

I  just stepped my foot on the school ground. But I can already hear a lot more excitement around me which is really strange for a Monday morning. Masses of students gather in front of the notice board, making commotion. I can’t even see what they are trying to see on the board. What’s the ruckus really about? It almost feels like I’m in a wet market right now, it is super messy and packed. I even find it hard to go through the huge main door! That’s just how much people clustering now! This is super unusual. I mean, people always walk like zombies in the morning, not like this, not like Teletubbies who like to huddle together. Not so far from there, one of my friends stands there nonchalantly looking at the flock of students, occasionally glancing at other directions. Cold city guy indeed.

“Jungkook!” my call seems to distract him from whatever he’s thinking about. “What’s all this commotion about? It’s pretty rare seeing people this… hyped up in the morning…”

“Ah, hyung. Don’t bother about it. All our homeroom teachers will come in to class and announce the same thing. Don’t sweat about it.” Being one of the student council members, he always knows every event even before it is being announced.

Apparently the notice was really buzz-worthy. So, it seems that our dearest principal said that every class MUST have a gathering before the terms ends. Because of the social media and other technologies, she’s worried that her students won’t be communicating properly like what she did in the past hence the compulsory outing.

Oh, and we need to submit photo proofs to be uploaded to the school website.

“Barbequeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Jimin shouts from behind the class, somehow professing his love for meat. Jina, his twin sister, can only facepalm seeing her twin’s behavior. But murmurs of excitement can then also be heard from the whole class, smiles plastered on their faces. I think it’s pretty decided already~ We’re going to have a barbeque party for class outing!

The decision making takes only a few moments. Barbeque party at the beach really does sound nice, especially on a weekend after we end our exams. They reason that renting a spot at the beach is a good idea because it will give nice background for our photos plus there is no need to wreck anyone’s house to accommodate the 25 people in our class.

“Alright, we can have a barbeque party. But some people need to help me buy the ingredients. Is that alright?” I asked to the class, with a hope that a lot of people will lend helping hands, although it is almost impossible. You know how it is, my dear classmates only want the happy part without breaking a sweat.

From the side, I can see Hyerim shyly trying to raise up her hand, but before she could do it…

“I volunteer as tribute!” the meat lover shouts from across the room. “I  volunteer my sister too!”. A loud smack can be heard again. By the rate of Jina facepalming  herself everyday, it is a miracle she can maintain her grades and sanity. Everyone snickers at this phenomenon, these two are twins but are totally different from each other. Seeing them like this never gets boring.

“Then, bring the new girl with us” Jina says.

“Alright, let’s go later after school” and they all just nodded except for Jimin who accompanies his nod with huge grin on his face.

The grocery shopping is okay. Me pushing the cart, Jimin trying to grab all the meat that he can see, Jina trying to control him, and the girl in brightly colored uniform taking what is necessary. I must say, it’s fun! More fun than shopping with my mom, it is (sorry mom, love you <3).

Jimin and Jina leaves us right after we finish paying for the stuffs. Jimin explains that they have extra lesson and he forgot all about it because he was too excited about the meat. The bad news is that of course, they can’t leave the meat out in the open for hours in their classroom later. Good thing Hyerim offers to keep all the stuffs at her house sice there are still a lot of vacant space in her refrigerator. And it’s a good thing too that I am still free. If not who can bring this huge crapload of groceries?!

“Are you alright bringing all those?” the girl walking beside me seems to be struggling with her grocery bags. She keeps shifting the grocery bags that she is carrying. One bagpack, two grocery bag on her left hand and another two on her right hand. Same goes for me, except change the number two to three. But I’m a man, I can actually manage bringing more if she allows me to.

“I’m okay, Seokjin-ssi” she says curtly while continue staring ahead on the lane. Trying to be tough, I see.

“Jin, call me Jin. You already know my most embarassing secret, I think it’s okay if you call me by my nickname. You know a liiitle bit too much” I snicker.

No answer. Ouch. She does not even turn at me when I’m talking to her. After sharing a good memory she still seems to be very cold. Does she only open up when there is animal involved? I thought we can be on a friendly term now after our short coffee and embrassing-class-president session.

She suddenly comes to a stop. “We’re here” she states. She tells me to just put the groceries on the front porch, she will ferry everything inside.

I my eyebrow, “are you sure you are okay doing all that alone?”

“Yes, I am totally fine.” Well if that what she wants… And it is pretty awkward for me to just stand there and do nothing. I decide to just start making my way home. Just before I stepped out of her house gate, “Jin!” I reflexively turn around to face her.

“You can call me Hyerim, if you’d like.” Okay, that’s pretty unexpected.  

“Thanks Jin, see you in school tomorrow!” she smiles as she closes the door.

So in the end she sends me home with one of her rare smiles. One thing for sure, she needs to smile more…

Yays, update after such a long time :)

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Chapter 9: Oh! I loved this chapter too! You did such a wonderful job in your character's personalities! Jin is such a sweetheart! I'm excited to see what will come next! And I'm totally rooting with Minseok... I SHIP IT!!!!!!! I can't get enough fluff! Thank you for this lovely chapter. I'm anticipate the next one! Fighting!
Chapter 8: Ah, you've done very nicely! Good job! If you can't see your own improvement, I sure can! This chapter was super engaging and fun for the reader to enjoy! You also used Jin's thoughts to your advantage. They helped the story progress! You've done very well! My next tip is to try and avoid the word "me" since that is first person point of view. Keep writing!
yehetballs #3
Chapter 7: Damn it, it's the end ;-;. I'm your reviewer by the way and you go me hooked *clap*
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i'm waiting for the next update author-shii!!
Chapter 6: This is such a lovely story.