Stupid Cupid


Love is in the air

“Hyerim-ah,” her head turns to the source of sound “I’m sorry I can’t tutor you today. The twins are in dire need of any form of help, they bickered too much to make a progress so I’m tutoring them today. Lend this awesome tutor of yours for a day, yeah? ” Jin continues, trying to lighten the situation. True enough, the ends of her lips twitch up and soon enough the girl erupts into full-blown fits of giggle.

“Yeah, sure! Good things must share, right?” she answers lightheartedly, allowing Jin to release the breath he doesn’t even know has been holding for a few seconds.

“Ah, thank goodness I have such an understanding friend like you. Anyone will be lucky to have you as his girlfriend” Hyerim’s cheeks pink hearing the harmless comment. Meanwhile Jin just realizes the gravity of his awkwardness-inducing word choices when he sees the blood rushing to the girl’s face. Not wanting to prolong the weird tension, Jin quickly takes out two notebooks from his bag.

“Anyways! I’ve prepared something for you to do while I’m away” he quickly gives the two to his tutee “ These are my geography and history summary book, I think we haven’t covered these two subjects that’s why I’m lending you this.” Jin continues to ramble on about how to fully utilize his treasured notebooks, he tells her to try copying everything while trying to understand each line before actually writing them down. “I promise it will help a lot!”

His generosity and kindness never cease to astound the girl, but lending his personal summary book (which obviously takes a lot of time and effort to put together) is above and beyond the kindness she has expected from the class president. “You’re making me feel like I’m a freeloader, you know?”

“Treat me to lunch after exam, then. Deal?” Jin offers his hand for a handshake signifying their agreement.


After their firm handshake, the guy took the time to ruffle the girl’s hair. Their interactions have to end right after, as Jin needs to sort out the tutoring sessions with the twins.


As Hyerim is walking out of the class, she makes a little turn to Jin’s direction and pats his back with the hopes of gaining his attention for a little while. As soon as he faces her, she quickly leans in and whispers, “ I think you’d make a good boyfriend too” with that she makes her way out while saying “See you tomorrow! I’ll return your books ASAP!”

Hell already breaks loose in the Park household even before the three get the chance to sit down around the study table. And among all things the twins need to argue about, they choose to quarrel about being the better student to Jin (when the tutoring session hasn’t even started).

“Can’t you act civil to each other for a few hours???? We haven’t started the session anyways, so prove to me both of you are good students, okay?” The little outburst from the usually composed Jin is enough to get the twins settled down, Jimin sitting on his right side while Jina on the left side. With this arrangement Jin can also appease the two because they can get equal attention.

Jin gives the fraternal twins the test he gave Hyerim on their first tutoring session. “I gave Hyerim 30 minutes to do this set of questions, so you’re gonna have the same amount of time. Good luck!”

For once, the Park twins actually do their work in silence though noticeably struggle from time to time. On the other hand, Jin is on his phone texting his tutee/deskmate about her studying progress. During the last five minutes, the two starts restlessly flipping the pages just to check whether they have missed any questions they can actually do. Seeing the jittery twins, the tutor decides to put down his phone and just start marking their work with his trusty red pen.

“Ah, as expected both of you have the same problem as Hyerim, calculus! Funny thing is that the questions Jimin got correct were done wrong by Jina and vice versa” Jin returns the papers to the respective owners, letting them to go through their marked paper. Jin makes the twins explain the questions to each other and only step in to explain when necessary.

“By the way, does any of you want sweets?” the tutor asks taking out a bunch of different colored candies.

“Woah, since when do you bring sweets around? I thought you’re not a fan of sweet stuffs?” Jimin asks as he grabs one for himself. Jin explains he brings those mainly for Hyerim because she often feels sleepy during class or the longer tutoring sessions.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!” Jina dramatically flails her arms and ends up slapping her own cheeks, probably in the effort to gather her thoughts “I smell something brewing between you and Hyerim. What’s with you and her whispering to each other earlier in school ?! And I don’t know how many times you’ve mentioned her name in this tutoring session alone, it’s one too many!”

“Yeah! I know right! You’re very chummy with her! Even Jungkookie notices, you know? Do you know what he calls her when he asked us about her? He called her “the girl who’s always with Jin hyung”” Jimin continues the rants of his twin, emphasizing each of his sentences with bigger-than-life movements, really one of the rare times you can actually realize Jimin and Jina are twins. “And! Every conversation we have with you will end up with you mentioning her, it’s been “Hyerim this, Hyerim that” lately.”

Jin finds himself dumbfounded because of the overwhelming bombardment of questions and supposedly facts/observations from the twins. “Urgh… what?”

“I saw you texting with her, just now too!” Jina states the last observation that she feels has sealed the case.

“You like her, don’t you?” and Jimin delivers the final blow to the poor flustered tutor.

As soon as Hyerim reaches home, she quickly greets her mom and goes up to her room to start studying. It’s an unusual sight, but the girl promised to return the books as soon as possible and promises are meant to be kept, not broken.

But keeping promises are so difficult especially when you are one who can be distracted so easily, just like Hyerim. The events unfolded after school replayed in her head. She believes that Jin saying her being a good girlfriend is a simple unintentional and harmless action, but of course she can’t help it when her heart beats faster and sends rush of redness to her cheeks. It feels like her brain has gone overdrive when she reciprocated the action to the male counterpart.

Thinking about it, Hyerim then realizes it’s been so long since she can get this comfortable with a guy friend. It’s been pretty long since she feels warm inside by the mere presence of a boy.

Speak of the angel devil, a Katalk message comes from him asking about her progress. With the fact that she hasn’t even opened the first page due to daydreaming, she changes the topic into his tutoring sessions with the twins, pronto. The chat comfortably goes on for around 20 minutes until it is time for Jin to start checking the twins’ work.

At peace (at last), she starts by choosing one of the two pink notebooks lent by yours truly. Feeling more pumped up than ever, she begins working with an immensely thankful heart for having someone like Jin around.


“You like her, don’t you?”


The twins never get to hear his answer to this crucial question because the interrogated lad is too shy and end up running home. 

The interrogation, however, is the exact little push that Jin needs to really consider his affection towards the girl who has been occupying his heart unknowingly.

His heart beats a tad bit faster every time they spend time together, and it beat like crazy when she whispered to say he’s gonna be a good boyfriend too. Hyerim is adorable (especially when she smiles or when her playful side appears), that’s a given. When he sees her, his protective side comes out because she’s simply that precious. When he’s with her, he’s completely at ease; almost like when he’s with his long time best friends. And she reaches that stage in such a short time too.  




“Argh, stupid cupid stop messing with my heart!!” 

A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. I promised a fast update but look at what happened OTL. I think I'm a great procrastinator and there are like a lot of good dramas that I need to watch TT I hope I can update another chapter within the week before school actually starts OTL 

Please bear with this author TT 

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Chapter 9: Oh! I loved this chapter too! You did such a wonderful job in your character's personalities! Jin is such a sweetheart! I'm excited to see what will come next! And I'm totally rooting with Minseok... I SHIP IT!!!!!!! I can't get enough fluff! Thank you for this lovely chapter. I'm anticipate the next one! Fighting!
Chapter 8: Ah, you've done very nicely! Good job! If you can't see your own improvement, I sure can! This chapter was super engaging and fun for the reader to enjoy! You also used Jin's thoughts to your advantage. They helped the story progress! You've done very well! My next tip is to try and avoid the word "me" since that is first person point of view. Keep writing!
yehetballs #3
Chapter 7: Damn it, it's the end ;-;. I'm your reviewer by the way and you go me hooked *clap*
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i'm waiting for the next update author-shii!!
Chapter 6: This is such a lovely story.