Care or Love

My Sister Is A Princess?
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Chapter 8- Care or Love?

“Yes. I get it.” Baekhyun ended the call and turned around. To be suprised, Hyeyeon was gone. “Where did this kid go?” Baekhyun mumbled. “Maybe she went back home. Who cares? The important thing right now is I have to finish two rounds,” Baekhyun said and started jogging.

“Grandma! I’m home!” Baekhyun said. Grandma came to him. “Where’s Joohyun? She must be exhausted.” Grandma said. Baekhyun raised and eyebrow. ‘She’s not home yet?’ Baekhyun thought. “She went to the grocery store to buy girl stuff” Baekhyun said. “Grandma. I’m going to helped Joohyun with her stuff. Bye” Baekhyun ran away before his grandma quistioned him.

He ran to the park. There’s no sighn of Hyeyeon. It’s afternoon and who want to be here when the Sun was just above your head. “Joohyun! Byun Joohyun!” Baekhyun looked around. ‘Where’s Joohyun?’ Baekhyun ran to the row of shops. In case that girl was doing stupid things there. Then Baekhyun ran to his house area. Still there’s not even Hyeyeon’s shadow. Baekhyun turned even more worried. He called Joohyun but she turned off her phone. ‘What if anything  bad happened to her?’ Baekhyun thought and her messed his hair. ‘Think positive’ He ran to the row of streets again. Then, he saw something that he didn’t want to believe. Hyeyeon was playing video games with Lee Jong Suk without even single expression of Grandma’s feeling. ‘Duhh..she’s smiling with that dumb’ He entered the shop. He tapped Lee Jong suk’s shoulder. “Excuse me. May I take my sister home?” Baekhyun took Hyeyeon’s wrist. Hyeyeon let go of Baekhyun’s gripped. “Let me go. Don’t you see I’m busy?” Heyeyon raised her voice. “Busy of what? This game?” Baekhyun asked. ‘First, I’m busy trying to show you that I can be a good girl

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