Damn you, Uki...~

Acting like nothing is wrong~



Uki P.O.V


“What are they saying?” Eunhyuk whispered to me. Again. I scowled to him.
“If you keep asking, I can’t hear what they’re saying!” I hissed. He closed his mouth. I rolled my eyes before trying to listen again. We couldn’t see anything that happened, a big minus. And since Eunhyuk didn’t understand English, he needed ME to translate, which was hard when I tried to listen. Damn… why did I only have a useless monkey to work with? Wait… useless? Bing, got an idea! I looked at him.
“Go to the other end of the room and try to figure out what they’re doing. Don’t make yourself attention attention, got it?” he nodded and then disappeared. Super. I turned my attention back to the table just on the other way of the half-wall I sat behind.
“…didn’t tell anyone, right?” a mans voice asked. I think she shook her head or something, ‘cause no one said anything before the man took the word again. “Great… you know, it’s such a waste that you left me…” I heard a slap. Like someone hit someone’s face. And then some more slaps, just… harder? O__O’ The man chuckled. “You never learn it, do you Cho?” She hissed as answer. I really wished that I could see what was going on.
“Let go of me! I can perfectly sit by myself!” I heard Cho spit. I smiled a bit. I barely knew the girl, but she sounded to fight back. Another fighter! ^_^’
“I know you can, princess… but why don’t you just take with me back home? I know you miss it,” that man smirked again. Someone-Cho?- sighed.
“I left you because I wanted you out of my life. I’m not going with you back,” a chair got pushed back, “and now, I’ll leave. You got your money, now, let me and my family be alone. Have a good life, Josh…” and then I heard her heals went away. A second later I got a text.

From: Cho~

- Meet me outside… ^^




Cho P.O.V


“Let’s go to the park,” I said when Uki and Eunhyuk came to me. They started asking questions but I just walked. And walked. And ignored them. I first stopped when I found a bench I could push both of them down on.
“Cho!” Uki yelled angry, “what’s going on!? Who was those guys!?!”
“Why did they hit you!?” Eunhyuk asked. I scowled to both of them, ignoring their questions again.
“You two. When I say that I didn’t wanted you to follow me, I mean that dead-serious, got it!? You could have been killed!” I looked down at them, “never. EVER. Do something like that again, got it!?!” Uki stood up, facing me. Yeah, we were about same height…
“Wanna know why we followed you?” she asked. I nodded and scowled to her, waiting for her answer. “Because we actually do care about you, Chowoon!” she poked just at my chest so it hurt, “we care! You are family, even when we don’t really know you! And you seemed to be in trouble in there, so tell me who the hell those guys were so I can go back and kick them for hitting you!” I sank. Uki could be scary… but I’d seen worse…
“Uki… I-I can’t tell you,” I said, “they… they’ll kill my dad if I do…” I stepped back, “I’m sorry… I’ll see you tomorrow…” and then I started running. Trying to escape. I just forgot a little detail; Eunhyuk was really fast… and he didn’t wearied heals…
“STOP RIGHT THERE!” he yelled and grabbed my wrist. I turned around and looked at him.
“Let go of me,” I said, trying to calm myself down. He shook his head and started pulling me back to Uki. I got my hand free, just as Uki reached me and pushed me to a closer bench.
“Look Cho… I can see that you’re afraid, so damn tell me! I can help you!” she said, just as…
“Well, well, well… look what we got here…” Josh…


Josh P.O.V


I came here to get Cho with me back, and I’m not leaving this damn country before she is mine again. I looked at my men behind me, all ready to go. The girl who was with Cho looked directly at me.
“Can I help you sir?” she asked in fluently American. I sent her a smile.
“I’m just here to talk a little bit more to my dear Cho,” I said and tilted my head, “so will you please take your friend with you and leave us?” The girl sent me a cold smile back.
“Oh no, sir, I don’t think that’ll go. Cho and I have something very important to talk about and I think it’ll take a while.”
“I think my thing is more important,” I said. The girl went to me.
“I don’t think you understand…”
“Uki, don’t!” Cho said when this little girl was a half meter away from me and poked my chest, “just go home!” Then she said something in Korean to the guy who looked clueless. He shook his head and answered back. Cho rolled her eyes, and then looked at me.
“Josh, just… go… you don’t belong here,” she said. I smirked.
“Do you?”


Cho P.O.V


I don’t know how I managed to get home… how WE managed to get home! O__O Seriously, after Josh’s ‘Do you’, he turned around, started walking while saying ‘I’ll see you soon babe,’ and then he left with his friends! And Uki dragged me back to the Super Junior dorms where I couldn’t run away… Damn it, Uki!
“What’s going on here!?” Jungsu yelled when Uki threw me in the couch with her hands in her side, ignoring him.
“Look Cho. I can see you try to fight this by your self, and I can see you think it works. But do it? Do it really? You’re so damn stubborn if you think you can fight guys like them all by yourself!” she half yelled… in English.
“Uki, I know them! They won’t kill me!” I said and stood up, facing her.
“Maybe! But they’ll hurt your or kidnap you, and that my friend, is UNACCEPTEBLE!” She said, now yelling. Okay, that girl was scary! Like… seriously scary!
“Maybe it’s unacceptable, but it’s ing my business Uki! And if you ever try to fix anything without knowing what’s going on, YOU can DIE! And do you wish that for your brother? Your family? Donghae!?” I yelled.
“You could die too!”
“My dad will maybe die now because you and Eunhyuk! Don’t dare to talk to me like that!” I screamed, tears started running down my cheeks when I just realized it… daddy…
“Hey-hey, girls! Relax!” Jungsu yelled and pulled me back to the couch, “tell me what’s going on!” Uki just stared at me. I stared back.
“What do you mean with your dad dying?” a voice asked me, also in English. I looked up and saw Alex stand in the door. I sank.
“Long story, Al…” I dried my cheeks and looked at Uki, “but if he dies… someone has to…” I got up, but Jungsu pulled me down again, looking at Uki. She had been quiet since I mentioned my dad…
“Uki, you have a minute to tell me what’s going on here. Cho seems freaked out because of you yelling of her!” Uki shook her head, not answering him again.
“Cho… I didn’t know,” she said. I just nodded. “Cho, I mean it… why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because, then he would die. And now, since you and Eunhyuk came and got seen with me, Josh may think I told you! If my dad dies because of this…” I sank. I felt the tears again.

“Who were they?” a voice suddenly asked in Korean. I looked at Eunhyuk. He hadn’t understood a word of all this…
“Ex-boyfriend… and a few of his friends,” I mumbled and got up, “I’ll go home now…”
“You’re not going anywhere in that state miss!” Jungsu said, “Kangin would seriously kill me!” I scowled to him.
“I don’t think so, Jungsu. As long as I’m safe, he is happy,” I said.
“But you aren’t…” Uki said quietly, “you aren’t safe at all, Cho!” Thanks Uki… thanks for talking in KOREAN!


A/N: Sorry~ I have a lot of homework this week -___-' And I have to write Danish essay, English essay, German essay and make a math-report! Plus the usually -.-' Damn school! Well, hope you liked it ^_^'

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chrlnleong #1
Yay awesome story...cant wait for the next update!!!
Hmm... This comment below mine irks me. VV<br />
Good chapter, though.
Woah poor Cho TT<3 And I don't really like Uki >.> Update soon!! XD<3
Lol. ONE last thing that's been irking me: 10.000 USD is only ten dollars... As in... 10$, the price of, like, a McDonald's meal.<br />
10,000--yes, with the comma--is ten THOUSAND dollars, like, the price of a used car or somethin'. <br />
LMAO. I'm sure you meant ten thousand, but the period indicates that it's only ten dollars. :3
Goodness gracious, what in the world is Cho hiding?! >.><br />
This is good so far! Just a few things, though: You really shouldn't put AN's in the middle of your story, 'cause it'll disrupt the flow of your chapter and confuse your readers from what you're trying to say. Instead, put them at the end of the chapter. <br />
And another thing: Uki wouldn't have taken that last comment lightly, JS. :3<br />
But I seriously can't wait to find out what the hell's going on! Lol.
Omg OwO<3 This is interesting xD<3
Hahahaha! xD Lol, the boys are hilarious~ X3