Chapter 6

Our Taboo Attraction

          Two years later . . .

          Hankyung and Heechul had managed to keep their relationship quiet from everyone for two long years. They couldn’t remember the last time they did anything apart from one another, including sleeping in separate beds; the two would swap whose bed they slept in every night.

          Min and Jae thought nothing was going on between their sons, and even complimented on how well they acted towards one another. Occasionally when they did fight, Hankyung and Heechul would always make up for it that night. Even though they were as close as they were, Hankyung and Heechul were not ually active in their relationship. Heechul had a fear of someone catching them, so Hankyung promised to wait until Heechul felt like he was ready. The boys would be graduating soon, and with that, they would have leave for college.

          “Are you excited that we only have five months of school left?” Hankyung asked Heechul one night as they lie together.

          Heechul nodded against his brother’s chest. “Just think, we’ll get to live together in a dorm all by ourselves where no one will bother us,” he added.

          Hankyung interlaced his fingers with Heechul’s. “What about after college? Have you thought about where you would like to live?” Hankyung wondered.

          “I would love to travel around and see the World before we settle down,” Heechul requested.

          “We can do that,” Hankyung agreed. “But after we finish that were would you like us to make a home at?”

          “I don’t know, maybe we could settle down in a nice isolated place where no one knows who we are, and we could start a new life. Do you have any place in mind?” Heechul asked.

          “Anywhere, as long as we’re together.” Hankyung kissed Heechul’s lips as the raven haired teen grinned.

          As soon as they pulled away, the two heard the bedroom door open. Turning around, Hankyung and Heechul saw Min standing in the doorway. “Hankyung, what are you doing in Heechul’s room this late?” she wondered.

          “Heechul had a nightmare and asked me to stay with him until he calmed down,” Hankyung quickly lied.

          “Oh, okay, well do you boys need anything? Jae has been up all night with heartburn, so I’m gonna get him some acid relief medicine,” Min informed.

          “No thanks mom, we’re okay,” Heechul promised.

          “Are you sure you feel okay sweetie? You haven’t had a nightmare in a couple of years,” Min reminded.

          “I’m fine, just need to catch my breath and talk to Hankyung so I can get my mind off the dream,” Heechul said.

          “Okay, Hankyung thank you for staying with him. I love that you two are getting along so well,” Min replied with a smile before closing the bedroom door.

          Hankyung and Heechul turned to each other. “Can you hear my heart pounding?” Heechul asked as he took Hankyung’s hand and placed it on his chest.

          “Yeah, mine almost stopped when Min came in,” Hankyung said.

          “We have to be more careful,” Heechul whispered as he hugged Hankyung tightly.

          “I know, maybe we should start locking the doors when we sleep,” Hankyung thought.

          “No, that’ll make them suspicious that we’re hiding something, and you know that mom and Jae will find out anything,” Heechul reminded. “We’ve kept it a secret for so long that I think we’ve gotten careless.”

          “We’ll just be more careful, and make sure that they’re asleep before we start anything,” Hankyung said. Heechul nodded and lightly kissed his brother’s lips again. “Don’t worry, even if someone does find out, you’ll be eighteen in a couple of months and then they won’t be able to touch us because we’ll both be legally adults.” He his brother’s raven hair as they kissed.

          The next day, while Hankyung and Heechul were at school, Min and Jae were at home. Jae did work from home on his computer, and it was Min’s day off at the coffee shop. There was unexpectedly a knock on the door.

          Jae answered and said “Yes, can I help you?”

          “Hello is this the home of Heechul and Hankyung?” the man at the front door asked.

          “Yes, who are you?” Min wondered as she joined her husband. “Are our sons okay?”

          “Yes, they are alright. My name is Leeteuk; I am the Angelwood High School’s student counselor. I am here today to ask you a few questions concerning your sons,” he explained.

          “Alright, please come in,” Jae invited as he opened the door wider for Leeteuk.

          The three sat down in the living room and Min asked “So what’s wrong with Hankyung and Heechul?”

          “Ma’am, are your sons close to one another?” Leeteuk questioned.

          “Yes, as close as two brothers could be; well actually they’re stepbrothers, but they act more like best friends,” Min said.

          “Do Hankyung and Heechul date a lot?” Leeteuk asked.

          “Well Hankyung has had his fair share of girlfriends, but no Heechul has never really dated. I’m sorry, what do our sons personal lives have to do with why you’re here?” Jae wondered, starting to get uncomfortable.

          “The other day at lunch, a couple of students saw your sons walk off towards the bleachers at the football field. We don’t know what they’re doing out there alone, but do you know if they are doing drugs or ually active?” Leeteuk asked.

          “That is appalling! Our sons would never do drugs or anything like that,” Min defended.

          “I’m sorry; I’m not making accusations, just wanting to know if everything is alright. Do Hankyung and Heechul get along at home okay, have they been sneaky lately?” Leeteuk asked.

          “No, nothing like that,” Jae said.

          “Would it be alright if I maybe stick around and observe just to be one hundred percent sure that everything is okay between the two of them?” Leeteuk requested.

          “Of course, my boys have nothing to hide. They’ll be home in a couple of hours and you can observe and talk to them if it’ll help,” Min agreed.

          Leeteuk grinned. “Thank you, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with them, but it’s just to give the school some peace.” 

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 14: This is a really good story.
so happy that even after 15 yrs they got their happy ending. XD
amuse_otaku #2
Chapter 14: At least they will always be together eventhough had to hold it for 15years .. Huhuuu forever HanChul ..
Zhenwook #3
Chapter 14: hanchul will always be together :33 yush yushh~ like their story in real life~ i really like this story~
thanks author for a greaaat storyy :3
Sapphirechan #4
Chapter 14: Ya happy ending .....I so glad ......Thank you for the story
Chapter 14: aww poor hannie has to live in prison for 15 years but
hanchul still have happy ending together becoz of their true love
Chapter 14: I seriously hate people who hate them because 1)Homoual or 2)Mistakes to others but the main people are following their heart. There was new girl yesterday and she just started Drama on the first day. Even going to the part of hating on one of my close friends whose like part of the LGBT community and ooh, wanna kill the girl. Everyone likes my friend as a normal person and that girl, nobody likes her. So this story actually helped me express my feelings of such stupid people. Like Jieun's Don't Stare that came out a few days ago.
Just one look of Heechul and Hankyung, I'm hooked. Going to go read now~
Chapter 12: Whoa whoa there! I didn't know the setting was in USA, it felt weird kkk but good story anyway! The plot is fast, I like it. Hope Hanchul could get married asap and live happily ever after yay!