Tell me~!

Acting like nothing is wrong~



Cho P.O.V


“Where are your dresses?” Uki asked me for the fifth time. I just kept reading in my book. One thing was that she rudely dragged me home to my apartment, took my key and locked us in, another thing was that she was going though all my clothes… just a pity that I hide all those fancy dresses and such upstairs, huh? x)
“ALEX! You found anything?” Uki yelled. I heard something ramble upstairs… wait, upstairs? Gosh, you gotta be kidding me!!!!! NO WAY!
“Ehm… n-no Uki, not yet!” She hadn’t? But… okay, I was going upstairs before she found the dresses! I threw the book away and ran upstairs before Uki could stop me. I saw Alex bend over one of the boxes I’d brought from the states. She turned around and made big eyes when she saw me.

“C-Cho!” she said just as Uki came upstairs too.

“What have you found Alex?” she asked and walked to Alex. I bit my lip, trying to remember which boxes I had here… dresses, teddybears(YES, teddybears…), old pictures, cds’… wait, old pictures!? I went to them and pushed them away just to see them stand and stare at a picture with me and Yoochun, taken years ago… great…

“That’s Yoochun,” Uki said. I nodded slowly.


Yoochun P.O.V


“Where are you going in that outfit?” JaeJoong hyung asked me curious when I finished button my shirt. I looked at him with a shy smile.
“Remember my old… friend from the states? The girl I always talk about?” I asked. He rolled his eyes and Junsu laughed.
“How could we ever forget hyung? You talk about her at least twince in a month, which is pretty much when you’ve lived together for 8 years!” I laughed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. With or without hat?
“With,” JaeJoong said and threw one of my black hats to me like he knew what I was thinking of. “So… how did you meet again? When? Where?” All the details… of course…
“Why do you think I was more late than I could have been today?” I asked while fixing the hat. Perfect! :D
“You met her today!?!” Junsu asked excited. I nodded and turned back against them.
“I did… I ran her down,” I smiled a bit, “and then I met Uki. You know, Siwon’s sister!” JaeJoong and Junsu both starred.
“Seriously!?! Choi Uki!?!” JaeJoong asked. I nodded.
“How does Uki know your old friend? Whom I don’t know the name of?” JaeJoong asked. I checked the time at my phone. 2 minutes to I had to go~
“Looks like Cho is Kangin’s halfsister,” I said, “Chowoon,” I explained when I saw Junsu’s gaze.
“Seriosuly? The girl you always talk about is Kangin’s sister? How could you not find out about that before!?” JaeJoong asked and rolled his eyes. I smiled mild.
“I don’t know… but maybe I can get some answers from Cho tonight…”
“Did she actually agree to meet private with an idol?” Junsu asked. I smirked.
“Well… let’s just say that Uki agreed to let her meet me!” I winked.


“Right in there miss,” the waiter said while opening the door into the room I sat in. Yes, I’d reserved a private room for us… Cho entered the room and looked at me. I sent her a smile and got up.
“You came,” I said. She nodded stiff, took of her jacket and went to the chair. I sighed. The awkwardness already filled the room~ The waiter opened the door and entered with two menucards.
“Would you like to wait or order something to drink now?” he asked with a smile. I looked at Cho.
“Just some water please,” she said and sent him a smile. He lifted an eyebrow but noticed it. I sighed.
“Water for me too. Then we can get something else for the food,” he noticed it and left. Cho looked at me.
“I’ll just drink water tonight, Micky,” she said, using the name I used in the states. Uh oh~ She was that mad? She always called me Yooch or Yoochun! O___O’ Or… yeah, it was years ago. ^^ I sighed. The awkwardness was back. I noticed that Cho had opened her menucard so I did too.


Cho P.O.V


You for sure want to know WHY I acted that cold in front of Yoochun, right? x) After all, I’d missed the guy like hell and dreamed about the day we met again… I never lost hope! But… I was also hurt, ya’ know? In over a year I used every free second by the computer in the mail-program and with my cellphone beside me. Just to wait for him to contact me. Okay, in the start he wrote some letters once in a month or something, but then he debutated. And I kept following his life, believing that he would at least mention me. I think I’d seen every single TV-Show or Radio interview with him, read every article and Tweet. Only because I still cared about him. Even when I was with that jerk Josh, I kept following him.
“So… you live with Super Junior now?” he asked, trying to break the ice again. I hesitated. Then shook my head.
“No… I live in my own apartment,” I said and took a sip of that cola he had insisted I got. Jeez!
“Ouh…” was his only answer. I sighed.
“You?” I asked. He looked at me, confused. I rolled my eyes. “Do you live alone or with somebody? JaeJoong and Junsu? Or maybe a girl?” I asked a bit harsh. He made big eyes.
“I… I live with JaeJoong hyung and Junsu…” he answered. I nodded. I looked down on my food. I had ordered some kind of stew and it actually looked delicious but I kind of had butterflies in my stomach so I wasn’t hungry. Damn it…
“I… I’m sorry,” Yoochun finally said, “for… everything…”


Yoochun P.O.V


There. There I said it. The words I’d been waiting to say in over eight years now… I finally said them… She looked up at me… WITH TEARS IN HER EYES!?! WTF!? D:
“You left me,” she whispered, “after all we’ve been through, you just left me…” I nodded, feeling the guilt.
“I know… I feel so awful Cho, believe that… if I could chance anything, it would be me, leaving you…”
“Don’t say that!” Her face suddenly chanced. She got… angry? O.O’ “Don’t ever dare to say that Park Yoochun! You offered your life in the states… the life with me… to be famous. You got famous and I know that you enjoy it! So don’t ever say that you would chance that life that you love so damn much, got it!?!” Her eyes was furious and she almost yelled the last words.
“I’m sorry,”  whispered, “I’m so sorry Cho…” she nodded stiff.
“Tell me.” She said.
“B-bwoh?” Tell her… what!?!
“Tell me how you’ve been since you debutated,” she bit her lip, “tell me that I didn’t offered you futile…” I sank. Where should I start? Of course I had got a great life after I debutated, saying anything else would be a big lie. Of course, the whole lawsuit with SM hadn’t been the funniest thing in world… but all the memories!
“I… I don’t know where to start,” I said truthfully, “there is a lot…”
“Well, then it’s good for you that I only have a lots of time, huh? My brother is back in the army and I don’t have any job. So tell me. Start at the beginning,” her cold voice said. It hurt my heart when I heard how cold it was…


A/N: I know... it isn't long T3T But I'm sick... so yeah~ I hope that you liked it ^^~

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chrlnleong #1
Yay awesome story...cant wait for the next update!!!
Hmm... This comment below mine irks me. VV<br />
Good chapter, though.
Woah poor Cho TT<3 And I don't really like Uki >.> Update soon!! XD<3
Lol. ONE last thing that's been irking me: 10.000 USD is only ten dollars... As in... 10$, the price of, like, a McDonald's meal.<br />
10,000--yes, with the comma--is ten THOUSAND dollars, like, the price of a used car or somethin'. <br />
LMAO. I'm sure you meant ten thousand, but the period indicates that it's only ten dollars. :3
Goodness gracious, what in the world is Cho hiding?! >.><br />
This is good so far! Just a few things, though: You really shouldn't put AN's in the middle of your story, 'cause it'll disrupt the flow of your chapter and confuse your readers from what you're trying to say. Instead, put them at the end of the chapter. <br />
And another thing: Uki wouldn't have taken that last comment lightly, JS. :3<br />
But I seriously can't wait to find out what the hell's going on! Lol.
Omg OwO<3 This is interesting xD<3
Hahahaha! xD Lol, the boys are hilarious~ X3