Of Rain and Barbeque


The long awaited day has finally come. 

It's time for us to have fun as a class and for Jimin to rejoice for the meat galore! For now it's only the shopping quartet here, Jimin, Jina, Hyerim and me.  Bags of meat and barbeque essentials are already neatly arranged on the tabletop thingy near the grill. All we have to do now is wait for the rest of the people to come. I especially hope that Taehyung, who is in charge of the photo-taking will come early so that he won't miss a lot of moments to capture. 

"It looks like it's gonna rain" Jina broke the silence with the statement. 

"Yeah, silly us we didn't check the weather forecast before deciding the day" Jimin continued. 

Well, I just hope the event will still go smoothly no matter what the weather is later. We could just move the time to someday else, but it's not good to keep those meat for too long. So yeah, let's just hope for the best weather. 

In around fifteen minutes, most people arrive in groups with Taehyung being one of the earliest to come. Good call, Taetae. Good call. 

We then starts to divide the work. Since 25 people is far more people than enough to handle the grilling, the girls are definitely relieved off the energy-consuming fire-fanning activity and Taehyung, well, he has to handle his awfully heavy camera (or is it only the lense?) because he knows his baby camera best. 

So, the guys are taking turns standing near the hot grill and fan as vigorously as we could to keep the fire alive. Jina sometimes help us too, being the sportiest girl in class and all. The rest of the girls are chit-chatting while eating bit by bit. Some are being angels to us by feeding us the labourers. It sounds all fun and game, but that's not the whole story. You see, while what I just said sounds very ideal, only some of the guys are doing this sacred job of keeping the grill going because the rest run off to the beach to play or just do their own things. Well, it's their lost because they are so missing the major portion of the meat and of course the sudden nice treatment from the girls

It suddenly starts drizzling when we still have around half of the meat to be cooked. We, the highly spirited barbeque warrior are not out of our wits and gather enough umbrella to cover the grill, just okay to at least keep the fire burning to fight for our meat to satisfy our hunger. From then on, the girls also divides the work into the umbrella team and the feeding team. Good gracious, we sound like we are preparing for a war. Lucky, the occasional snap sound  from Taehyung's camera shutter remind us that this is still a class outing. 

After a while, the drizzle turns into downpour. We decide to just evacuate all the precious meat to a shelter, and of course ourselves from going through further unnecessary toil. Hyerim in particular ends up trying to save all the uneaten cooked meat, without an umbrella since we don't have many with us. Then, she still tries to go outside to retrieve more things. 

"Hey, don't go outside anymore, you will get sick that way. Just let us the guys do the rescue" I quickly pat her back, and run into the rain.

As soon as I put down the bottles of drink, a baby blue handkerchief materializes in front of me. And the one holding it, Hyerim. 

"I don't want you to get sick too, class pres"  she said as she put the handkerchief on my head, signaling me to start drying my hair. While I'm at it, she suddenly shoves a chunk of meat to my mouth.

"I kept some for you, those guys were crazy about this. Thanks for the hard work, class pres!" she stated as she left to fuzz with Taehyung's camera. 

Maybe I was too preoccupied with the meat last weekend that I did not realize how much Hyerim has integrated into our class. She seems to be more at ease with everyone, less shy and actually happy. She greets almost everyone when she walks into the classroom.

"Good morning, Jin!" she greets me cheerfully. That's an extreme change, a good change.  I only replied her with a short 'hey'. 

"Here's your handkerchief by the way. Thanks a lot!" I passed back the baby blue material onto her desk. 

"Nononono, it's yours. It was the one I kept to wash." She then put it back on my table.

"But mine is just plain baby blue! This one has J embroidery on it" I insisted. She huffed a little sigh and explain that the embroidery is a token of appreciation for my so-called kindness (mind you, the problem was caused by me in the first place).

"Since you've gone over and beyond just washing this, let me treat you coffee. Deal?" I offer. I mean, normal people will just wash it and return it or worse just forget about the humble handkerchief altogether. She deserves an award for being so kind!

She seems to be in predicament because of this but after a few moment she beamed and said "Deal!". Maybe she just doesn't want to prolong our mini debate over the handkerchief. 

I don't know why she's so happy today, I don't know whether it's because something good happened at home or whether it's because she finally lets us in and brings down her wall. No matter what, it feels good to see her this happy. 

Author notes:

Hi!!! I'm finally back after so long. Huge exam happened and I just needed to prioritise my studies yo. I'll try to update more often and maybe even finish this fic in a month or two :) I hope you are looking forward to it too! Please do comment, constructive opinions are always welcome (especially because I'm a noob heheh) :)

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Chapter 9: Oh! I loved this chapter too! You did such a wonderful job in your character's personalities! Jin is such a sweetheart! I'm excited to see what will come next! And I'm totally rooting with Minseok... I SHIP IT!!!!!!! I can't get enough fluff! Thank you for this lovely chapter. I'm anticipate the next one! Fighting!
Chapter 8: Ah, you've done very nicely! Good job! If you can't see your own improvement, I sure can! This chapter was super engaging and fun for the reader to enjoy! You also used Jin's thoughts to your advantage. They helped the story progress! You've done very well! My next tip is to try and avoid the word "me" since that is first person point of view. Keep writing!
yehetballs #3
Chapter 7: Damn it, it's the end ;-;. I'm your reviewer by the way and you go me hooked *clap*
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i'm waiting for the next update author-shii!!
Chapter 6: This is such a lovely story.