what's happening?


“Nae oppa, I’m coming, I’m coming.” I quickly grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes. JB was already waiting with the other members. Today was the day we were going to that abandoned asylum on the other side of the town. It was 9pm, and already dark. There was also a thick fog, blanketing the outside with a dense haze. I sat in the car next to Jackson, who looked really excited, yet a bit scared. I smile and shook my head. Those pabo’s think it’s real..

The ride there was fun; singing along to the radio, talking about the asylum, and that Mark did his research.

“A lot of patients died there, and they say they still haunt the place. Not able to find rest.” Mark said, and Yugyeom and Bambam were turning paler and paler with each word. Poor kids…

“Yeah sure. Let me quess, you can hear them scream and walk around, moving things?” I say with a smile as Mark looked at me.

“Yah! It’s true though! People actually heard them scream as they walk by..”

I roll my eyes and laughed. It’s quite funny how they think that’s real. Then I noticed that Yugyeom was staring outside, like he was mentally preparing himself for the upcoming night. I decided to scare him a little, by just simply placing my hands on his shoulder and yelling “Boo!”

The poor kid jumped up and looked at me. “YAH!  Noonaaaaaaa.” he whined. Ah that whine kills me every time..

“Mianhe Yugyeom-ah.. Jackson told me to do that.”

“Mwo?! Yah I didn’t! Nana!” he yelled in defense.

Oh I’m enjoying this.

“Guys, quiet.. We’re here.” JB said as he got out of the car, quickly followed by everyone else; Yugyeom and Bambam staying close by either me or Mark. Mark wasn’t really afraid of these things. He and JB were the brave ones of the group.

“Let’s go~ How do we get in here though? Under the fence?” I look up at JB, who nodded.

“Nae, there’s a hole somewhere under the fence where we can go through. And then climb trough that window over there.” He pointed at the broken windown on the ground floor. I nodded and walked towards the building, followed by the rest; Mark was the first to arrive on the other side, and helped everyone else.

Once inside, I brushed off my clothes and looked around. This place looked even worse on the inside, with paint peeling from the cracked walls, papers and scattered hospital gear everywhere; it was pretty creepy looking, but nothing I hadn’t seen before. I don’t see what they hope to accomplish here, there’s nothing really going to happen. “Well doesn’t this feel all nice and cozy~” I chuckled, poking Bambam’s side. The Thai kid looked green in the face already, and we had only just gotten through the window.

“Noona…Ani, this place is too creepy…Wae did I have to come too?” He whined quietly, as if afraid something would pop out of the darkness and attack them. A few of the other guys silently chuckled at the young boy’s unease, silent messages passed between them.

Youngjae stepped forward with a flashlight, shining it on a light switch on the wall. He reached and turned it on, the lights dimly flickering to life. I looked around at all of their faces, grinning at the multiple expressions ranging from fear to mild humor. Then Mark walked ahead of all of us, leading the way with his own flashlight. “Well, come on, let’s get this started. Nana, would you come up here too? This is for your benefit, after all.” He grinned as he gestured me forward. We all our lights and walked together into the dark hallway, having entered into a lobby of sorts. One of the guy felt along the wall for a light switch, but didn’t find anything, so we continued with the eight bobbing lights ahead of us.

“Yah, are you going to be okay?” I looked up at the tall maknae, who was currently hanging on to my arm as if his life depended on it. Yugyeom shook his head, wide eyes staring ahead. His flashlight shook slightly in his hand, and I felt a little bad for him. “It’s okay, nothing’s going to happen. It’s all just stories, nae?”

He didn’t look too convinced as he moved a little closer. “I don’t know… I think they’re real..” I sighed and patted his hand gently, being his unofficial protector in the dark asylum. My eyes flicked over to JB, who looked pretty calm to my left. “What about you? Are you afraid of anything happening here~?” I smiled, having fun seeing the different looks of unease at a simple shadow.

Of course, he shook his head. “Not afraid. More looking forward to when something does happen and you get scared.” Way to put it bluntly, pabo… I pouted playfully, punching his arm.

“You know I don’t believe in this sort of thing oppa…” I was shushed by a frightful looking Youngjae behind me, eyes darting around as if we were going to anger any prior residents. I rolled my eyes and continued walking; Yugyeom attached to my right arm, JB sticking close to my left. After walking in silence for a few minutes, suddenly I had a strange feeling…one that presented itself a few seconds later.

“BOO!” A deep voice bellowed behind me as I was grabbed around the sides from behind. I, for my part, hardly flinched. Yugyeom on the other hand looked like he was ready to tear up.

I sighed, turning my head. “Jackson, if you’re going to try and scare me, you’re going to have to do better than that.” The older boy removed his hands and grinned. There was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place, but I stopped worrying about that as I turned back to comfort the shivering boy with the iron grip on my forearm.

We continued our journey and found the kitchen; again with paint peeling from the cracked walls. But what I thought was really interesting, was that the counters, stove, and refrigerator were still standing there. It didn’t look really..charming, but still. Then suddenly the light started flickering. Yugyeom’s grip became even tighter, and he stood even closer next to me. I sighed and looked around, finally finding Mark standing next to the light switch. “Yah Mark Tuan. Not working.. for me at least” I smile and he stopped, also smiling. “It was worth a try” He walked towards the group again, and now I noticed that Jackson was gone.

“Guys, where’s Jackson?” I look around, but he was nowhere to be found.

“Oppa?” I walk towards JB, followed by Yugyeom of course. JB looked worried, and a bit scared. That made me look at everyone else; all wore a worried expression, even Mark. I sigh, still thinking he just walked away to ‘scare’ me. “Let’s go look for him then.”  I say and we walk back to the hall we came from. “Jackson? Jackson?” I ask a bit loudly, making sure he’d hear me. But no answer.. All of the members called his name, but no response.

I walk up to Mark, Yugyeom still beside me. “Mark, if this is a joke, it’s not funny. Where’s Jackson?” But he just shrugged as he still looked around. I sighed again. “Arasseo, we’ll keep looking. Let’s walk around. Maybe he went to explore the building himself.” I grabbed my flashlight again and walked ahead.

“Noona.. What if something happened to Jackson hyung?” he was scared, that’s obvious.

“Yugyeom-ah, nothing will happen to him. He’s just walking around himself, or waiting for another oppurtunity to scare me.” I reassured the tall maknae.

But after walking around for a little while, we still didn’t find him. We were now standing in one of the old bedrooms; the bed was still there, giving it that creepy feeling. Also, there were a lot of doodling on the walls.

“They say that’s from the patients..” Mark said, looking over at me to see my reaction. But I just smiled and walked to a wall to read some of it. “Fascinating. Oh Mark, when did it became abandoned?” I say, looking over my shoulder.

“About 50 years ago.” He said simply.

“Interesting..” I smiled and walked to the bed, while Yugyeom never left my side.

But then, something or someone grabbed our ankles. Yugyeom jumped up and stumbled towards the leader, while I just sighed and shook my head. “Youngjae..Didn’t work.” I knelt down and found him under the bed. I noticed he was doing that while I read the scribbles on the wall. I smile and helped him up. “There you go, now apologize to Yugyeom.. He almost had a heart attack” Which was true; the youngest member had tears in his eyes, looked pale as a sheet, and was trembling.

“Mianhe, Yugyeom-ah…” Youngjae bowed his head a bit to the boy, who was hiding slightly behind JB. That poor kid looks like he’s just going to faint. He nodded shakily, detaching his hand from its iron grip on JB’s shoulder and stepping back closer to me.

I grinned lightly as I turned back to what was written on the walls. “This is definitely fascinating though.. Most of the words are gibberish, or incomplete sentences. Whoever was in this room obviously didn’t have their mind entirely with them. And look at this drawing.” I pointed to a crude outline of what looked like two little kids, colored entirely black, but there was red where the eyes would be. I really don’t want to know where the red came from… “I wonder if that’s one of the nightmares they had had often. Drawing it out because they see it so often…”

Mark and Jr. moved closer to see what I was talking about, varying looks of fear and unease on their expressions now. “Nana, one of the stories about this place had little kids in it…” Jr. sounded worried, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

“Why would there be little kids in an asylum? That doesn’t make any sense.” I shook my head, turning my back on the little kids in the picture. “Bambam, did you see anything that would give us a hint as to where Jackson is?”

He shook his head, looking more and more disturbed by what was happening. “A-ani noona… B-but I think Youngjae hyung disappeared too…” He was paler than before, his eyes darting around at the group. Sure enough, Youngjae wasn’t there.

“Oh now where’d he go? Aish, I feel like I’m babysitting children.” I facepalmed, dropping my hand to my side with the flashlight. “I suppose we have to go look for the both of them now. Come on.” I’m going to be spending this night looking for those pabos. Fun. We walked into the hallway again, continuing to call out for the two missing members of our group.

“Hyungs! Where are you?” Yugyeom called out feebly, still shaking a bit as he attached himself to my arm again. Mark and Jr. shone their lights into the rooms we passed, checking everything over. Bambam seemed content with looking at the floor and wishing to wake up from whatever nightmare they were in. JB stuck next to my other arm again, silently worrying.

Down the hallway, shadows cast by the light outside danced along the walls. Boards creaked and the wind blew through broken windows, setting curtains to billowing out, trying to reach for us. It seemed they had picked a perfect night to come here. Certain gusts of wind actually started to sound like words were trying to form, causing us all to be at least slightly on edge. Ahead of us, I thought I saw something moving, stopping the other members so I could hear. Sure enough, there were the sounds of footsteps walking down a side corridor.

“Youngjae! Jackson! Is that you?” JB called out with calm authority, belying his face. There was no answer, but the footfalls stopped and something like mumbling was heard. “That’s it, I’ll go check it out.” Jr. took a deep breath before jogging ahead with his flashlight bouncing around in front of him. A few moments after he turned the corner, we heard the sound of someone falling over something with a yell of surprise.

“Oppa, we have to go check on him..” I tugged him forward with the others, making my way over to the doorway he had ran through. There was nothing there. On the floor was his flashlight, blinding me for a moment before I turned it to face away from us. It looked like he had tripped over a discarded chair, and there were a few more scattered papers, but there was no sign of Jr. or anyone else here. “Where did he go?” Mark asked worried.

“I don’t know.. probably walked further?” I just shrug and picked up the flashlight. “Let’s continue as well. We’ll find them soon.” Ah these kids.. thinking they could scare me.

But I decided to continue walking, and asking Mark about this building.

“Mark, you said that those two children on the wall were here in the asylum right?” and he nodded to that. “What happened?” Now I was curious.

Mark smiled, and took my hand. “Follow me.” He dragged me to a bedroom, followed by the other three, JB now dealing with two terrified kids beside him.

“Here..read this scribble.”  He pointed to a rather big scribble, written by a child, obviously.

It said: I see my sister standing down the hall. She is smiling and asking me to play with her. I don't know if I should.. My sister died 7 days ago...

“Well that’s interesting… How old were they?” I look up at Mark who was standing next to me.

“The story said that there were two twin girls who both saw things, things that weren’t there. They were locked up in here when they were five. But still the same story. They saw old patients that died years ago. Suddenly one of the girls disappeared. No one knew how.. she just disappeared. But several days later, her sister said she saw her; standing in the hallway, asking her to play outside with her. But then she changed; her face became bloody and rotten. Her eyes became completely black, and later red, blood slowly dripping out of them. Yet she still asked her to come play with her, and one day..she did. And the next day, she was found dead outside. No one knew how she died.” Mark smiled and looked at me, though I just nodded.

“They still haunt the place here, and spent most of the time in this room..”

The two youngest were shaking though, both even more pale, if that was possible. “L-let’s g-get o-out of h-here, p-p-please?” Bambam asked as he looked around. I felt sorry for them so we quickly walked out. But not long after that, we heard some sort of scream from that room, causing everyone to jump slightly, except for me. “I’ll take a look.” Mark nodded and walked inside the room again, and the door shut closed behind him.

“Mark? Mark?” I tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. “Oppa help me.” I looked at JB and he quickly helped me. A scream was heard, obviously Mark’s scream. We eventually opened the door…but the room was empty.


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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^