First Two Meetings



            A waft of familiar coffee fragrant enters my nostrils as soon as I step into my favourite coffee shop in the whole town. It is located just one block from my house and located on the streets on my way home. Besides that, this place is very peaceful, the atmosphere is also very homey. The owner’s family pictures are hung on the walls. Then there is this shelf of pretty plates, just like what my mom has at home. I like it in here, I really really feel at home here.  Not so many people come here, though. So it feels nice just sitting there after school to calm myself down after playing with my friends. So, yeah. That’s pretty much why I frequent this shop during school days.

            As usual, I go straight to the cashier. Well, it’s almost the first thing that you will see when you enter the shop. It’s right beside the cake display that never fails to get most people buying some cake for themselves. I admit that the cake in this shop is also AMAZING. For instance, the cookie crumble cheesecake here is simply the epitome of cheesecake. The cookie crumble gives a balance by giving the sweet element to the slightly salty cake, then the cake itself melts in your mouth. That reminds me to get the cake next week when I get my allowance!

            “Hyung, the usual please” I tell Minseok hyung, the son of the café owner, as I was pulling out 5000 won.

            “Alright, just go sit at your usual place. Now, shoo. I’ll make your favourite cappuccino.” he replies.

            I always sit at the chair by the window. It feels good just staring outside and see people doing their own stuffs. Sometimes I can see people riding their bicycles to god-knows-where, mother walking hand-in-hand with his little daughter, a pair of couples huddled together while walking, or really just anything. These things are nothing special, I admit. They are just some daily things that always happen since the beginning of time. Often times we take such things for granted because we think that such things are given. But, I think it’s quite fascinating how the exact same street can tell so many different stories everyday. I believe some people have fond memories while walking down that street, laughing together with their friends. Some walk with their head hung low because of some problems that they go through.

            “Jin, come here!” His shout disrupts my train of thoughts. “ Take your order and your change, I need to go inside for a while. Be a good boy while I’m gone, ‘kay?” That hyung, he always treats me like a little kid when I am a grown 17 year old boy. But hey, he’s kind and makes great coffee, so I am not complaining.

            The only sound in the shop is the creak of the wooden planks as I make my way to the highly anticipated cappuccino. I slightly skipped as I am walking towards the counter. Well, that’s simply because this is my energy booster for the rest of the day. His cappuccino is really the best! My smile gets even wider as I see the small note that he left beside the cup.


Why dont you try other types of coffee?

 It will always be nice for you as long as Im the one making it :p

Your favourite hyung


            The bell on the side of the door rings when I’m turning to take my cappuccino back to my seat. But someone bumps into me.  And worse, half the content of the cup spilled onto her yellow t-shirt. She gasps. I panicked inside. All this creates silence, a loud silence. Silence that is only broken by the ticking sound of the clock on the wall, it's as if the clock is waiting impatiently for our next response.

            I stand still for a while, not yet grasping the whole situation. “Oh my god. I’m so so sorry!”. I pull out my handkerchief to help her lessen the wetness on her clothing as soon as I’m out of the state of trance.

            “It’s alright… I guess… I’ll just go change my t-shirt at home.” with that, she turns on her heels and leaves the shop quietly. It seems that she forgot to return my handkerchief… So, I just stand there for a while, kinda stunned. Just watching her petite figure slowly retreat to the street. Ah, I need to buy a new handkerchief this weekend… Not only that, I can only get half of my daily dose of caffeine. I hope I can survive through the rest of the day… And to think that today is Friday, I won't get anymore cappuccino this week :(

            I quietly clean the little spillage on the floor, not wanting hyung to find out. Then savour the rest of my cappuccino, which is not a lot, really. I leave the shop when Minseok hyung shows himself again. I don’t have any intention telling him the little mishap earlier. I’m scared he will scold me, for taking away one potential customer. I’m sorry hyung ㅠㅠ

            I leisurely look around the narrow lane as I’m walking home. There’s a girl wearing a black t-shirt ahead, her long hair covering her face as she fiddles with her phone. I run towards her, seeing the impending misfortune.

            “Uhm, miss?” I say as I tap her shoulder. She instantly looks up to me, wide-eyed, “yes?”

            “You almost walk into this pole…”  I reply as I scratch my non-itchy nape.

            “Oh… thanks.” She then walks again, this time her eyes on the street, phone in the jeans’ pocket.

            After I think about it, she looks like the girl from the coffee shop earlier. Should I ask her about my handkerchief? Aish, I’ll just buy a new one tomorrow. Handkerchief can’t be that expensive anyways or… actually I can just ask my mom for a new one! (OMG, I’m so smart)

Around 5 seconds later, I feel a tug on my uniform sleeve.

            “Uhm… you… you’re the guy from the coffee shop, right?” she asks, and I just nod to reply.

            “I’ll wash your handkerchief and… and return it to you” she then hurriedly runs to her destination even before I have any chance to reply her. Just how will she return it to me? I mean, we don’t even know each other, we don’t go to the same school and I’ve never seen her in the neigbourhood either. Girls are confusing ?!

            Overall, today was a good day, except for the thing that happened in the coffee shop. But that was really minor, so that’s alright. Besides, that girl is pretty cute and she seems to be nice, I guess. I’m really looking forward to find out just how she will return that handkerchief to me.

Yay \(^.^)/ Done with the first chapter~ Leave a comment down below so that I know what you want in the story :)

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Chapter 9: Oh! I loved this chapter too! You did such a wonderful job in your character's personalities! Jin is such a sweetheart! I'm excited to see what will come next! And I'm totally rooting with Minseok... I SHIP IT!!!!!!! I can't get enough fluff! Thank you for this lovely chapter. I'm anticipate the next one! Fighting!
Chapter 8: Ah, you've done very nicely! Good job! If you can't see your own improvement, I sure can! This chapter was super engaging and fun for the reader to enjoy! You also used Jin's thoughts to your advantage. They helped the story progress! You've done very well! My next tip is to try and avoid the word "me" since that is first person point of view. Keep writing!
yehetballs #3
Chapter 7: Damn it, it's the end ;-;. I'm your reviewer by the way and you go me hooked *clap*
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i'm waiting for the next update author-shii!!
Chapter 6: This is such a lovely story.