
Perhaps, Love?
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Minsoo rubbed his eyes sleepily before turning to his side and realised that only his Father was in bed with him while Luhan was nowhere to be seen. Seeing how it was close to the time his Father was going to wake up, he pushed himself up and began the task of waking him up with kisses.


Waking up to the sight of his son peppering his face with kisses is probably the best sight to wake up to as he grinned and hugged his son before tickling him into submission.


“Daddy!” Minsoo shrieked. “Stop – “


“Good morning, Minsoo.” Sehun stopped with the tickling as he kissed his son on his forehead. “Let’s start the day – “


“Where is Luhan?” Minsoo asked.


“He is in the guestroom – “ Before Sehun could finish his sentence, Minsoo got off the bed and went in search of Luhan. Pushing the door to the guestroom open, he began to pepper Luhan’s face with kisses as well.


“Minsoo, I am up. I am up.” Luhan smiled at him and ruffling his hair. “I am up. Come on, have your brushed your teeth?”


“I am waiting for you!” Minsoo cried and the both of them headed to the restroom to freshen up.






They walked out to the living room to see Sehun doing the cooking this time around. Running to his father’s side, Minsoo tugged the hem of his shirt. “Daddy, do you need help?”


“You can help set up the table if you want.” Sehun instructed his son who went and did his bidding. “Luhan, we will be visiting Soojung later. Will you be coming with us?”


“Sure, I need to visit my mother as well.” Luhan said as he watched Minsoo setting up the table and was ready to catch any falling plates if needed.


“So we will be visiting Mummy?” Minsoo asked and Sehun nodded. “I miss her.”


Those three words were said really softly but nevertheless, it made Sehun’s heart clench. He was glad for Luhan here because it appeared that Minsoo was happier when the male was around. Sehun could tell that Minsoo genuinely liked Luhan and vice versa. Since he was young, Minsoo was a quiet child and he didn’t get close to anyone easily.


Seeing his son opening up to Luhan and allowing Luhan to help him cope was enough to make Sehun double Luhan’s pay. But he knew from the few conversations they had that Luhan wasn’t doing this for money, he was doing this for his son because he liked him.


That was enough for Sehun, more than enough actually. Flipping the pancakes expertly, Sehun slid it off the pan and placed it on the plate for them.


Drizzling some honey over the pancakes, he placed the fruits he cut earlier on Minsoo’s plates just how his son liked it. “Do you want honey, fruits – “


“Do you have chocolate sauce?” Luhan asked. “Pancakes and chocolate sauce is the best combination ever.”


“Here,” Sehun handed the bottle to Luhan who thanked him. Sitting beside Minsoo, Sehun started eating and making sure that Minsoo wasn’t making a mess of himself. Instead of Minsoo making a mess of himself, he saw chocolate sauce on Luhan’s lips.


Without as much as thinking, he reached over and rubbed it over before it off his thumb. That was when he paused and he saw Luhan looking at him in surprise as well. “You had chocolate sauce just now – “


“Right,” Luhan muttered before excusing himself to the bathroom. Leaving an oblivious Minsoo who was still eating his pancakes happily and Sehun who slapped his hand on his forehead, wondering what the hell came over him just now.








The three of them decided to walk to the hospital today since the weather felt really nice. It wasn’t too sunny and there was a light breeze, the perfect day for getting some exercise. Minsoo was in the middle with Luhan and Sehun at his sides, the little boy had slipped his hands into their hands.


They looked just like a family to everyone else. Deciding that he liked this feeling of being protected, Minsoo started to hum his favourite song as he swung their hands back and forth. They stopped outside of the usual flower’s shop which they always went to before they went to the hospital.


The florist was an elderly lady who had a smile on her face as she greeted them. “Luhan and Mr Oh, both of you know each other?”


“I am Minsoo’s nanny,” Luhan replied her. “I need a bouquet of – “


“Blue irises, right?” The elderly lady chuckled. “The same for you as well Mr Oh?”


Sehun simply nodded while Luhan looked at him surprise. “You are a regular here? Blue irises – “


“For my wife, someone once told me that it represents – “


“Faith and hope,” Luhan and Sehun said

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Gracegesang #1
Chapter 10: Hello dear author!!!

I love your story. I just hope you'll have the time and inspiration to continue and finish it this year.
Its 2018 author nim, please dont leave this story hanging >.<
Chapter 10: Update soon.
Chapter 9: I love this story so much
Chapter 10: World War III? Wow! Hide, Luhan!
Chapter 9: Sehun kissing Luhan? This is something!
Chapter 8: Complicated situation, really.
Chapter 6: Closer... closer...
Chapter 5: I Baekhyun a Cuypid ot what? I guess he is.
Chapter 4: Are we accomodating Luhan in his future family? :)