
It'll probably change

Taehyun left work in a very bad mood. He found extremely rude that Mino didn't invite him to wherever he was going when they left at closing time and he could have perfectly waited for him. "Whatever, not like I wanted to go". He kept thinking that he knew the guy Mino was with. He was getting more and more frustrated about it as he usually has a very good memory. He just couldn't point out where he had seen him. Maybe he should've asked for his name. But no, obviously he wouldn't. He was surprised Mino didn't tell him, maybe the other guy wasn't so important. 


Taehyun wondered, a lot, why he liked Mino so much. I mean, it's not like they were childhood friends or anything. He didn't have a lack of friends either, so he wasn't that eager to meet new people, nor was he really the type of person that seeked people for that matter. He was also quite popular in school, he always had someone to do group activities with, he was never alone in lunch time, he got many presents on valentine's day, even the teachers liked him. But he hated school. And it's not like he wanted a brother figure. He had a lot of hyungs in school and out of school that took good care of him. In fact, they were kinder to him than Mino. For once, if he didn't feel like calling them hyung, he didn't and they were fine with it. But none of those people knew about his desires and dreams, nor had he ever felt the need to share his hobbies. In fact, he was pretty sure they knew nothing about his life. 

And so, why? 

This past month, the small amount of time he talked to Mino in the restaurant are the times where he feels most at ease. At the beginning he was just curious about him, seeing as he was so different form his usual customers. But after the fated incident with the notebook, they somehow became friends. Maybe. Taehyun wasn't really sure but he liked to think so. And Mino was always very patient with him, because Taehyun knew he was obnoxious some times, he just didn't care. If people wanted to be with him, they'd have to accept him exactly as he was.

Usually. Taehyun was sure he will never forget the way Mino treated him and yelled at him the day he found out he had read his lyrics. He had never felt frightened about anybody before. His life just hasn't been like that, everything always revolved around him. Shocked was a good way to put his state of mind at the time.


    Around a month ago…


Taehyun was in a very happy mood as he was cleaning the counters that night. He thought he was going to see Mino that day, but unexpectedly he didn't come.

In Taehyun's mind Mino was gonna be amazed by the track he composed while reading his lyrics. So the next day, when he finally came to see him at closing time, Taehyun was not prepared at all.


- Hey! do you think that was funny?

- What?

- Do you think that was funny? Or were you just passing time?

- I still d-

- The book! Why would you open it and read it! You have no idea what that means to me!

Mino was furious. Taehyun could see it. He knew Mino was a strong guy, when even a stare could stop him, he knew he had to be careful. In his mind he already saw himself on the floor from a punch in the face.

- I'm sorry I really didn't mean to upset you I just opened it and-

- And what? you just read everything? Everyone could see this was personal!

Mino was a few inches apart from him. Taehyun was rooted in his spot. He was really scared and couldn't even move letting the older guy yell at him till his ears felt like they were going to burst. He was sure someone would listen to it outside and come, he was starting to hope that would happen.

- Don't you dare start crying on me kid

Taehyun hadn't noticed but his eyes were bloodshot

- What? what you're talking about I'm not. I swear I won't I'm sorry

- Stop it, just stop… 

He finally took a step back and let out a long sigh. Contrary of what Taehyun felt right now Mino would never hit anybody if he could help it. He had gotten into many fights and he was good at it but all those times were because his friends were in trouble not because he had started it. All the same, people would never dare to pick a fight with him. He just had that animalesque aura about him.

- But I still don't know why you did it Taehyun-ah…

Taehyun didn't know either. He didn't understand why Mino was so mad. For him, other people's privacy was not really something he thought about. People usually sought his approval and so they always shared their ideas first. He had never had the urge to ask about other's affairs first and had actually been pretty sure that whatever he may have found in Mino's notebook was not worth his time. But it had been really unexpected, his writing was very liberating you could say, like if writing was the only way he could let all that frustration out. Taehyun knew how that felt. Music was that for him too. And just like that he started composing and the result was a song way better than any he had made and he really wanted to share it with Mino and see what he thought. He had never felt like that before and he was genuinely looking forward to what the older guy had to say. He never expected this outcome.

Taehyun tried to explain all this but by the way Mino looked it wasn't coming very well. Taehyun never had to explain himself you see, he lacked the touch for saying sorry. 

- Did you even listen to what I did?

- What?

Mino was so taken aback. He couldn't believe this kid. Did he really not get why was he so mad?

- Yeah I mean, maybe… maybe if you listened to it you wouldn't be like this

- No, I'm pretty sure I'd be like this anyway

- Oh…

- Whatever kid.. I just, I'm gonna go now before you say another stupid thing and I end up punching you or something

He made for the door and was about to go out but Taehyun called to him.

- I really am sorry. I… I may not get it and I'm sorry about that too but I never meant anything bad by it I swear

- Yeah…ok. 

But he didn't look back.


Taehyun was sure he wouldn't see Mino again. Never in his life had he seen someone so mad, less so at him, so when he came to the cafeteria 2 weeks after their fight he almost dropped the cup of coffee he was holding.


- What? you're not gonna take my order?

- The same as always?

- The same as always. 

- Be right back

- Hyung

- Hyung. Taehyun smiled.


And just like that he started coming just as before. Needless to say neither of them brought on the subject again. Taehyun didn't dare ask him about anything related to music even when he was dying to do so. He was content with talking about everyday life. But he was almost certain the guy he had brought with him today was also a musician, he had that vibe about him and so he resolved that the next time he sees Mino he'll ask about the song he composed again.

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Alwayshereforyoon #1
Chapter 8: Are you still going to update this?
Chapter 3: yes supernatu is right the idol talking bout is seungyoon right and the one you narrate is taehyun and i read someone is rapping so either minho or seunghoon
Chapter 5: Your writing is so nice, things are neatly placed. But as the previous comment you have, can you write names? I kinda confused on who is who. And hopefully you read your commenters.
Chapter 2: i'm not sure if it's how the story is supposed to start off but i think you should mention names because i'm reading this and i'm thinking "which 'he' is this one?". i kinda know which members you're trying to write because of the things they do like rapping, playing a guitar. it seems like an interesting story though, keep it up!