

The first unexpected meeting is a coincidence.

The second one is unintentional.

The third one is fate.



It's Monday again. I can't believe that 2 days of weekend went past very fast. Well, it's true when people say that we'll never get enough holidays.


Groans and yawns are heard here and there, a usual sight to see every Monday, aaaand every other school days actually. But Monday is especially bad, it's almost like sleepiness is as contagious as the Ebola. And once I reached my classroom, it's like the great depression. Everyone have their heads on the table with book open right in front of them.


The first period on Monday is the homeroom period, just like the usual. However, Song seonsaengnim seems to be tardy today. She usually steps into the class once the first bell rings. But it's been 5 minutes since the second bell rings and she's not here yet.


Suddenly the door opens, and a woman with thick glasses and french-braided hair steps into the class, accompanied by the clicking sound of her high heels.


"I'm sorry that I'm late, class." Song saem said.

"Ne, seonsaengnim." The whole class chorused to answer her.


"I have a reason for my tardiness this time. I have good news for all of you. Hyerim, come in please." She wrapped up shortly. And in come a long-haired girl bringing her brown backpack.

"Class, this is your new classmate, Hyerim. Hyerim, now, please introduce yourself to the class." She said as she the said girl's back.


She says that her name is Jung Hyerim. She just moved to the neighbourhood because her dad's office is transferred to an area around here. She says that she hope she can fit in well here. Those are pretty normal information and very mainstream reason for transferring at the middle of the school year. But, somehow, she looks familiar to me despite the fact that she's new around here.


"Seokjin!" I shot up my head as soon as I hear the feminine voice calling my name. "Since you're the class chairman, I entrust you to be her 'buddy' until she's familiar with the school. So, she'll be your seatmate for the term. Okay?" She explained with detailed gesture, not forgetting the air quotation marks when she mentions the word buddy. I can just nod to her, it's almost impossible to deny a teacher's request anyways. That’s just the complicated teacher’s thinking process. They always give us a choice whether to do or not to do their tasks, yet in the end they will still insist us doing those stuffs.


The girl really stands out in the crowd as she’s walking towards my direction. Her uniform is still brand new, the color has not faded away like ours. She strides, with her head down, maybe shy because of the attention that she’s receiving. A screech from the chair can be heard throughout the class, indicating that she’s finally sitting down. She sat stiffly, apparently not knowing where to look.


“Hi, I’m Seokjin.” I greet her first to break the ice, stretching out my right hand to offer handshake. She then slowly turns her face to my direction and her eyes become as wide as saucers. I, too, am as surprised as her. My hand dropped down in shock. It’s a very pleasant surprise, indeed. The mystery of why the new girl looks so familiar is solved. It turns out that she’s the girl from Minseok hyung’s café! A short awkward moment ensued after this discovery. Hyerim cleared with the intention to break the awkward moment. “ Yeah, hi.” She said.

The sound of the school bell shrills along all the corridors, signifying the end of school. As usual, people hurriedly pack their bags and energetically run out of the classroom. So different from how they were this morning. Silly people~


A long-haired girl tugs at my right sleeve, trying to capture my attention.

“Urm, can… can you… can you show me the way out to the main gate. This school is pretty big and I’m really really bad at directions… So…” she trails, eying me with a wary look at the same time. Her facial expression will make any guy want to protect her. So, I decide to help her out. I’m going in that direction too, anyway.


As she was turning on her heels, I call her back. “Hey, would you care for a cup of coffee at the café last time? My treat!” I offer, not forgetting to smile at her so that she will feel more at ease. Well, at least I hope so. She quickly refuses, though, saying that she will feel bad for “exploiting” my money. On the other hand, I keep trying to convince her because I feel that I need to apologize for the incidence last time. But then, she keeps on rejecting also.


“Hyerim-shi. Please, for this once only? Accept this as a welcome gift + this will help me not feel guilty anymore after spilling some coffee onto you. Please?” I give her my best puppy eyes. I don’t really do this much, especially to someone that I’ve just known. But, I really want to pay back for my fault last time. Oh god, she might actually think that I’m a playboy of some sort for trying so hard asking a girl out when we just know each other today, and may be that’s why she keeps refusing? But I swear, my love life is as alive as unicorn. It’s non-existent.


“Alright, I promise this is not a date or anything. So, don’t sweat. I, genuinely, really really, just want to buy you coffee as a sign of apology. Yeah?” I try to justify myself to her.

“Okay… If you insist, I guess. Whatever floats your boat…” she replied curtly. And it seems that my guess is correct, she’s scared that I’m actually courting her ._. But then again, at least she finally agrees with my invitation. I hope this will really erase the guilt from me and she will really really forgive me altogether : )

Yay, second chapter is done :) I hope that you, readers, enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this~ I really really love constructive review, so I would appreciate it if you comment on this. Thank you :D 

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Chapter 9: Oh! I loved this chapter too! You did such a wonderful job in your character's personalities! Jin is such a sweetheart! I'm excited to see what will come next! And I'm totally rooting with Minseok... I SHIP IT!!!!!!! I can't get enough fluff! Thank you for this lovely chapter. I'm anticipate the next one! Fighting!
Chapter 8: Ah, you've done very nicely! Good job! If you can't see your own improvement, I sure can! This chapter was super engaging and fun for the reader to enjoy! You also used Jin's thoughts to your advantage. They helped the story progress! You've done very well! My next tip is to try and avoid the word "me" since that is first person point of view. Keep writing!
yehetballs #3
Chapter 7: Damn it, it's the end ;-;. I'm your reviewer by the way and you go me hooked *clap*
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i'm waiting for the next update author-shii!!
Chapter 6: This is such a lovely story.