Chapter 4 - Dance partners.... and neighbors?

Our Fallen Guardian Angel

Taemin is an incredible dancer! I couldn't stop watching him, he's so freaking amazing.


"Ok class, stop what your doing." I looked at my teacher, or should I say my dance partner. Since I j just transfered"

here and "picked" dance, the numbers of students in this class became an odd amount.


I wish Taemin was my dance partner though, he dances better then the teacher.


"The pairs I chosed and put together seem to be doing worst then the ious ones. I'm going to change partners

again." Some yay'd and other whinned.


She went on naming the pairs and then said, "Taemin you will be helping Byul. She's a pretty good dancer but still

needs some work."


"Neh." Taemin said.


"Ok. Starting tomorrow, you will all be working with person I assigned you to be with."


"Nehhh!" The class yelled.


Today has been awesome so far!

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Taemin and I walked out of the school together. Some girls glared at me. Not again!


"Great! Your fangirls are glaring at me again." Taemin frowned. "I'm sorry. I can tell them to stop if you want."


"Nah it's ok. I'm going to have to get us to it anyways." We smiled at eachother and i received more glares.


"So Taemin, how do you get to school?" I said trying to ignore the glaring eyes.


"Oh, one of my hyungs drive me to and from school but he's busy today so taking the bus is my plan b."


"Guess that's my plan b now too." I started walking backwards.


"So will any of your hyungs be at your-" Someone coverd my eyes with their hands.


"Guess who?" said a familiar voice. I pulled his hands off my face.


"Kevin! Never do that again! You scared me!"


"Heh sorry Byul."


"You better be. What are you doing here by the way, aren't you suppose to be working?"


"Yeah but I asked my boss if I can come pick you up and he said it was fine. I might be able to pick you up

everyday." He winked at me. I punched him in the arm playfully.


"Whatever you jerk." I stuck my tongue out at him.


He laughed and looked over at Taemin. "Ohh! Who's this? Is he your friend?"


Without waiting for an answer, he walks up to Taemin. "Hey what's your name? My name is Kim Kevin."


Taemin looked at Kevin and smiled. "Hi Kevin-shi, my name is Lee Taemin." Omo! Taemin's so polite.


Kevin smiled at me and then turned back to Taemin. "Nice to meet you Taemin. I'm Byul's husband."


Both Taemin's and my mouth hung open. Aishhh! Kevin and his jokes!


"Kevin!" I yelled. He bursted out laughing.


"You should of seen your faces! Taemin was like 'O.O' and your face was like '>o<'."


"Aghh! Taemin don't listen to him, he's not my husband." I punch Kevin in the arm, HARD.


"Ouch! Dude I'm sorry I was just playing." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah ahahh."


Taemin let out a small laugh. Aigoo he's too cute for words!!


Kevin swung his arm around Taemin. "Ok Taemin, here are some rules for you. One, you don't have to be so formal

around me. Makes me feel old. Two, call me Kevin. And three.. well I don't have a third rule yet so I'll get back to you

on that."


Then Kevin ran off to his car leaving me and Taemin wondering what's wrong with him.


"Is he always like that?" Taemin asked. "Yep, pretty much."


We walked to the car and got in. "So where am I driving to?"


"Well we have you work on a project so drive us to Taemin's house." Taemin gave Kevin the directions and we were

off. Why am I getting a bad feeling somethings going to happen?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Which building is it?" Kevin said without looking back. "The one with the store at the bottom. With the giant ice

cream and piece of cake."


"Well it looks like we'll be seeing eachother a lot. We live in the same building, plus I work there."


No way, we live in the same building!


"Really? This is great." Taemin and I smiled at each other.


"Well I have to get back to work. Why don't you two come in for a snack? I'm buying let's go!"


Kevin dragged us in the cafe. "Why are you deciding everything for yourself?"


"Hmm? You guys sit here." Kevin ran to the back and disappeared.


"Gosh he never listens to me.." I whispered. Taemin giggled.


"I like him, he's really funny."


Kevin came out running this time with his uniform.


"May I take your order?" He said with a british accent.


I laughed and said, "Hmm.. Do you recommend anything?"


"Well," he started. "You can try our strawberry cheese cake."


"Why yes I do. I'll have that." Kevin looked at Taemin. "And you my good sir? Would you care for some ice cream?"


"Yes! Vanilla please!" he said excitedly. "Very well. I'll be back shortly. Anything else?"


"Yes can you stop with that british accent!?" He smiled and said in english with an australian accent, "Ok mate!"


We three bursted out laughing. "I'll be right back."


A few seconds later he comes back with our order and place it on our table.


"Thank you." We both said and ate our snack.


Kevin came over with a bag. "Here Taemin take this it's a cake."


"Oh thank you." Taemin bowwed. Kevin patted his head.


"Ok thanks Kev, come on Taemin, let's work on our project."


"Ok. Bye Kevin." Taemin waved goodbye to him. "Bye Taemin come back anytime."


We got out of the store and walk into the building.


Author's note:

After this chapter things will get interesting.

Guess who Byul meets?

Thanks for reading and I hope your enjoying this so far ^-^

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xXRainyWishXx #1
HIYA~~~<br />
Update this story it seemds really good!!!^^<br />
And I'm really curious on why Jonghyun offered to take Byul home!! =3
kairicross #2
lols you have to wait until the next chapter :3<br />
<br />
Awww thanks! Here's a <3 for you ^-^<br />
<br />
I put a picture up. That's how she looks :)
KimRyuYoung #3
I got three letters for you . Y-E-S ! OF COURSE PLS CONTINUE !
kairicross #4
Byul's is a girl. Sorry for the confusion xD thanks for reading btw :)
please update....