let's play a game~


I’m going to have nightmares for the rest of my life… I had my head buried against JB’s chest, shaking enough that it seemed my bones themselves would break from the continuous tremors. “H-how? H-how are w-we going to get o-out of here?” I looked up with huge eyes, terrified further than I’ve ever been. “W-we have to f-find the others t-too.”

He nodded, holding me tightly as he tried to calm me down. I could feel he was trembling slightly too, but not nearly as much as me. “We’ll find them and get out of here.” He looked around, suspicion glinting as he moved away from the window. “Let’s get out of this room first.” He pulled me out the door, closing it behind him. I made the mistake of looking back through the door and seeing the guy in there, staring back at me with those white, unseeing eyes. “Don’t look, just…Don’t…” JB turned my head so I was looking up at him, the fear in my eyes reflecting in his. How he wasn’t terrified as I was, I have no idea. He leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss, wiping my tears away as he did so. “You’re with me, and I will get you out of here safely.”

I nodded, though there was no way I would stop shaking until we were out of this place. “N-nae…” I felt so numb from my fear, I could hardly respond. Something had just tried throwing me out of a window, and I was nearing the end of my ability to stay conscious. We started moving in the opposite direction, back towards where we last saw the guys, hoping to find a clue as to where they were. How hard could it be to find six other guys in an abandoned asylum? Apparently very hard.

We continued carefully down the hallways and corridors. I would yelp or whimper whenever I saw a face in one of the doors. Like all of the others, these ‘people’ were disfigured, long-dead, and decrepit. One I watched in absolute horror as suddenly blood splattered across the window, and I didn’t look to see anymore before JB and I ran again. Everywhere we went there was a constant whisper in the air saying many things; asking if we were lost, threatening, saying we’ll never leave. I was on edge permanently, and JB’s arm was held tightly around my waist to keep me next to him. Abruptly all the whispering stopped at once, and I felt extremely cold. “O-oppa?” My voice was a strangled whisper, and I felt him shudder too. The silence was even more unsettling now, and we both seemed to wish for the whispering again. We got something much worse.

There was a shuffling noise behind us, and he looked back, his breath stopped. “D-don’t.” He tried stopping me from looking, but that was too late. Less than twenty feet behind us there was yet another figure, slightly similar to what Yugyeom had been wearing. Only this person had something off about him.

“H-his n-neck…” I backed a step up, and it stepped in unison. His neck was bent at a horrible angle, unnatural, and his eyes gleamed with an insane light. Th-those aren’t his e-eyes. Th-there are none! The light was literally a dim shine where his eyes were supposed to be. Rotting and falling apart, it stepped forward again. This time I moved first and dragged JB away from it, running as fast as our legs could take us again. We heard the uneven footsteps of the figure behind us, getting closer. I grabbed a discarded chair as I passed and randomly threw it behind me. There was a crash and a sickening sound following that I didn’t want to try and describe. We still didn’t stop running.

“H-help m-me!” A scream was heard ahead of us, off to the side. JB took a quick intake of breath. “That was Bambam..” No more words were needed as we sprinted in that direction. We turned the corner, seeing the boy being dragged by something else into another room. Without really thinking, I ran forward and pulled on his other arm, towards me. The thing vanished into thin air and I stumbled backwards, back into JB again. He steadied the both of us, and I hugged Bambam. He was crying and shaking as bad as I was.

“N-noona, g-gomawo…” He sounded so scared, and he held onto me tightly. “W-we have to find the g-guys, they were still r-running when I was grabbed..” Which meant they shouldn’t be too far ahead…Right?

We decided to walk further; JB on my left side, and Bambam on the right. G-guys where a-are you? W-we want to go home.. I look around, though that only caused me to yelp and whimper again as I saw faces staring at us. “O-oppa.. W-we’ve been h-here before..” It was the same hallway we were before we found Bambam. The whispering was there again; every now and then we heard the screaming of patients, causing me to stick even closer to JB.

‘W-wait.. I-I see something.. I-is that Youngjae?” I noticed someone walking into a room and decided to follow him. But the second we entered the room, the door shut closed behind us. It was dark and I had my arms wrapped around JB.  ‘Guests?’ A raspy female voice said. ‘I’ve never had guests.’ The lights flickered on and we saw a lady; dressed in a white gown, and long black hair. She was sitting on a discarded chair. There was also a rope hanging from the ceiling in front of her. But there was someone else as well now; Youngjae, and Bambam immediately held him tightly. ‘I see you two are in love… I hate that.’ This time she looked up; no eyes, just two pitch black spots… Face falling apart. And something strange by her neck; she hung herself.  She stood up. ‘Guys can’t be trusted.’ She disappeared and later JB was pulled away from me, and towards the rope. “N-no!” I grab his other arm, and just like the spectres we’ve encountered, she disappeared. I swear if something like this happens again, I’ll lose consciousness... I once again wrapped my arms around him and cried; it was just too much..

But then the door opened and we heard the familiar voices of the other members. I look up and felt a bit relieved when I saw nothing happened to them; they were all scared and shaking lightly though..

We basically ran out of the room and closed the door. “W-where to go now?” Jackson asked, and Mark walked up front, so we just followed him; JB and I at the end. Some doors that were closed first, were now open, and I did not like that.. They were staring at us, but luckily didn’t do anything. That’s what I thought though, until I was pulled into one of the rooms.

“O-oppa!” but the door closed before he could even do anything. I’ve seen this room before… It was from that guy that tried to push me out of the window. Uh oh... ‘You’re here again. Welcome. No, not welcome. I said no one was allowed in my room. Though I pulled you in here. Maybe I am mental? Am I.. I don’t know.’ I could hear that the guys were trying to open the door as this ghastly figure argued with himself. ‘What should I do? Should I keep her here? Or get rid of her... but the doctor would ask who she is if I keep her. So should I get rid of her? I should.’ And then he grabbed my arm once again, his tight grip would probably leave a bruise. ‘I’m sorry... No I’m not... Maybe I am? No probably not.’ He pushed me towards the window, and I could feel the broken glass stinging in my back, making a few small cuts. This time he had his hand around my neck, choking me. But suddenly he disappeared, and I fell heavily to the ground; coughing and gasping for air. I look up and saw everyone in the room.

When I blinked next, still coughing and holding my neck, the guys were already at my side. I tried to speak, but no words would come out right now, only a high-pitched squeaking sound. After a few moments, I tried again. “H-he tried t-to ch-choke me and throw m-me out the w-window…” My voice cracked continuously and I coughed again. That guy had had a tight grip, leaving hand prints on my arm and my neck; perfect red markings as if he was still there.

“Sshhh, you’ll be okay..” JB pulled me into a hug again, holding me close. I felt another hand on my shoulder, looking up to see Mark also standing there, looking much paler than usual. I guess it was really getting to him too. “Let’s get out of this room before it’s…resident decides to appear again.” His eyes looked around quickly, checking they were the only ones there. I nodded, not speaking right now.

Suddenly I was being lifted off of the ground; JB was carrying me out of the room. Normally I would’ve protested this, but I was too out of it to complain right now. In the hallway, we all gathered in a spot between rooms, against the wall so we could see anything before it got to us. I was set down, but JB didn’t let go of me, keeping me up on my feet. The second I was down, Yugyeom hurried forward and hugged me. I guess that was something he was waiting to do, and he was shaking pretty badly. “Yugyeom-ah.. I-I’ll be f-fine…” Hey look, words…Ow… My throat still hurt, but I needed to be able to speak anyways.

“N-noona, you h-had us really s-scared…” He backed away and looked at me, and I saw the others nod in agreement with him; JB tightened his hold around me in answer as well. “I can imagine she was more frightened than us though, Yugyeom.” Jr. spoke up and looked at the maknae. We stood there for a bit, gathering our bearings. Or strength, which was also a good thing. Eventually my legs had slowed their shaking and I was able to stand more steadily. We walked again down the hallways. “Which direction is the entrance?” We had all but forgotten, and nobody wanted to go into a deserted room to look through a window and find out. After that question was asked, I noticed another thing: the ever-present whispering in the air disappeared again, and there was an almost inaudible scrape on the ground behind us.

“N-no one look back, and p-please start r-running now.” I spoke as calmly as I could, JB nodding in agreement. My free arm reached and wrapped around Yugyeom’s; we all were holding each other so we wouldn’t get lost. Though against our warning, Bambam looked back. His scream confirmed my fears, and we broke into a flat run through the halls as the figure behind us shuffled to follow, its glowing eyes never leaving us. I looked back and almost screamed myself, having remembered that I had tripped the thing up in the hallway the first time it chased us. That sound I had heard before was worse than I had ever thought.

Where his head was supposed to be, there was nothing. Instead, those dimly-lit eye sockets were staring at me, held in the hands of the rest of him. I also noticed this time that his leg was bent backwards, probably caused by tripping over the chair I had thrown. I now see why Bambam’s scream had sounded the way it had.

We continued stumbling our way through the debris, never slowing down. The pursuing footfalls periodically came closer, then slowed down again, making sure we didn’t stop. Almost as if forcing us somewhere on purpose…

Sure enough, as we all burst through one of the large sets of double doors, our eyes laid upon a horrifying sight. The headless stalker of ours had disappeared, but we probably would have preferred him right about now. Our group froze as still as statues, looking into the room. It looked like the cafeteria, or what it used to be before it was abandoned. Everything was cracked and falling apart, the tables and furniture rusty and scattered about. The thing that got us most was the fact it wasn’t empty.

There were ‘people’ everywhere, rotting and meandering about aimlessly. Some vanished into thin air, reappearing somewhere else. Others were muttering and talking to themselves. However, none of them seemed to notice us. We thought.

Of all of the things we had run into so far, two sets of unseeing, empty eyes looked at us, matching smiles showing yellowed teeth on their little faces. “You’re finally here! This means you have to play with us now~” As the twins spoke, the doors behind us shut, no doubt locked somehow. “We were all waiting for you. Now we can play our game~” The lights shut off, all of us stiffening and moving closer together. The unexpected, jagged breathing on the back of my neck was the only thing I heard now, eliciting a scream from my battered throat.

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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^