The Club

101 Ways to Wreck This Boy
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I'm all dressed and ready to head to the club. Hyeri called and she told me that she's in her car parking at the front of my house. I can hear dad's voice downstairs, he seems to be back earlier than I expected. 

I grab my purse, went out of my room and walk the stairs down to the living room. "My girl!" Dad greeted me and I embraced him a hug. "Hey dad." I greeted with a smile. "What's with your hair and outfits? You're going out somewhere tonight?" He eyed me oddly from head to toe. I was wearing simple white short sleeve t-shirt, short denim pants and I top it off with a long silver necklace hanging around my neck. My hair is styled as loose beach wave curls and I kind of like it. Hopefully, they aren't too much and I did not wear any exposing clothes. 

"I'm just going to party at the club." I said. Dad and Yoongi's mom gave each other a look which they're surprised. "Well well, looks who's a grown up here?" Dad teased me. I chuckled. It's just a club and nothing else but dad makes it seems like it's big for me. "You should go and have fun. You've been staying at home a lot lately." Yoongi's mom spoke. I nodded and agreed her words too. I did not do any productive things lately. 

"Behave well and make sure to return home before midnight." Dad gave a little warning. It's totally different from me and Yoongi. Yoongi gets to stay outside until anytime he likes while I have a curfew even though I'm an adult. Dad told me he doesn't want to lose me and he's afraid that I'll be kidnapped since I'm a girl aka his precious daughter. "Alright. Love ya, dad." I hugged my dad again and off I go. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said once I entered Hyeri's White Toyota Hybrid car. "I only wait for about two minutes, no need to apologize." She chuckled. I fastened my seatbelt as she starts to drive. "Are you excited?" She squealed. I look at her and she couldn't seem to contain her happy face. She's very much excited than I am. "Of course!" I giggled. 

We arrive at the club after a thirty-minute ride. While I got off the car, Hyeri makes sure to secure the steering with the steering lock so no ones will steal her car away. "You know how to lock that?" I asked through the window. "My dad's an engineer, what can you say?" She winked at me. I laughed; I have no comment for that. 


We hand out our identification cards to the guard to make sure we're legal adults and we finally got to go in. I wonder if any young teenagers these days have ever tried to enter the club with fake IDs. Or probably trespassing through some secret back door. Technology is high these days and I'm pretty sure I'll meet few of them inside. 

"Look!" Hyeri nudged her elbow against my arm. She pointed to something. I couldn't hear her since the music is super loud but I switch my eyes to where she's pointing. "What is it?" I yelled. 

"What?" She yelled too.

I couldn't hear her so I grab her closer and speak through her ear. "What is it?" I yelled. She cups her hands around my ear, "There's a hot guy over there! I'll be right back." She gave me a thumb up and leaves me alone. "Don't forget to call me! Don't get lost!" I yelled across the venue. She can't hear me but she p

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Chapter 4 finally posted! It's been over a year and I apologized for my lack of update on this story ;-;


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junghyolin #1
Chapter 5: I love it ! Really ! The relationship between them is so funny ! XD
sunnyaiden #2
Chapter 2: I'm excited to know what's going to happen in the next chapter omg so far so good!
Oh hey, I'm the first commenter? Aha. Anyway, the storyline seems interesting - good luck, lovely! c: