm not a english person so sorry for my english hahaha
jyp_stan11 #9
Chapter 15: Please continue, i want to know their child. I can imagine he/she will be very cute and adorable.. ^^
jyp_stan11 #10
Chapter 14: Woah. .finally you update this story. I really like this chapter. ^^ mark is so naughty *evil grin* and poor bamie