Chapter 2 - School

Our Fallen Guardian Angel

"We're here!" I got out of the car. "Hey Kevin come with me. I'm kind of nervous."


"Dude I'm gonna be late for work." I gave him the puppy eyes. "Please! Just until the front door, then you can leave."


"Fine, fine. Just stop with those eyes!"


While walking to entrance, some girls were staring at Kevin.


"Woah he's hot. Is he a new student?" The girl next to her shook her head. "I don't think so, he doesn't have our




"What a shame. I would of love to get tutored by him." I rolled me eyes and looked at Kevin. He was smirking, he's


totally loving this!


"We're here!" We stopped walking. "No ." I punch Kevin in the stomach.


"Just because your older doesn't mean you can be rude to me."


Kevin rapped his arms around me. "Oh come on Byul, you know I'm just playing with you."


"Fine. Well let go, you have you get to work and I need to go to class, as much I hate school..."


A bell rang and students started going in. "Ok time for you to go in. If a boy askes you out, tell me so I can kick his



"KEVIN!" He gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Lets hope we find the people were looking for..."


"I know. Well go Kevin! Your going to be late! Bye." "Bye!"


I walked in the school and quickly reached into my bag for my schedule.


"Ok my first class is in 2-A. Lets go Byul!" I did a little fist pump and went to look for my class.


After searching around the first floor I realize that my class was on the second floor. "Crap! I'm so dumb!"


I ran up the stair and found my class right in front of me. Found it finally.


I knocked on the door and a bright happy looking teacher opened it. "Oh you must be the new student Kim Byul!

please come on in."


I walked in and everyone looked at me. Great just what i needed.


"Anhnyunghaseyo my name is Kim Byul." I gave a quick bow. "Byul please sit next to Daejung. Daejung raise your



I looked over at the guy with his hand up, he looks like a total .


I walked to my seat and sat down.


"Hey Byul." It was that guy again. What was his name again? Daesung? I put on a fake smile and turned to him.


"Hi um.." "Daejung." "Oh yeah Daejung." I turned back to the front.


"Ok class, we will be working on a project that will take two weeks to complete. You will be working in pairs and-"


Giving up on what the teacher was saying, I started looking around. No one seem interesting, how boring.


I looked to my right and found a boy sleeping. I bet he got so bored he fell asleep.


"Daejung and Sandra. Last Taemin and Byul." The teacher looked over at me. "Byul can you please wake Taemin

up, he's the boy on your right."


I got up and shook him softly. I didn't want to wake him up rudely.


"Taemin," I whispered "Wake up."


He opened his eyes and looked at me. “Yes?” he said still dosing off. “We’re still in class,

please wake up.”


He finally got up and I sat down. I took a closer look at him, wow he’s so pretty. Extremely



“Taemin.” He looked at the teacher and finally realized he had fallen asleep in class. “Oh I’m so

sorry! This won’t happen again.”


“Since this is your first time sleeping in my class, I’ll let it slide.”


“Thank you.” She smiled and went back to her lesson. “Now class, get with your partner to start

thinking about ideas for your project.”


I got up and move to Taemin and found him sleep again. I couldn’t help but smile, he’s so cute

and innocent  looking, I’m so glad he’s my partner.


“Hey,” I shook Taemin. He got up again. “Oh I’m sorry, I’m just really tired.”


“I can see that.” He smiled and gave a little laugh. “So what are we suppose to be doing?”


“Seriously I  have no idea, the minute the teacher started talking I spaced out.”


“Well I don’t blame you, she can get boring at times. I’ll ask her.” Taemin called the teacher



"Sorry can you explain the project again, we're still a little confused on what to do."


"Well your assignment is simple. Everyone was given either best friends, siblings, lovers, enemy, etc. You two

have to 'be-in-love' for these two week. You also have to take pictures to show the memories you two had together

and right a report on what you learned and experienced. Also go on real dates, like the amusment park or

something. Last year I had students give me pictures from the same place. I will not except those. Remember

have fun with this."


We  nodded our head and She lefted. "This will be fun right?" Taemin smiled and nodded his head.


"Wait lets have a proper introduction. Hi my name is Lee Taemin. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Taemin. My name is Kim Byul."


"Nice to meet you too." We both laughed.


"Ok class is almost over, you have two weeks to finish. I suggest you start today so go to each others houses anda

get this done. I expect great things from you all."


"So," I said turning to Taemin, "My house?" He reply. "Ok."


"Wait for me outside when school ends."


"Kay." The bell rang.  "See you later."

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xXRainyWishXx #1
HIYA~~~<br />
Update this story it seemds really good!!!^^<br />
And I'm really curious on why Jonghyun offered to take Byul home!! =3
kairicross #2
lols you have to wait until the next chapter :3<br />
<br />
Awww thanks! Here's a <3 for you ^-^<br />
<br />
I put a picture up. That's how she looks :)
KimRyuYoung #3
I got three letters for you . Y-E-S ! OF COURSE PLS CONTINUE !
kairicross #4
Byul's is a girl. Sorry for the confusion xD thanks for reading btw :)
please update....