Friday Plans

101 Ways to Wreck This Boy
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Until now, I wasn’t very fond with Yoongi’s mother. She gave a peck on top of Yoongi’s head and when it’s my turn, she hesitated and gave me a hug instead. Even if she wanted to peck on top of my head, I don’t think I would let her do it and take a step back. Yoongi and I waved to his mother after she dropped us off somewhere around the campus where nobody sees us and off she go.

What is that we both didn’t have our driver licenses and it’d be very embarrassing if people saw Yoongi and I rode the same car with his mother driving back and forth.

“You should take a driving test.” I spoke. “Why though?” He checked on his bag to see if it’s securely zipped. “Don’t you feel embarrassed with your mom fetching you every day?” I started walking, leaving him alone. He started walking and catches me up; we’re walking side by side. “Uhm... Not really. Why don’t you take a driving test?” He asked me. 

"I will, soon." I replied. Talking about driving test, I had it after I graduate high school which was last year but I failed instantly after the first try. I recall on the day of the test, the instructor was a bit impatient and it seems like he wanted to end the test quickly, I lose control and crash the car against a tree. Luckily, it wasn't a serious accident but a small one and none of us were hurt. The front of the car was poorly crashed and my dad had to pay the fine. It was a memorable day to me but I blame it on the instructor the most. Ha. 

"Did you fail your driving test?" Yoongi teased. 

. My hands were quivering a little and hopefully, he can't see it. I couldn't let him know that I fail my first driving test. He would non-stop making fun of me when we got back home. "What? Excuse me? Are you looking down on me, sir? Of course, no. I never had my driver test before." I rolled my eyes. Obviously, I lied. "Oh really? If I'm not mistaken, your dad told me something about you failed your test and something that he had to pay the fine. Or am I just hearing things?" He teased me more. What?! I couldn't believe dad literally told him that. My face turned red and I'm clearly embarrassed. He chuckled upon seeing me looking somewhere else avoiding his eyes.


"Siyoon!" Hyeri clung her arm around my neck and gave me a knuckle head. "Ah!" I yelped. She giggled. "I'm glad to see you back! How's summer?" I try to remove her arm tightly wrapping around my neck but she wouldn't let go of it easily. This karate girl isn't a joke. Hyeri's my childhood friend and she knew everything about me including who Yoongi was. I couldn't lie to my one and only best friend hence of how long we've been together.

Before I told her about Yoongi, she has been telling me about this one particular guy which was cute and hot at the same time and she wanted to hook him up. He tried flirting her too but she was abandoned because of she isn't his type. I literally laughed so hard for days when she pointed the guy to me because it was Yoongi. Burn! Haha. And I told her about Yoongi afterwards, I swear she was so surprised that

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Chapter 4 finally posted! It's been over a year and I apologized for my lack of update on this story ;-;


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junghyolin #1
Chapter 5: I love it ! Really ! The relationship between them is so funny ! XD
sunnyaiden #2
Chapter 2: I'm excited to know what's going to happen in the next chapter omg so far so good!
Oh hey, I'm the first commenter? Aha. Anyway, the storyline seems interesting - good luck, lovely! c: