Day Ruined (Part 1)

101 Ways to Wreck This Boy
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I let out a sigh. ‘That was close.’

I could’ve died right on scene if he stabbed me in the heart. Thinking about me dying doesn’t freak me out because we’re all going to die someday but thinking about not getting my revenge on Yoongi, scare me out. A lot.


I closed the door behind me, locked it to make sure no one enter my room while I’m doing my secret plan and settled down on desk, placing a cup of hot tea on my right which I brewed earlier. Even if they were to enter, they need to knock on the door first to get me unlock the door in which I can hide my stuffs away without rushing and getting asked of what I’m doing or why am I hiding it.

I pulled the drawer located at the bottom of my left from the desk and grab out a journal. It was in vibrant red colour and the cover was decorated with photos taken of Yoongi himself. There’s a photo of us at the bottom of the cover where he pulled my hair. I cut out his face and replace it with my face so it looked I pulled his hair instead.

I began to flip through the pages and stopped at the page twenty-seven. About twenty-six pages of these ways to wreck Yoongi didn’t really work out like how I imagined. I frowned but I’m not giving up just yet. I still have more ways to wreck him and it’s all written in this journal. I took my highlighter pen and draw a circle around my latest plan.

“Hopefully, it’ll work out this time!” I cracked my knuckles.


“Good morning, Siyoon. How was your sleep last night?” Yoongi’s mom greeted me with a smile while placing two glasses of milk on the dining table. She organizes the utensils and head back to the kitchen.

“Morning.” I greeted back, heading towards the dining table. I grabbed the glass of milk and finished it in one gulp. I chewed on a slice of french toast and towards the main entrance door.

“You’re done with breakfast? I’m making crème brulee and it’ll be done in a minute.” She yelled, washing the dishes hurriedly. “Nah, I’m done. I’m go

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Chapter 4 finally posted! It's been over a year and I apologized for my lack of update on this story ;-;


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junghyolin #1
Chapter 5: I love it ! Really ! The relationship between them is so funny ! XD
sunnyaiden #2
Chapter 2: I'm excited to know what's going to happen in the next chapter omg so far so good!
Oh hey, I'm the first commenter? Aha. Anyway, the storyline seems interesting - good luck, lovely! c: