Chapter 1 - Heaven and Earth

Our Fallen Guardian Angel

Heaven... this is where I am.


I watched the little angels playing and running around. I wonder what had caused them to end up here in Heaven.


Heaven is perfect, it's so calm and peaceful nothing bad ever happens. But I don't belong here... not yet.


I sighed loudly and looked up at the sky or what ever it is. Heaven is pretty confusing, we stand on top of this huge cloud and the sky has miniature ones.


On those smaller clouds houses where build there. But thanks to our wings, we're able to fly up there without a problem.


It has been a year since i died. I closed my eyes and remembered that dreadful day.


(Flash Back)


"You think this sh*t is funny!?" I yelled. This is the third time Junsu has cheated on me, I was so stupid to give him two chances.


"Baby I can explain.." Junsu grabbed my arm and I pulled my arm off his grip. "You can explain what Junsu? That your not cheating on me for the third time?! That this is just you're friend?" I pointed to the girl next to him.


"Byul stop yelling! Everyone's staring." Junsu whispered.


"F**k you Junsu! Have fun with your little play toy!" I ran out of the bar.


What the hell is wrong with me? I gave him two tries, two damn tries and he still cheats. I should of saw this coming...


I kept running, blinded to my surrounding. I run into a busy street, a loud horn rang to my left. Turning my head, I found a turck before me.


Pain...... then nothing.....


(End Of Flash Back)


That's how I ended up here.... But my time on Earth isn't over, it can't be. I didn't get to live my life to it's fullest.


"Byul... Byul... BYUL!!" someone yelled next to me.


"What? Oh hey Kevin, what's up?" Kevin was the second person I met when I came to Heaven. We've been friends ever since.


"The Gate-Keeper, He wants to see us. I think He finally found a way to get us back on Earth."


"Really!? Ok let's go!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him all the way to the Gate-Keeper.


Kevin has been in Heaven for two years. When we first met, we found out we both had the same interest. To get back to Earth.


We would always go to the Gate-Keeper and ask Him to find a way to get us back. But everytime we went, He would say it's impossible.


We never learned the Gate-Keeper's name, I don't think anyone but God and himself know.


We walked up to the Gate-Keeper, He was reading some folders on his desk. He looked at us with a serious face. 


"Byul, Kevin. I know that you two have been wanting to go back to Earth for a long time. Both of you died at a pretty young age. Byul you died when you were 16 and so did you Kevin." He coughed, we stood quiet. 


"So, I have found a way to get both of you back on Earth for good. But-"


"Really!?" Kevin interrupted him.


"But," the Gate-Keeper continued, "You two have to do something first. You both have to help some people that I have assign for you. These people are having problems with their lives and I am positive you two will be able to help them."


He picked up one of the folders off his desk and handed it to Kevin. "Kevin, you will be helping Park Hyunjin. She seems to be depressed over something, you need to find out what caused to this and help her be happy again."


"Now Byul. You have to help five guys." He handed me five folders.


"Five!?" I yelled. That is way too many guys for me to help. Why can't Kevin take the five guys and me the one girl?


"Yes five, each with their own personal problems. Like I told Kevin, you must do the same." We nodded our heads.


"The five guys you're helping are named Lee Taemin, Lee Jinki, Kim Kibum, Kim Jonghyun, and Choi Minho." He coughed again.


"Don't worry about finding them, they all live together." He got up from his chair.


"Now when you get there, don't worry about what to do. There will be a list waiting for you of the things that are there. Just worry about finding the people you need to help ok?"


"Yes..." We both said at the same time.


"Good. Two more things I need to tell you two. Byul, you'll be attending your last year of high school." He smiled at me.


"Lastly, you two have a time limit. You will have a year to help them with their problems and make them happy again."


One year to change five guys? Kevin has it easy.


"Now close your eyes, I'll send you two down to Earth."


Kevin held my hand and I closed my eyes shut. I began to feel sleepy and soon I drifted off to sleep.


- - - - - - - - - -


"Yah Byul wake up!" Kevin yelled shaking me awake.


"Ok, ok! Sheesh Kevin." I sat up still half asleep when I remembered what happened. We're on Earth right now.


Not feeling tired anymore, I got off the bed and yelled out loud.


"We're here Kevin! We made it!" I looked at Kevin and he rolled his eyes. "Yah Byul stop screaming like a crazy woman. Now go take a shower, you have school remember."


"Aisht I forgot!!" I ran to the bathroom. "The red tooth brush is your's." yelled Kevin.


I walked in to the kitchen. "You're lucky Kevin, you don't have to deal with school anymore." I sat down on the table.


"Yeah well I have to work you know." He sat right next to me.


"Where do you work at anyways?" I took a bite of my pancakes. Yummy!


"Downstairs in a shop where they sell sweets. The Gate-Keeper really did have this planned out perfectly. Ohh here's a cell phone, my number is already in it."


I grabbed it and put it in one of the bags I found in "my" room. "Damn he planned this really good."


"Wow Byul! A year in Heaven didn't stop you from swearing."


"Yah Kevin eat!" I pushed a piece of pancake in his mouth. "HEY!"


I laughed and finished my pancakes. "So how am i going to get to school?"


"Oh," Kevin took out keys from his pocket. "The Gate-Keeper said we have a car downstairs."


"You know how to drive?" I asked. "Hell yeah! Now come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door.


"You haven't stop swaering either.." I whispered.


"What?" He looked at me.


"Nothing." I said.


"Yeah right." He rolled his eyes.


- - - - - - - - - -


"Woah! This is the car?" I was stunned, this car is beautiful.


"Yeah. That's what the Gate-Keeper said. A black Ferrari."


"Yo this car is smexy!" I opened the door and got in. "Come on Kevin, I'm gonna be late."


After being with Kevin for a whole year, we would go to tv room where we could watch the people down on Earth and laughed at how some people spoked slang. Me and Kevin would speak to each other like that as a joke.


"Araso, calm down." He got in the car. "Hope I haven't forgotten how to drive." He winked at me.


Oh God! "Kevin..." He laughed. "I'm just playing, chill." He the radio and drove me to school.





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xXRainyWishXx #1
HIYA~~~<br />
Update this story it seemds really good!!!^^<br />
And I'm really curious on why Jonghyun offered to take Byul home!! =3
kairicross #2
lols you have to wait until the next chapter :3<br />
<br />
Awww thanks! Here's a <3 for you ^-^<br />
<br />
I put a picture up. That's how she looks :)
KimRyuYoung #3
I got three letters for you . Y-E-S ! OF COURSE PLS CONTINUE !
kairicross #4
Byul's is a girl. Sorry for the confusion xD thanks for reading btw :)
please update....