you can't leave


“M-mwo?” I looked at everyone in shock, tears still falling down. ‘H-how..W-wae?” I hit JB, though it wasn’t really hard, but what do you expect.. “Wae?!” I was still trembling, and if JB didn’t hold me, I wouldn’t have been able to stand. “Wae? I-I was s-so scared.” I hit him again, but it was even weaker than the one before. “W-wae?” and I couldn’t hold back all the emotions and cried. That made them feel guilty and JB pulled me closer and in a hug. “Mianhe Nana..” He looked at the other members and they knew what to do. “It was Mark’s idea to scare you.. but we didn’t know you’d react like this..” Jackson began. “Jinjja mianhe Nana” Mark apologized.

“B-but how did you all d-disappear then?” My voice cracked a bit through the tears.

Jackson began “Well.. I was walking behind the group, so I just left the room..” Well that made sense. You could hear he did feel guilty.

Youngjae was second. “After I tried to scare you, you went back to reading the scribbles on the wall. The door was still open, so I left as well..” That made sense as well.. and now everyone just explained how they left.

“After we thought we heard someone, I ran towards it right?” Jr began and I nodded softly, still hugging JB.

“Well, after I ‘tripped’ Jackson and Youngjae brought me to a room and we jumped out of a broken window.” Since all of this happened on the ground floor, it still made sense.

“And after I went back in the room to check out that noise we heard, Jackson closed the door so you couldn’t get in, and we jumped out of a window again..” Mark looked down, also feeling guilty for scaring me that much.

“Noona... they didn’t even tell me what was going on.. in that room I was really scared and later found out it was Jr. hyung.. and we ran through the broken wall and away from there..” So Bambam didn’t even know what was going on.. poor kid.

“Noona, I didn’t even know what they were doing either; I-I was scared as well.. but then Mark hyung explained everything once I got taken away by Jackson hyung.” Yugyeom began, and I could hear he really felt guilty. “When Noona fell in the hallway, I almost broke character... I wanted to know if you were okay. But you were so scared.. Mianhe Noona.” And so the list continued and everyone apologized. JB was the last one to apologize. “Nana.. Please forgive us. We didn’t mean to scare you like that.. We thought you would just laugh at the characters, saying one of us would be it.. maybe even hit us.” That made me smile a little, as I almost had done that. After they all apologized I felt better, so I nodded. “Nae, I forgive you... But don’t ever do that again.” Which they all nodded to. Then I was curious and had one question. “But.. Why did you kiss me?” I look up at JB, my arms still around him from when I had that little breakdown.

JB however looked away, embarrassed. “Because.. well..”

“He likes you~” Jackson interrupted and I looked at him blankly.

He what? Me? But.. do I feel the same? I was silent for a moment before looking up at JB again. “Is that true?”

He nodded softly. “Nae... We’ve been friends for so long.. And once we grew older, I realized how beautiful you were, how cute and funny you were..” he finally looked back at me, and that made my heartbeat raise like crazy. Okay... calm down...

“Yah, you two! Just date already.” Youngjae said as he crossed his arms over is chest.

I roll my eyes and looked up at JB again. “Oppa..mianhe.” And it looked like I just broke his heart. But then I smiled lightly. “But I have to do this..” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him for just a small moment.

“Okay love birds, let’s get out of here.” Jackson began, but I had one more thing that bothered me.

“One more question.. How did you get those two girls so far to come with you?” I let go of JB and turned around to look at their reactions, but Mark turned a bit pale. “Two girls…? We never brought them. It was just the 7 of us...”

“Don’t joke around now.. It’s not funny anymore.” I frowned with a small pout.

“He’s not joking, we never did that..” JB spoke up, and I began to worry again. “B-but I saw t-two twin girls... asking me t-to play with them.. j-just like the story. A-and that lady.. s-standing in front of the door window..” I started to tremble a bit again and JB held me close.

“This isn’t revenge right?” Mark asked suddenly, but I shook my head, followed by JB’s comment. “I saw that lady as well..”

Well that mildly happy moment vanished quicker than Mark out the window… Everyone was quiet as the words sunk into our minds. “Y-you mean, you both saw a woman here? This wasn’t part of your imagination?” Jr. sounded worried, furrowing his brows. I shook my head as well as JB.

“Ani, we really saw someone. When we rounded the corner after Yugyeom-ah, there was a figure at the end of the hallway, definitely female…” JB spoke calmly, but his eyes had a shocked tint to them.

I shuddered, remembering the face I saw in the window. “D-disfigured…P-pale and r-really sc-scary looking..Th-that’s what I saw when I f-fell back in the hallway…” My eyes turned to Yugyeom, knowing he was the only other person there with me, though he hadn’t seen it. “Then she disappeared…”

Just after the words left my mouth, the lights in the room flickered and shut off, causing a strangled gasp to leave my throat as JB held me even closer. “H-hyung..?” I heard the shuffling of everyone moving closer together and Mark speaking up. “It wasn’t me, I-I had moved away from the switch earlier…” It was true, and we all knew it; we were just seriously hoping it was another attempt at a trick. The lights turned back on again, and our entire group let out different sounds of fear and shock. The walls were not plain white anymore with the peeling paint; now there was something written on the wall, and a horrible, metallic smell assaulted my nose.


You can never leave…’


The words were scrawled in a familiar looking red… “O-o-oppa, is that…?” I looked up fearfully, and his expression answered my question for everyone. The blood on the wall dripped down, leaving splatters on the floor. We all stood there in shock as we huddled together and stared wide-eyed at the wall. Then we started hearing something in the direction of the other wall behind us; a scratching sound on the floor.

“D-don’t know what it is, don’t want to know, don’t care. Out the door. Now.” Mark pushed the entire group out of the doorway, Youngjae running over and grabbing my discarded flashlight and rushing back to us as quickly as his legs could carry him. Jr. slammed the door shut as soon as Mark was out and we all stayed close together.

A heavy weight hit the door from the inside of the room we just left, and Yugyeom managed to be the first one to find his voice quick enough to yell out in fear. “W-what is th-that!?” His voice broke multiple times as his hand raised and pointed back at what he saw. Sure enough, the haunting face of the woman again appeared in the window there, staring at us with a macabre grin. I swear I went paler than she was and my legs almost turned to jelly. JB was the only reason I was still standing, and Bambam holding on to my arm with a bone-crushing strength. Jackson was even speechless, until we saw the doorknob start turning. “Run!”

Just like that, we all broke out of our statue-esque state and fled down the hallway again, stumbling and clumsily avoiding the scattered remnants of the asylum’s furniture and utilities. There was the sound of the door opening and closing again behind us, speeding up our retreat. I glanced back just as I watched the figure disappear into thin air. “G-guys! S-she vanished!” That actually scares me more than if she was still chasing us.. They realized I was right and we all turned a corner and slowed down, fear taking our breath away. But when we turned the corner, it seemed our luck had proven it still wasn’t there.

“You’re back~ We thought we had lost you too quickly…Does this mean you’ll play with us now?” The two little twin girls from before looked up at us with big eyes, about ten feet away, holding hands and speaking in perfect unison. There was something off about them this time though…

Since we didn’t answer their question immediately, they asked again. “Will you play with us? Please?” Still speaking in perfect unison. They looked innocent, but I don’t think playing with them would be smart, and I was the first to speak. “M-mianhe.. but we really want to go home..” Apparently I should not have said that.

“You won’t?” they tilted their heads again, both in opposite direction. Their eyes…they changed; they became black, pitch black. “But you have to play with us.” Now their skin changed; it became rotten, blood covered parts of their skin and clothes. It was quiet for a moment, and why we still didn’t run away.. No one knows. But then the two girls screamed. Their high pitched voice was probably heard trough the whole hallway.

I wasn’t able move, but then I felt that someone was pulling me away from the twin girls; it was JB, holding my hand and running away from the girls, but the other direction then the rest of the group. After we ran into a room, I looked around. “O-oppa... W-where is everyone?” I held onto his arm tightly.

“I think they ran in the opposite direction.. But we’re safe.” But that didn’t last for long; the door slammed closed and we heard some whispering. ‘Those two girls.. one disappeared..’ It sounded like he was mumbling to himself. ‘I know where she went, she went outside.’ The way he spoke was just..creepy. Then the light and we could see him; he was standing in the corner, facing the wall. ‘I have company...Guests? No.. no one would come here. But they’re standing in my room. But why are they here? Do they want to talk? No.. they think I’m mental. But am I really?’

JB and I didn’t know what to do… He was standing near the door, and we didn’t want to move closer. “Oppa...” I whispered.  “What are we going to do?”

‘You can’t leave this place. Never. It’s impossible. Maybe you can leave? No you can’t.’

Well he’s not making it better. We slowly walked back, to the window.

‘You can’t jump out of there. That’s how the girl disappeared. I threw her out of there.. she was in my room. No one’s allowed to be in my room.’ He now turned around and looked at us; his face was rotten, eyes white. ‘No one’s allowed in my room.’ He stepped closer and closer. ‘No one.’ He said that with every step he took. Eventually we hit the wall. ‘No one.’ The man took one step closer and reached out is arms. ‘No one!’ he yelled, but then disappeared. And once again, if JB didn’t hold me, I would’ve sunk to the ground already… And before I could do or say something, I was pulled away from JB. Only a scream escaped my mouth as I was dragged by...nothing to a window. There was the indent of a hand on my arm, but nothing was there at all. ‘No one!’ And the man appeared again; he was the one holding my arm and dragging me to the window. JB grabbed my arm and the man disappeared once again. I started to cry, finally realizing what just happened. JB hugged me and kissed my head. “We’ll get out of here, I promise.”

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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^