Chapter 1 - The half-sister!

Acting like nothing is wrong~

”Do you have it all?” dad asked me again. I smiled and nodded.

“Neh appa!” James just entered with a smile.

“You’re really grown up,” he said and hugged me, “I remember when you just arrived. Your daddy was so happy!” I laughed and hugged him back before I pulled back.

“Don’t let him get to sad when I’m gone, okay?” James nodded and my dad laid his arm around James shoulder.

“We’ll be good,” he said right when James kissed his cheek. I smiled.


“KIM YOUNGWOON! I’M STUCK IN THIS STUPID AIRPORT… WHERE ARE YOU!?!” I yelled annoyed in the phone before I hang up. I stood in this seriously big airport in Seoul, waiting for my stupid brother who was going to pick me up and drive me to my new apartment a place in this freaking big town. And he didn’t answer his phone. I looked around another time, expecting his figure to come and help me with my suitcases and stuff. Suddenly someone poked my shoulder and I turned around; no Youngwoon but a Jungsu! I smiled and hugged him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. He chuckled.

“Your lovely brother couldn’t pick you up because of the army so he ordered me to. Let’s go before someone recognize me!” I laughed and handed him one of the suitcases.

“What is holding my brother back?” I asked. Jungsu smiled lightly and sighed.

“The army as I said. He had to stay another day before he could go…” I nodded. We went to the parking lot and Jungsu stopped by a big car. He looked apologizing at me.

“Sorry Cho, we just finished a schedule. But no one knows who you are since you brother never really told them that you exist,” he opened the back of the car. I sighed.

“It was a deal we made. I didn’t want to be seen as ‘Kangins half-sister’, you know?” Jungsu smiled and nodded. “I understand. But really, they don’t even know that you excist, sooo…” I nodded and threw my bags in the back. He closed it and we went to the door on the side.

“Is everybody in there?” I asked. Jungsu shook his head.

“Some of them already are at the dorm. Do you wanna tell them when they’re together or just now?” I thought for a second.

“Let’s wait to my ridicules oppa is here…”

“That’s first tomorrow! And you have to sleep on the couch tonight, since you first can get your apartment tomorrow, and…” I laughed.

“I’ll see when I’ll tell them then…” I opened the door and saw five heads look against us.

“Leeteuk hyung, what took you so long?” one complained. Leeteuk let me go first and I send all of them a smile.

“Hello boys,” I said and smirked.


The boys sat my stuff in the corridor and looked at me, Jungsu smiled big.

“So… welcome to Super Junior’s dorm!” he said. I smiled back.


“Who is that girl hyung?” a guy asked form my back. I turned around and saw the rest of the boys. Did they get a text or something about I was coming?

“Can’t we go to the kitchen instead of talking in the corridor?” another asked.

“It was you who stopped us here,” Jungsu said, “go go!” I laughed and followed the boys to the kitchen. It looked pretty clean.

“Sure you won’t introduce you fully?” Jungsu asked me when we were walking. I thought for a moment.

“I think you got a point,” I whispered back. He smiled. The others sat on the chairs and such, so I just sat at the table beside the sink.

“Introduce yourself!” one ordered. Jungsu sent him a gaze.

“Heechul, be nice!” he said. Heechul smirked.

“I wanna know your girlfriends name!” he said. I smiled.

“I’m not his girlfriend. My name is Kim Chowoon, you can call me Cho, and I’m Youngwoon’s half-sister…” I saw all of them look at me with that ‘wtf’-gaze. I laughed. “Surpriiiiiiiiiiise~”


Leeteuk P.O.V


Ahahahah, seing the other guys faces when she presented herself was just hilarious. Really!

“Youngwoon? As in Kangin?” Eunhyuk asked. She nodded with a smile.

“Yeah. Like in him,” she looked at me. The others did too.

“Does Kangin have a half-sister!?” Heechul asked me. I nodded.

“He does. But since…” I looked at her, “you wanna tell the story? You know it better than me!” I said. She nodded.

“Well. We have the same mother, a different father. Youngwoon’s parents have never been divorced, but his mum and my dad was a kind of best friends since they were young, but since my dad is gay, he couldn’t really get a kid. So he asked Youngwoon’s parents if they wanted to help him. So with help form the hospital and stuff I got born,” she shrugged, “I moved with my dad to the states where his boyfriend lived and I grew up there…” All of them sat with wide eyes.

“Leeteuk hyung? How do you know her then?” Sungmin asked me after some minutes. I smiled to him. “

When we still were trainees I once visited Kangin’s parents with Kangin while Cho were there. And we’ve talked some times since that…”

“But why haven’t Kangin ever told us about her?” Eunhyuk asked pouting, “I thought we told each other that kind of stuff!” Cho took the word again.

“You guys have fans in the states too, so I asked Youngwoon never to mention me. And it seems like he really didn’t!” she chuckled. I nodded.

“Do you know Super Junior then?” Heechul asked. She nodded.

“I’ve followed a lot of your shows and stuff… so yes,” she winked.


Cho P.O.V


“Be quiet!” I yelled furious since the guys kept fooling around in the living room where I had to try to sleep.

“We live here~” Sungmin sang teasingly. I scowled to him.

“If I kick you out, you then want to be quiet?” I asked annoyed. He rolled his eyes.

“Like you can kick me out,” he said. I smiled.

“Is that a challenge bunny-boy?” He lifted his eyebrow.

“Do you want me to challenge you?” he asked. I smirked and sat up.

“You have five seconds to leave and take your friend with you, or I’ll kick you that hard in your that you’ll get a hard time walking tomorrow!” I said. He rolled his eyes.

“Sungmin, let’s just go!” Eunhyuk said, “we can tomorrow. I’m tired anyway!” he yawned. I laughed.

“Gnite boys~” I sang when they left and turned of the light.


“CHOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO!” a voice whined while pulling me in a really tight grip. I started pushing and kicking to get free of that grip. “Auch, damn it Cho!” he yelled when I got him right in the shoulder. I focused on his face, and then realized that I should have looked WHO it was before attacking.

“Sorry oppa,” I said, “I thought… never mind,” I smiled and hugged him. He laughed and kissed my forehead. “

Well, I’m glad to see you too!” he said. I laughed and pulled away, sat back in the couch. He sat on the table in front of it. I took a look at him; he looked like last time I Skyped with him.

“What’s going on!?!?” I heard a lot of voices repeat while the door got smacked up and a lot of guys suddenly stood in underwear, few of them with a bat, one even with a lamp. I laughed when they dropped their stuff.


“KANGING HYUNG!?!” was their new words. And then my dear brother got attacked. I took the chance to sneak to the bathroom.


A/N: ...and then the first chapter is out~! :D What do you think?

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chrlnleong #1
Yay awesome story...cant wait for the next update!!!
Hmm... This comment below mine irks me. VV<br />
Good chapter, though.
Woah poor Cho TT<3 And I don't really like Uki >.> Update soon!! XD<3
Lol. ONE last thing that's been irking me: 10.000 USD is only ten dollars... As in... 10$, the price of, like, a McDonald's meal.<br />
10,000--yes, with the comma--is ten THOUSAND dollars, like, the price of a used car or somethin'. <br />
LMAO. I'm sure you meant ten thousand, but the period indicates that it's only ten dollars. :3
Goodness gracious, what in the world is Cho hiding?! >.><br />
This is good so far! Just a few things, though: You really shouldn't put AN's in the middle of your story, 'cause it'll disrupt the flow of your chapter and confuse your readers from what you're trying to say. Instead, put them at the end of the chapter. <br />
And another thing: Uki wouldn't have taken that last comment lightly, JS. :3<br />
But I seriously can't wait to find out what the hell's going on! Lol.
Omg OwO<3 This is interesting xD<3
Hahahaha! xD Lol, the boys are hilarious~ X3