Already reminded about the past?

Acting like nothing is wrong~

“This is awesome!” I said gaping while walking around in my new apartment, looking at the things and rooms. Youngwoon smiled and sat on a bed in that room which seemed to be my new bedroom.

“I got some of the others to design it… I hope you like it,” he said. I nodded smiling.

“I’ll maybe make a few chances but I really love it. Thank you so much oppa!” I went to him and hugged him. He smiled big and hugged me back.

“You’re welcome. Remember to call your dad and thank him too – he helped a bit!” I nodded. He got up and we went to the kitchen. I opened some of the drawers and saw that there already were things as plates, cups, chopsticks, spoons, knives and forks. I smiled big. Then it knocked at the door. I looked at Youngwoon.

“It’s your place,” he said and winked from the chair he sat in. I laughed.

“You’re right. Wait a minute,” I went out to the door and looked through the door spy. It was Donghae and a girl. A gorgeous girl, seriously! She wasn’t that tall, she had a really nice body, long hair, green eyes…

“Oppa, it’s Donghae and some girl!” I yelled before I opened it. Youngwoon came to us and smiled.

“Ukiiiiiiii!” he sang and pulled the girl in his arms to a big bear hug. I chuckled when this Uki laughed and tried to get out of his grab.

“Hi Kangin!” she smiled and turned her head against me, “and you must be the half-sister from the states. Chowoon, right?” I nodded and held a hand against her.

“You can call me Cho,” I said. She nodded and we shook hands and I stepped beside so they could enter.

“Uki, present yourself!” Donghae said and rolled his eyes. This Uki girl smiled to him, then me.

”I’m sorry. My name is Uki Seohae Choi, and I’m Siwon’s sister and Donghae’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you!”


“Need any help?” a voice asked me. I turned around and saw Uki leaning against the doorframe and rest her head with a smile. I nodded apologizing.

“If you won’t mind,“ I said. She chuckled.

“I wouldn’t ask you if I wouldn’t help!” she went to me and took the stable of plates I just had sat on the table, “where do you want them to be?” I pointed at an open cabinet and started finding some cups.
“I know that there already is some few of each but I really like my own too,” I said. She smiled to me.
“I understand that. But what do you think about the apartment? The design?” I tilted my head.
“I really like it. Why?”
“I designed it…” she chuckled when she saw my surprised face, “your brother called me and begged me to help him. And I love a new challenge!” I nodded and sat on the desk.
“Where do you live?” I asked, “it’ll be nice to know…”
“When I live here in Korea, I live at Super Junior’s dorm. But I’m a student of Cambridge so I live there too…”
“Cambridge!? Seriously?” I gaped. She nodded proud with a little twinkle in her eye.
“I want to be a lawyer!”


Kangin P.O.V


“How long are you going to stay before you’ll go back?” Donghae asked me after Uki were gone. I sighed.

“I only have three days, so I’m only here to help my sister find her place and… yeah,” I shrugged. Donghae looked at me.

“Why did you keep her as a secret to us?” he asked, “why not tell us?” I bit my lip. How did I explain this? Hm…
“Cho is… well since she isn’t fully my sister and we aren’t grown up together, she… yeah. She just asked me to keep it secret, so… I did that…” I sighed.
“Didn’t she just meant a secret to the fans?” he asked.
“I don’t know, Donghae. I just decided to keep her as my secret…” I smiled a bit, “so…”

“Who’re hungry?” Uki yelled while looking in from the kitchen, “I’m going to make us some ramen while Cho is unpacking…” both Donghae and I raised our hands with a laugh. She rolled her eyes before she went back. A second later I heard some music got and the two girls stated singing really high. I looked at Donghae.

“Since when does Uki sings really loud while cooking?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Don’t ask me!”


Cho P.O.V


“I’ll see you later then,” I said and hugged my brother. He nodded smiling.
“We’ll go clubbing with the others,” he said and winked. I stiffened.
“O-oppa… I can’t drink,” I said mumbling. He tilted his head.
“Wae? I’ve talked to your dad some times the last couple of years and he sometimes told me that you had hangovers?” I bit my lip and started pushing him out of the door to Donghae and Uki.
“Longer story. I’ll come tonight but no alcohol to me!” I closed the door and took a deep breath, trying to hold the shivering back. I didn’t wanted to get reminded of the past already. I didn’t felt for it… not now… I went to my new bedroom and looked around. I still hadn’t unpacked in here. I went to one of the sports bags I got sent here earlier in the week, opened it and found a big black box with a thick chain around and a locket under some duvets. I bit my lip while looking at it. So many bad memories was hidden in this… I pushed it under the bed and squashed the duvets from the back in front of it. I wasn’t going to let others see that.


“You look great!” Youngwoon said and smiled big when I entered the van. I smiled to him, then the others.

“Hi guys. Uki,” Uki nodded to me from Donghae’s lap. Then I noticed another girl, one I hadn’t seen before. She sat between Donghae/Uki and Kyuhyun. I sat down on an empty seat while looking at her.

“Who are you?” I asked curious. She sent me a smile.

“I’m Alex Lee. Donghae’s little sister,” I looked from her to Donghae. They actually did look alike. I nodded.

“It’s nice to meet you Alex. I’m Chowoon but you can call me Cho!”


“I’ll just go to the bathroom,” I mumbled to Alex – the only one beside Eunhyuk and me who wasn’t drunk. She nodded and sent the others a gaze. I chuckled. “Keep an eye on them,” I said teasingly. She sent me a smile.

“Of course. I always do that!” she laughed, just when Kyuhyun came and pulled her into a kiss. Daaaaaawwwwww <3 They looked sweet together! I got up and went away to find the bathroom in this place. Two men suddenly stepped in front of me so I couldn’t pass them. I looked against their faces and stiffened. No… not already…
“Hi Cho… missed me?” the tallest said with a smirk.


A/N: Already getting interesting, huh?~ >:)

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chrlnleong #1
Yay awesome story...cant wait for the next update!!!
Hmm... This comment below mine irks me. VV<br />
Good chapter, though.
Woah poor Cho TT<3 And I don't really like Uki >.> Update soon!! XD<3
Lol. ONE last thing that's been irking me: 10.000 USD is only ten dollars... As in... 10$, the price of, like, a McDonald's meal.<br />
10,000--yes, with the comma--is ten THOUSAND dollars, like, the price of a used car or somethin'. <br />
LMAO. I'm sure you meant ten thousand, but the period indicates that it's only ten dollars. :3
Goodness gracious, what in the world is Cho hiding?! >.><br />
This is good so far! Just a few things, though: You really shouldn't put AN's in the middle of your story, 'cause it'll disrupt the flow of your chapter and confuse your readers from what you're trying to say. Instead, put them at the end of the chapter. <br />
And another thing: Uki wouldn't have taken that last comment lightly, JS. :3<br />
But I seriously can't wait to find out what the hell's going on! Lol.
Omg OwO<3 This is interesting xD<3
Hahahaha! xD Lol, the boys are hilarious~ X3