
Perhaps, Love?
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A month passed by in a blink of an eye ever since Luhan started to work for Sehun. Time passes faster when you're having fun and Luhan really enjoyed his time with Minsoo and Baekhyun. After the first meeting with Baekhyun, the slender male had warmed up to him pretty fast and it turned out that they had quite a lot of common interests. But what made this job rewarding was seeing Minsoo opening up himself to the people around him.  The child was more cheerful, he talked more and he behaved like a child now unlike the past few weeks where he behaved like a grown up instead of his own age. 

He liked listening to Minsoo talking about his day, he liked hearing his laughter and how he would peck Luhan on his cheeks as a thanks. Unlike Minsoo who Luhan was able to forge a bond with, Sehun still remained very much a mystery to him. His curiosity grew each day as he found himself getting hooked in deeper, wanting to understand the man. Luhan wasn't a person who paid anyone extra attention, he had his own matters to worry about so this feeling of wanting to understand another person better was foreign to him. 

He shook his head, deciding to put this deep down in his heart. The least he could do now was to reinforce his wall, he couldn't afford for someone to breach past his wall, especially if the person was Oh Sehun. 



"Luhan?" Sehun called his name softly, breaking him out of his thoughts. 

"Yes?" Luhan asked when he saw that Minsoo and Sehun were dressed to go out. Minsoo was b with excitement and Luhan had the sudden urge to hug the child who was dressed in a sailor uniform. "Are you guys heading out?"

"I am planning to bring Minsoo to the amusement park today since he had done really well for his spelling test recently." Sehun told him and Minsoo was nodding along with whatever Sehun had said on the side. "Are you busy?"

"I don't have lessons today - "

"Do you want to go with us?" Minsoo blurted out before running to Luhan's side and looked up at him with those imploring eyes. "Go, please? Pretty please?"

Unable to take Minsoo's cuteness, Luhan found himself nodding while a full fledged smile made its way to Minsoo's face as he cheered.



Minsoo finished his breakfast in record time and he was already sitting in the living room as he waited for Luhan and Sehun to get ready. Luhan shook his head, when was the last time Minsoo was this excited about something and glancing to the side, he saw a small smile on Sehun's lips. He guessed Sehun was in a good mood as well - stop. 

Another habit that Luhan had picked up, observing Sehun more than what was usual and he did it unconciously. This was quickly spinning out of Luhan's control and he found himself not wanting to spend more time in close proximity with Sehun. He was afraid, he was scared of all these feelings overwhelming him.

After making sure he had packed everything that was needed for this trip, Sehun had ushered the both of them out of the house. The skies were clear, a good sign for the trip. Minsoo climbed into the back with Luhan, Sehun had fastened Minsoo's belt for him and was about to close the door when he reached over to fasten Luhan's belt for him as well. 

This happened within a span of a minute and Luhan didn't react until the belt was fastened. It was then when he saw how close Sehun's face was to his and his cheeks started to heat up. His heart started to beat much faster, he could practically feel the butterflies doing cartwheels in his stomach but it had felt nice. 

Nice because someone had cared about his well-being, it had been a long time since someone does this for him - stop. As much as he had stored this memory in the back of his mind, he couldn't shake off the feeling that just the tiniest crack had appeared in his wall. 



The amusement park was massive and Luhan had the time of his life, playing with abandonment as he relieved his memories of those happier times. He felt as though time had turned

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Gracegesang #1
Chapter 10: Hello dear author!!!

I love your story. I just hope you'll have the time and inspiration to continue and finish it this year.
Its 2018 author nim, please dont leave this story hanging >.<
Chapter 10: Update soon.
Chapter 9: I love this story so much
Chapter 10: World War III? Wow! Hide, Luhan!
Chapter 9: Sehun kissing Luhan? This is something!
Chapter 8: Complicated situation, really.
Chapter 6: Closer... closer...
Chapter 5: I Baekhyun a Cuypid ot what? I guess he is.
Chapter 4: Are we accomodating Luhan in his future family? :)