

“Mark?” I walked into the room carefully, stepping over littered items and looking around. “Where’d you go?” I will scream if he pops out of somewhere. Yes, I was not too amused by this, especially since his scream was pretty convincing. “Where could he have gone? There’s nothing in here but peeling walls and rusty furniture..” I turned back to look at the three guys left, all looking extremely worried.

JB shrugged, eyes wider than before. Yugyeom and Bambam were holding each other’s’ arms, shaking in their spots. It was as if they were having a contest to see who could become paler than the walls first, and both were racing towards that goal rapidly. I walked over and hugged both of them, hoping they’d be okay. “M-mark hyung…H-his scream…” Yugyeom looked near tears again and terrified.

I sighed as I continued to try and comfort them, looking at JB for help. “Oppa, we have to keep looking before these two faint. I’m worried for them.” Though where should they look? Mark had disappeared in a room with no other real exits, since the window looked like it hadn’t been budged at all. “Should we just continue walking where we had been before?”

He nodded, eyes finally looking at me after turning away from the room. “Nae, let’s go.” He lifted his flashlight again, taking up his normal spot by my left arm. We were huddled close enough that my hand kept brushing against his, and I tried to move it, mumbling apologies and not looking at him. That’s weird, I usually don’t care about that… Shaking the thoughts out of my mind, I looked ahead. We checked every room, lights flashing in doorways carefully. One room we glanced in caught my attention.

“Wait up, I thought I saw something…” I moved back to the room, walking in slowly. There was something on the long-abandoned bed, huddled up. “Yah, what’s that?” The others followed me in reluctantly, all shining our lights on the figure ahead of us.

It was a person, curled up on the bed, eyes closed. He looked rather fake, almost plastic. It looks like he’s made of wax… The skin had an almost greenish tint to it, adding to the mystery with the dim glow from their flashlights.

The guys behind me were shaking pretty badly, and I was about to reach out when his eyes opened. “Aish!” This time I almost smacked him with my flashlight, more unamused than scared. He slowly got out of the creaky bed, moving towards us. I felt JB grab my arm and pull me back, Yugyeom in his other hand. Bambam was hurrying to follow, but the door shut as soon as we were out. The boy was trying to open the door from the inside and couldn’t, then something covered the window after a last glimpse of the creepy looking guy pulling Bambam away.

“Y-yah! Bambam!” I heard him yelling as I ran over to try and open the door again, hoping to help. JB and Yugyeom came over to help as well, all of us trying to force the door, but no movement at all. After a few minutes, and after the yelling had stopped, we got the door open. Just like with Mark, there was no one there. Not even a sign of the other guy. Finally I looked a little more pale, worried for him. “W-where is he?” I moved back to JB, staying next to his side and trying to force myself to not shake. “He sounded so scared.” That was what got to her the most; not fear of some creepy guy, but worry for her younger friend.

I look up at JB, who also looked a bit paler. “Oppa..? What’s going on?” But he shrugged, not knowing what was going on. I turn around to notice it’s just the two of us. “Yugyeom?! Yugyeom?” I shone my flashlight around and saw he was dragged around the corner. “Yugyeom!” I saw that the poor kid was crying. I ran after him, but once I stopped by the corner, he was gone.. I did notice a shadow moving on the other side of the hall, a female figure… That did scare me, and I turned around, only to walk into JB’s chest; apparently he followed me and stood silently behind. That means he saw the same thing. “Oppa, y-you saw that right?” I look up at him and saw him nod. He had his arms around me, and I As if nothing would happen as long as I was in his arms. “O-oppa? Let’s continue…” I stayed close to him, our hands brushing against each other again. This time, however, he grabbed it. “It’s gonna be alright. We’ll find the members and get out of here okay?” I could only just nod and held his hand rather tightly. “Oppa... let’s stay together okay?” We walked around, still holding hands. Then we arrived at a new section. It looked like the bathrooms. We carefully walked further, since the floor creaked every time we took a step. We could see into a few rooms, and saw the bathtub and everything still there.. In those horror movies, I never liked these parts. It didn’t scare me, but it just had this weird...feeling.

I moved even closer to JB, not noticing that I did that. It was getting darker and my flaslight died. No not now.. I looked up at JB for a second and then decided to stick close to him, just like Yugyeom did with me. But then I felt he was being pulled away, and eventually let go of me. “Oppa!” I grabbed his hand again but it didn’t work. I saw hands around his chest, and holding onto his arms. That made me stumble backwards, falling on the ground, and the door shut closed right in front of me

“Nana!” I could hear him scream; not only did I hear fear in it, but also pain.

That scared me even further. Is he hurt? I shakily stood up and opened the door, and just like the Mark and Bambam; the room was empty. No one there.. Only JB’s flashlight on the ground. I picked it up, my hands shaking lightly. W-what to do n-now? For the first time, I was scared. All of them disappearing for an unknown reason. I wanted to leave.. but I couldn’t, not without the guys…

“G-guys? Anyone?” My steps were light and hesitant, feeling colder now that I didn’t have the warmth of my friends around anymore. I want oppa back… “Th-this isn’t funny anymore, you can all c-come back out n-now. I admit I-I’m scared.” I tried to sound confident, but my voice was a feeble wreck instead. Every little moving shadow caused me to jump; every noise was setting me on edge. I continued to force myself forward, determined to find the guys. “Just how far are you going to take this?” I mumbled to myself as I searched the rooms for any indication of the others.

Suddenly a door ahead of me slammed close, causing a strangled squeak to erupt from my throat as I froze in place. There was nothing there, and I really didn’t want to get closer. What if they’re in there? Taking another timid step forward, I tried to gather my courage again…Until another door shut behind me with a bang. “Ahh! M-mwo?!” I turned, shining my flashlight by another closed door. Again, as usual, there was nothing in the darkness. “Just c-continue searching… You will find them…” I figured they were somewhere close, silently laughing at my terror and saying ‘We told you so’. At least I hoped…

I walked around aimlessly again for a little while, my trembling getting worse as doors closed and eerie noises were heard. At one point there was a blood-curdling scream that sounded like Jackson, and that terrified me to the core considering how tough he always was. I had broken into a sprint down the corridors, searching for them. At one point I realized I must have gone in a circle, ending in the same hallway where Yugyeom had disappeared. W-what if I see that w-woman again? Now that scared me like no other.

More walking. Then I heard something behind me, and I turned around as my eyes widened. “W-who’s there?” My voice didn’t even sound like me in my own ears; more like a little girl speaking through my mouth. In response to my question, shockingly, two twin girls peeked their heads from around the corner.

“Hello…” Their voices chorused together with the ring of innocent children, making my blood oddly go cold. One of them spoke by themselves then as they walked fully into the hallway. “We didn’t mean to frighten you. We were hoping to find someone who would play with us. Everyone else disappeared…” They actually took turns speaking with each sentence, as if scripted.

I paled further, reminded of the story I was told before Mark vanished into thin air. That was just a story…Not real… “Someone to play with? What do you mean everyone disappeared?” I shook my head, trying once again to get past my fear. “Did my friends really go this far to scare me? How did they get you into this?”

The girls looked at each other before tilting their heads in opposite directions, still facing me. “We weren’t told to do anything. We just wanted someone to play.” They looked so…innocent. And extremely calm in comparison to me. They have got to be child actors or something, because they were good.

Another door slammed behind me, and I turned to look. When I went to turn back to the girls, they were gone. Just as quickly as the guys had disappeared. “W-where…?” Lights and off, but I didn’t see anyone nearby. Then another shadow moved, only this one was solid; a tall person, garbed in hospital gear trudged into the hallway, looking down. They had a strange, limping walk that I was horrified into a statue until I realized it was walking towards me. “G-go away!” I stumbled back a step and the figure looked up, a scream stuck in my throat. I didn’t even get a good enough look before I turned and started running. The guys could wait until I got my sanity back.

I looked back and it seemed the person stayed the same distance away at all times, yet still moving with that strange hobbling gait. I turned to the closest door, hoping to hide, but it wouldn’t open, so I ran to another and opened the door. The light was on and the first thing I saw was a male as pale as I was, tied to a table and writhing in pain. At the first sight of bright red fluid, I slammed the door shut and ran out again. The…thing was closer as I tried other doors. I ran into similar scenes, seeing other patients in varying stages of insanity, scaring me further down the hallway. I turned to yet another door out of the dozens, but stumbled back with a slight scream as I saw someone already staring at me through the window to the room. It looked like the same female figure I had seen earlier. I tripped and fell onto the floor, hitting my head against the wall behind me. The face disappeared as I looked back up, seeing nothing. Then it looked like my pursuer hurried up when I fell, causing me to scramble backwards in a crab-like motion until I could get up again. “S-s-stay away! P-please!” My voice broke and tears were finally streaming down my face. I was terrified and had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. How can I find the others if I can’t even get out of here? I stood, almost falling to gain momentum to move forward. There was another door, and I didn’t see any face peering out of this one; I opened it and ran in.

The room was pitch black. There was no window, no flickering lights from overhead. To make matters worse, I had dropped my flashlight when I hit my head, freaking out too much to remember it. So I was stuck in the dark, not able to see anything but the feeble light from the door. A shadow appeared as the thing outside paused by the door it had obviously seen me run in. Don’t come in, don’t find me. Please just go away…

Then, much to my utter dismay, a pair of strong hands grabbed my waist. My first reaction: I screamed. I was so surprised by that action that my legs gave out and I closed my eyes, waiting for something horrible to happen. O-oppa, I really wish I knew where you w-were. All of y-you.. I was being held to stand upright despite my legs not working, and turned around. My eyes stayed closed as tightly as they could possibly be, though tears still slipped through. Suddenly a pair of lips met mine, holding me there as I trembled continuously. How I kept my eyes closed was beyond me, but I did squeak again at the extremely unexpected change of events.

After a few moments, that warmth disappeared as I was held close. I dared to open my eyes, crying and in complete shock. I still couldn’t see in the pitch black room, but apparently somebody thought of that already, and the lights flickered to life. I slowly looked up, eyes widening as I saw what, or who, had decided to scare the life out of me. “O-o-oppa?” I looked around, seeing the others all standing there; even my creeper from the hallway, who had walked in and taken off his mask to reveal the youngest of the group. “M-mwo?”

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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^