

Don’t go near the edge! My mind yelled at us as we backed away from the possessed Mark. “O-oppa, stay a-away from the edge…” If they got close enough to the edge, they would just be pushed over. “L-like the wind-dow…” JB seemed to get the hint and turned as we walked. If we were to turn to run, he’d be on us in a second. Or, more accurately, me. “Mark! Fight him!” JB yelled over my head, continued our retreat.

Mark, and the old man that possessed his mind to kill me, suddenly lurched forward in a run. We turned and did the same, running towards one of the air ducts on the roof. Last second, we swerved to miss it, hearing our pursuer crash into it. Looking back, I saw Mark holding his head, but his eyes were not his; they were white, just like the man that was actually attacking them. And Mark made a sound of pain, then he was back to being possessed again and trying to finish his job.

So we kept running, dodging behind whatever was there to try and slow him down. What didn’t help was that this ghost was now in the body of our very athletic friend, who would easily catch up to us if it wasn’t for all of the random debris. We ran past the others, and Mark didn’t even seem to notice they were there. He really does only want me. He probably wouldn’t even hurt JB…

To my surprise, Yugyeom and Bambam joined in to try and stop him first, running up behind him and trying to push him into things. “L-leave noona alone!” Yugyeom yelled, and they were trying to corner him into running into the same air duct again. “Hyung! Keep fighting him! We know you can!” Then they split up just as Mark ran into the side of the metal hood again. This time it took longer before he was possessed again, even if only by a few seconds.

“I-it seems if he gets ph-physically hit, it knocks th-the ghost loose.” I spoke up to JB, trying not to lose my breath. None of us wanted to hurt Mark though. Just as I spoke that though, I lost my footing over a tarp on the ground, causing me to slip and fall out of JB’s arms.

Next thing I knew, just as before, I was being lifted off the ground and held around my neck by my friend’s familiar hands, choked. I desperately fought against him, but he was much stronger than I was and I started to see spots around the hazy corners of my vision. Then I was dropped again, Mark being tackled by the maknae line of our group. JB and Jackson were there trying to get me up and away from Mark, Yugyeom and Bambam were each restraining the struggling older guy, and Jr. and Youngjae were keeping a lookout for the only entrance and exit off of the roof.

“Guys.. if we want to run away, let h-him run into a air duct again. We might have a few seconds, but it’ll be enough for now.” Jr spoke up, but I didn’t even hear him. I felt dizzy and was focusing on trying to figure out where I was again. But before I even got a chance to say something, I was running away from Mark again. Everyone stood by the door, ready to close it as soon as we got in. We ran towards the air duct, and turned towards the door. We heard he crashed into it, and now was the time. JB and I ran to the door and they quickly closed it behind us, locking it from the inside. We heard some more banging on the door and we quickly walked down the stairs. We don’t have to leave him right?

Back on the third floor... Back where oppa and I first hid. The other members left to different rooms, since that was one of the rules.. and we knew the consequences. We just stayed quiet, and waited for this game to be over.. Though when will it end? I look up at JB and just hugged him tight, my face buried in his chest. He hugged me back and kissed my head. “Everything will be okay.. We’ll get out of here. With Mark.”

But of course at that moment the door opened. No no no no...please don’t . However, the voice we heard was familiar, in a good way. “M-mark?” I was the first to climb through the window, but I wish I hadn’t done that; Mark’s eyes were still white…still possessed by the guy who wants to kill me. “O-opp-”

Mark’s hand clamped over my mouth and he whispered in my ear. “You’re dead.” And before JB could even do something, I felt something sharp stinging in my stomach. Mark pulled it out and was ready to stab me again with what looked like a piece of glass, but JB stopped him and pushed him against the wall.

I sank to the ground and held my stomach, noticing it was bleeding. I heard Mark was being hit by JB and turned around. I saw how the thing left is body, and Mark was...well… Mark again, though JB didn’t stop. “O-oppa! S-stop.. H-he left.” He stopped, and turned around to look at me; my hand still over my stomach, and slowly becoming a deeper shade of red.

“O-omo!” he kneeled down and placed his hand on top of mine. “W-we have t-to get you out of here.” He pulled me up. I noticed Mark was looking as pale as a sheet. I hobbled towards him. “Mark.. i-it’s fine.. I-it wasn’t your f-fault…” I could see he felt guilty; extremely guilty. I held out my other hand. “P-please..let’s get out of here okay? Just stay with us.” He just nodded softly. I nodded as well and walked out of the door at a slowed pace. We met with the other members then.

“Omo noona! W-what happened?” Yugyeom immediately hurried towards me, eyes wide. “I’ll be fine..” I smile ligthtly, though never let go of JB… afraid I might not be able to stand much longer. “M-mark hyung..a-are y-you?” and Mark just nodded. “I’m me again... M-mianhe..” he looked down, feeling horrible about what he did, even though it wasn’t even him.

“Okay, let’s get out of here.” JB stated once again, and we all agreed of course. No way were we planning on staying here, in case the events throughout the evening hadn’t been proof enough. We hurried around as a group, all trying to find the direction of the exit.

“D-did anyone s-see what way the e-entrance was?” My voice was hoarse again, and my stomach was throbbing in time with my throat and my heartbeat. Owwww… From what I had noticed, the glass hadn’t gone too deep to cause a lot of damage, but it still hurt really bad. Duh.

My question was answered with silence, everyone thinking if they had or not amidst all of the chaos that had occurred. Before anyone could answer, there was a noise behind us. Since we didn’t want to be caught ‘cheating’, we ran. I was dragging behind, holding my stomach as JB kept pace with me. “M-mianhe, I-I’ll try to s-speed up.” I was already running out of breath, but I tried to run quicker to keep up with the others who were already a good ways ahead of us.

JB didn’t even say anything, instead leaning forward while running and picking me up. I wrapped one arm around him and my other stayed pressed against my wound. We all hid in different places again, and I was still being held by JB; he didn’t seem likely to let me go any time soon.

Not too long after we had all gone silent, a familiar, terrifying female ghost walked by, looking around in every direction with her non-existent eyes. Her broken neck creaked as she turned her head back and forth to try and find us. Shaking, I tightened my arm around JB, and he did the same, becoming as small as we possibly could. She stopped by our hiding spot, but after a minute or two continued her walk. I thought I heard her whisper something, now worried that the others had been found. Suddenly I heard the woman yell that men couldn’t be trusted, immediately countered by Jackson yelling, “We are not a couple!” In normal circumstances, I would’ve burst out in laughter, but I held my breath. There was a loud noise of something being hit with metal, then a thud hitting the floor. A few moments later, Mark spoke loud enough for us to hear. “She’s gone.”

Cautiously, we peeked out from our spot, seeing Mark and Jackson standing there, pale and weary; Jackson was holding a rusty chair in his shaking hands. He set it off to the side as all of us climbed out of our hiding places. How Yugyeom had managed to fit in one of the cabinets was beyond my comprehension, but I suppose if you’re desperate…

“W-well that set us off course…” Jr. seemed a bit less composed than usual, but was holding through. “L-let’s fix that.” And off again we were as a group, watching out for any more patients stalking us through the hallways. We had to get down to the first floor and find the exit. We had climbed through a window to get in…And under the fence from the street… That was going to hurt, but if it meant escaping, I wouldn’t think twice about it. I was walking again, holding tightly to JB to stay upright, but walking nonetheless. We were still on the third floor, looking for signs to get to the stairs. “Y-yah, there.” Bambam pointed to a deteriorating square on the wall with a symbol for the staircase pointing ahead. Our pace quickened until we turned the corner, coming to a dead stop. Literally. The little girls were at the staircase with a few other undead ghost patients, as if waiting.

We quickly turned around and ran away once again. “Don’t look back, just keep running and hide.” JB said.

“O-oppa.. I-I saw the emergency s-stairs on the other side of the building w-when I was a-alone.” That only made us run faster; that might be the only chance to get downstairs and away from here for good. Though I really wanted to run faster, I just couldn’t. “O-oppa..” Just by saying that, he knew what was going on and he picked me up once again.

“We’ll get you to a hospital as soon as we’re out of here.” I nodded softly and held him tight as he ran towards the stairs with the other members. My ears were tuned to hear any signs of pursuit behind us, but my heart was pounding too loud to concentrate. Surely they hear us…

And it was true; there was an emergency staircase, and no ghosts around. This might actually be our escape. We ran down the stairs, well we...the members and me who was carried by JB. We finally got to the room where we once started this all. “Time to leave guys..” Mark climbed through first, followed by Yugyeom, Bambam, Jr., Jackson and Youngjae. I was standing again as both Jackson and JB were helping me. And lastly, JB climbed through the broken window as I heard something in the hallway outside the room.

I grabbed his hand, and we walked, well..ran to the fence. Still no ghosts around. Though I made the mistake to look up and I saw the man, who tried to kill me several times, watching us. He was...waving? There was an eerie smile on his decomposing face. I shivered, feeling the pain around my neck and stomach, and looked back at everyone else. Mark was again the first to climb under the fence, followed by the others in same order as when we climbed through the window. A-ah.. That hurts.. I lay down and, thanks to the fence, I pushed myself away from the building. Jackson and Yugyeom were helping me stand up, and JB was again the last one to stand on the other side again. I hugged him tight, using him to help me stand as well. “P-please..C-can w-we l-leave now..” He nodded and we ran to the car parked nearby, piling in as fast as we could; the sun was already rising in the sky. We’ve been there all night... but we’re safe now.


(CA/N: Mianhe.. My fault this took so long, didn't have a computer to update. >.< I hope you guys enjoyed the story~! :3 )

(A/N:  i hope you all liked the story ^^ we did our best :3 )

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Kimyooni16 #1
Chapter 8: Omg this is scary good I looooove it I want more do u have any other stories.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Hirnfresser #2
Chapter 7: Holy that was so scary omg....I definitely shouldn't have read this at 1am omg I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep now >.< please make a sequel? I'm really curious as to what could happen afterwards :0 also I'm happy that this was x JB because he's my bias in got7 and I haven't read any stories with him for like a half or do year :3
SEQUELLLL~~~ YOU SCAREF THE LIFE OUT OF ME AUTHOR-NIM!!! i wont be able to sleep tonight!! >.< this was reallllyyyyyyy good. More like great!!
MinGi_Jung #4
Chapter 7: sequel please authornim~
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 7: Omg TTTT this is creepy af but WHY DID THE MAN WAVED OMG....
Omg this was so amazing!!!
You're very good
Lol are you dutch? Toevallig
Chapter 7: I swear its scary! I keep looking around me to see if anyone is here other than my sister.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh o.o woah.. Just finished this story in one night hehe... This is seriously just one of my favorite horror stories!! I was like so scared and my feet were ice cold until I read the sentence about Mark and Jackson lol XD gersh "We are not a couple!" hehe
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 7: Chapter7: omg they made it!! TT^TT that crazy guy waved at them?!?! wth 0-0' yes!! Watt happens next?? ^-^