Alluring Black Vows
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P/S : Finally I manage to finish the another story! Just one thing , please promise you won’t curse me after you read this last chapter. I know I should not write it like that but these absurd ideas kept rushing in my mind and I can’t stop writing it. Please read and comment! Thanks to all my subscribers and even to the silent readers. Sorry that the story is ending too soon but this is supposed to be a short story but someone asked me to compose it again and make it a seven chapter story. Thanks for your supports and have a nice day, everyone!

Luhan stood there for almost half an hour now. The old rusty keys already slipped into the keyhole but he was nervous to open it after all these years locked away.

Sohee was busy preparing lunch for the two of them, even refusing the help offered by the chef or any of the maids.His fingers ran through the surface of the old door and he smiled bitterly. He sealed up the room after his father's funeral. He never set his feet inside since then. The faint presence of his late father still lingered inside this very room and he would only burst into tears to see those pictures again.


Taking in a deep breath, Luhan twisted the keys and the door revealed all the treasures hidden inside. The precious potraits of the angel that Lay loved dearly. A smile plastered on his mouth as he recalled all the precious memories of his father.

" Father, I'm here." He seated himself on the stool he often used when he was a child. " Sorry, it took so long. I really miss you." A stray tear felt down and he smiled, the bittersweet emotions coursed all over his body at the portrait of his father and the little him, hanging next to the window.

" Father, remember the promise we made when I was a child? I found her. The one that I will never let go. Father, I really wish to see you again."

" I can help you with that.." a low voice startled him and he turned around, only to be greet by a tall angel, staring at him with eyes reddened by anger.

" Who are you? How do you managed to get in here?" Luhan hissed.

" I'm happy to know that he at least had the decency of comtemplating for his sin before his death." His eyes glared at all the pictures of his beloved angel and his eyes set on the human in front of him. He slipped through his pocket and pulled out a long, tiny rod." Now, you'll pay for the sin your father committed."

" Stop it right now!" Their attention diverted to a panting devil and the confused angel at his back.

Sehun's eyes widened and he let out a gasp. " Father.."

" Looks like we shared the same interest in love, son." He smiled bitterly and was ready to plunge the rod into Luhan's heart when Kai stepped in front of him.

" Stop this, Kris. Why are you trying to kill him? He is innocent."

Kris cupped Kai's cheeks in his big hands, stared down at the devil with teary eyes. " I can't forgive myself for letting you in love with a human that turned you into this hideous creature."

Kai shook his head. " No   it was never your fault. I never regret falling in love with Lay."

" I love you, Kai. I never stop loving you but I glad that you find a new love." He turned to look at his son and smiled bitterly.

" You don't have to do this. You're last of our kind. It's your responsiblity to lead the new generation now."

Sehun never saw his own father smiled, let alone crying in public. He still confused on how his own father and lover even knew each other.

Kris raised his hand and the surprised Kai trapped over the wall." I can't let you die. This boy ... he carries half of your life support. If I kill him, it will return back to you."

Kai's eyes widened in realization as he  struggled to break free from the invisible restrains and begged for Kris to stop.

Sehun rushed to stop his father but an invisible wall haulted him in his track.

"Father, stop this. There will be another way to save Kai."

Kris shook his head." This is the only way." The rod hovered in the air and plunged into the Luhan's chest.

Luhan fell down on the carpet and his hand reached to his aching chest. Blood gushing from his wound and his eyes started to close. Kai was finally released from the restrains and raced to the fallen human.

"Luhan, hang in on there." Kai tried to pull the rod out but it stuck. He desperately turned to Kris to help him but the angel just looked away.

" Help me please." Kai begged with fresh tears running down his cheeks but Kris still refused to help.

Sehun rushed to them and tried to pull it off but Kris had casted a spell on the rod ,it can only be pulled by Kris and him only.

Luhan stared at the devil and the image of his father played over his head. " You.. you're the angel in his nightmares."

"Ssh.. dont talk to much." Kai casted some spell to weaken the effect of Kris' magic.

" What's your name?" Luhan asked, ignoring the throbbing pain on his chest. He found the angel, just like he promised his father.

" Kai."

" Kai.. I finally found you. My father... will be pleased to know.... that I had found" Luhan smiled before coughing out blood.

" Luhan, please. Don't die on me." The spell finally broken and Kai pulled out the rod before throwing it away. Sehun laid his hand on the wound and worked in his healing power.

" My father ..  he never rejected..  your love." Luhan reached out to hold Kai's hands. " He just to shy... to admit it ....out loud... He loved you.... with all his heart." A warm tear slided down to his cheek. " Please ....forgive him." Luhan exhaled his last breath with a satisfying smile.

The hand in his grip turned cold and he shook the body."Luhan, luhan.. No!" Kai wailed as he buried his face in the lifeless body, crying his heart out.  A small, round light rose from Luhan's body and disappeared into Kai's heart.

The transformation happened almost immediately. His ugly wings changed into a pair of white wings and the stench of devil was cleansed .It changed half of his dark heart into the pure heart of an angel.

" What is happening here?" All of their attentions drew back at a small, petite girl who looked surprised to see the Chief of Angel in the room.

"Sir.." she stuttered in fear.

Kris narrowed his eyes and the famili

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wow, I didnt realized so many people knows about this PV.


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Chapter 7: wow.... this is an awesome story. Love portrayed at its best in a story with a bitter sweet ending...

but why? Xiumin,. rip & come with me :)
Chapter 7: minseokkie......
Chapter 7: Thank you for the ending...................
xiuhan12 #4
Chapter 4: Is the devil kai?? the kai feeling is in there though... maybe his related to sehun or something...
Chapter 4: The devil is sehun right? Who is the devil?
MinRi8 #6
Chapter 4: UUUHM THE DEVIL IS SEHUN'S EVIL BROTHER? :o nononooo min, you shouldn't have done that!
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 3: whoaaaa... evil minseokkie!!
sorry authornim, may i ask when sehun will appear authornim??
trishplusmama #8
Chapter 2: Aww poor minseokkie
MinRi8 #9
Chapter 2: Omg this is wonderful! But luhan :( noooo marry min please. I dont want to see him sad :/