

“Now we can play our game~” The lights shut off, all of us stiffening and moving closer together. “It’s called Murder in the Dark” One of the girls said. Well that name doesn’t sound innocent... We really wanted to leave, but the doors behind us were locked.

“Here are the rules~” the two girls said in unison.

“You will split up in pairs of two,” one of the girls said, and they took turns in speaking now.

“If you stick together, you can never. Leave.”

“And will spread out trough the whole building, hiding.”

“We here are the murderers, and we have to find you,”

“Once we find you, we’ll whisper. ‘you’re dead’,”

“You can’t leave... because if you do, we’ll come with you.” And they were serious.

I stuck close to JB, more and more scared. “O-oppa.. w-what i-if s-someting h-happened to o-one o-of u-us?” My throat still hurts, and my voice was soft.

“Okay, spread out now~” The twins said happily.

The doors unlocked again and we quickly walked out. “We have to find the exit okay? They said they don’t haunt the third floor since that’s the doctor’s floor. Let’s go.” Mark said as he ran to the stairs, followed by all of us. On the first floor I saw the man in the doorway, staring at us with those white eyes. I shiver lightly and continued to follow the rest to the third floor, my neck throbbing at the sight of him.

“O-oppa..w-we have t-to split u-up now…?” I looked at the other members. 

“Nae we should, but we should stay close together okay? Jr. and Youngjae, take either Bambam or Yugyeom.” The ‘teams’ were simple; JB and me, Mark and Jackson, Youngjae and Yugyeom, Jr. and Bambam. We walked away and hid in rooms that were close to each other; the room I was in looked like one of those examination rooms, but then abandoned of course; cracks in the wall, discarded objects everywhere. I was scared and held onto JB like my life was depending on it. My back and throat hurts. There was no whispering on this floor, and then I thought of something. “O-oppa.. c-can’t we go to t-the roof?” I look up at him and he nodded. But then we heard a noise outside the door.

I held onto JB even tighter and looked around. I saw a window and it seemed like there was a place where we could stand. “O-oppa” I tugged on his shirt and pointed at the window. We quietly walked towards it and there was an edge were we could even sit. JB climbed out first and then helped me. We sat down, legs crossed. JB sat against the wall and I tried, but those cuts hurt a lot now. And he seemed to notice that. “Everything okay?”

I shook my head. “B-being here? No. B-but m-my back.. it hurts.” JB frowned lightly and looked at me. “Let me see..” he grabbed his flashlight and carefully lifted my shirt; small cuts, but rather deep, since the man pushed me down, the glass cutting deeper. Around the cuts were also bruises. “Omo, did that happen when that man grabbed you?” I nodded softly as the scene played in my head again. Hugging JB, I buried my head in his chest. “I’m s-scared. I-I know I’ve s-said that w-way too much…” He wrapped his arms around me, careful not to hurt me further. “Everything will be fine. We just need to find a way out of here” he kissed my head.

Of course, as he spoke, that’s when we heard a shuffling noise outside the door. His hold tightened around me and we went silent, making sure we wouldn’t be found. The door slowly creaked open, and I held my breath, listening to the footsteps entering the room. Please don’t come over this way…Please…

Nope. That wasn’t going to happen. The uneven steps of whoever was in the room got louder as they neared the open window we had climbed out of. I buried my head against JB and willed whoever it was away silently. The noise stopped just inside the window for a few minutes, then disappeared. We heard the door close again, but neither of us spoke for a while yet, just to be sure.

JB gently tapped my shoulder so I’d look at him. He gestured that he was going to check, and that I had to stay here. Before I could say no, he set me carefully out of his arms and scooted back over to the window. I didn’t see him flinch or suddenly come back, so that was a good sign. “They’re gone. Come on..” I hurried over to him, not needing to be told twice, and looked in the room myself.

“H-how…how do you think the guys are doing? We need to find an exit, but we can’t leave them still hiding from these…Th-things..” We both thought about that for a minute, unsure. We couldn’t go communicate directly with them, it would put everyone at a higher risk of being found, alerting all of the…residents to where we all were. We’d have to find a way to hint to them or something. My brain was too muddled and terrified to come up with anything useful though, just popping up with the horror I had experienced so far.

Apparently one thought in particular was vivid enough that he showed up at the door in person, almost making me scream. It was our ‘good friend’ with the disembodied head, still smiling and looking as rotten as ever. The only light we had was coming from the window, casting an even more macabre lighting across the spectre, enhancing his utterly nightmarish features.

He stepped towards us as we stepped back, a cruel and torturous dance across the room. At one point he vanished, leaving us both on edge. Suddenly he reappeared again next to me, his one hand clamping over my mouth and his other holding his head up to face me as it forced out a few words. “You’re d-”

I raised my leg and kicked out his knee, disturbed that my foot went straight through it, breaking it instantly as if kicking through a small twig. He fell to that side, now unbalanced due to his leg literally falling under him, not even attached anymore. The rotted hand over my mouth slipped away and I kept my mouth shut, trying my hardest not to break down right there. His head fell out of his hands, rolling and staring at me with the empty, glowing sockets. Then he vanished again into the air.

My trembling was severe as I hurriedly grabbed the bottom of my shirt and raised it, wiping at my mouth to try and get rid of the feeling of his rotting flesh on my face. It all happened so quickly that JB hadn’t even gotten to move to stop the figure, and he grabbed me carefully around the waist just as my legs collapsed. I started crying again, but buried my head against his shirt to muffle any noise that tried escaping my mouth. “I-I-I.. H-he…” I felt JB’s other hand softly my hair, trying to calm me down.

“Shh…I’m here…” He actually sounded scared. They had both almost been caught, and the ‘game’ had only just started not too long ago. “Don’t think about it, just stay next to me, arasseo?” I nodded, still crying. It was amazing I could even cry anymore after how many times it has happened already this night. We stayed there like that for a little while, no other people trying to get in and proclaim us dead. My crying slowed down and I clung onto him tightly.

He helped me stay on my feet and we headed silently to the door. JB held me protectively by his side as he opened the door slowly, just peering out a crack. When he opened it further, suddenly the woman from earlier appeared; a rope in her hands, tied in the end at a noose. It seemed more of her face had decided to fall apart, and I saw her jaw beneath those black holes where her eyes used to be. We both froze in place, unable to move as she raised her arms towards JB again.

“You’re dead~” She said as she grabbed his neck, choking him, and pushing him away from me. “Guys can’t be trusted.” She put the rope around his neck. I finally realized what was going on and I went towards the two. “Yah!” I can’t believe I’m talking to a ghost.. I pulled JB away from the woman and he gasped for air, removing the rope off his neck. “Guys can’t be trusted!” she screamed, becoming even scarier.

I stepped backwards and JB held my hand. “Run, now.” He dragged me with him; we ran out of the door and away from that lady. We ran to the roof and locked the door by placing several things before it.

“O-oppa, a-are you o-okay?” I didn’t have the time to ask that before. He nodded and hugged me.

“I’ll be fine.” His voice was soft, and his throat definitely had to hurt.

I wanted to leave this place. Now. “W-what if s-something happened t-to one of t-the members?” I was shaking, nothing new actually. He my hair, trying to calm me down again.

“Don’t think like that. They know how to survive.” He kissed my head. “Let’s find a way o-” Someone banged on the door, cutting him off mid-sentence. “O-omo.. be quiet.” he whispered. Of course I’d be quiet; I could barely talk normal. “W-wae won’t this door open?!”

I heard Jackson and I immediately ran to the door to remove the things from the entrance. I opened the door and the other members ran trough the door, closing it behind them again. “Move!” They pushed me aside and put everyting they could find in front of the door again. Meanwhile, I fell gracelessly to the ground. “A-ah...” I stood up and brushed off my jeans. What happened to them...Wait… “G-guys.. W-where’s Mark?”  I noticed they all looked as pale as a sheet, and that worried me.

“M-mark h-hyung i-is... p-possessed b-by a-a guy with w-white e-eyes.” Yugyeom stuttered out the words. The poor kid was shaking so bad. I jumped lightly when I heard more banging on the door. I moved to hold JB tightly. I-is it that guy from the f-first floor? That made me tremble a bit more as well, knowing that if he opened the door and saw me.. I’d be dead. I think he has something against women.. While the other ghost has something against couples... Ah this asylum is driving me crazy.

I look at all the members, minus Mark then, and they were all looking at the door, so... I decided to take a look as well. But I wish I hadn’t done that; the door was open now, and Mark was standing in the doorway, looking at every single one of us. His eyes then landed on me and he smirked. “I found you.” He walked towards me, but I hid slightly behind JB. “You’re...dead.” Mark pushed JB aside and placed his hands on my neck again, choking me, but soon JB pushed Mark away and held me close.

“Stay with me.” Like I’m going anywhere… He looked up at the boy standing again. “Yah Mark Tuan! Fight that guy inside of you.” He held me even tighter and he saw Mark’s expression change for a small moment, but it didn’t work. “I will kill her! I will!” he moved towards us again.


(A/N:  mianhe for the late update, my laptop got taken away..so i couldn't write or upload anything T^T )

(CA/N: I updated it a bit~ And yes, I am like the ninja silent partner-in-crime here. ^^; )

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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^