"Be My Servant"

Because I'm a Girl

Nicole's POV

"ya! yah! where are you going?" my friend Hara chased me.

"I need to go to work" I told her.

"how come? its still school hours. You can't leave"

"I know. But I'm Jung Nicole remember? I can always find a way to everything. Just don't tell anyone okay?" I asked Hara as I pinky sweared.

"fine but be careful okay?" I nodded in agreement as we both pinky sweared.

"Catch up with you later" Hara waved goodbye then went straight to the classroom.

"Okay, Nicole. How are you gonna go to work? Aishhh... why did Gyuri have to call asking me to work but still, they're gonna give me extra pay" I nodded as I made a fighting sign and went off to the school backyard.

"okay... so this is what I'm going to do" I practiced as many times as I could to make sure no one's gonna catch me.

"okay Nicole. FIGTHING!!!" I shouted as I immediately did what I planned. I was about to jump off throught the walls when somebody shouted at me.

"STUDENT!!! where are you going during class hours?" I closed my eyes *shoot, I'm caught" I was about to jump off when

"don't even plan on escaping. If I were you, I'd show my face right now and explain" shoot, would I get expelled?

"okay fine fine. I'm gonna get back down" I said as I jumped back down and as what he said, try to explain.

Key's POV

"ya, hyung! where are you going?" Taemin asked me.

"I don't know..." I stopped as I saw 2 girls talking, one of which is the subway girl. I felt my heart beat so fast that I thought it was gonna get out of there. wait... I'll eavesdrop.

"I need to go to work" wait what?!? why would she be working at this hour? AND WHY IS SHE WORKING?!?

"I'm Jung Nicole right? I'll think of a way" she said as her friend went off then her.

"Taemin-ah, can I ask you a favor?"

"mmm, sure hyung. What is it?" Taemin asked curiously.

"you're part of the security club, right?"

"well, yeah. Why?" 

"can I do your duty just for now? I really need it" Taemin just nodded in agreement.

"oh...kay. Just don't tell anyone?" I nodded in agreement as I bid Taemin goodbye and follow that girl.

"now, where did she go?" I said as I looked around until I saw a crazy girl that's climbing up and down...?

"what is she up to?" I asked myself as I slowly approached her.

"JUNG NICOLE FIGHTING!!!" the girl screamed as she climbed the walls of the building. wait... she's the subway girl.

"hahaha Kim Kibum, you're so awesome" I smirked then shouted at her.

"STUDENT" she froze to her spot as she seemed nervous that she got caught. Haha, this is going to be so much fun.

"If I were you I'd get down here and try to explain" it took a few minutes before she agreed then went down.

"y-YOU?!?" she screamed as she pointed at me.

"yes and WHY?!?" I said as I scremed right back at her.

"okay, okay no need to shout mr maniac"

"I'm not the first one who... wait, MR. MANIAC?!?" I glared at her and she did the same.

"yes mr maniac, you deserve that name" she meronged me.

"whatever, try calling me that or..."

"okay okay fine, mr arrogant" 

"that's bette... WHAT?!?" she just meronged me again.

"whatever, care to explain where you're going?" I crossed my arms at her and gave her a death glare.

"I... I was called my workmate to work right now" 

"and sooo...?" I was trying to .

"I know the school won't let me out because of working tudents blah blah blah, and so, I'am just trying to escape"

"but you know escaping means your're gonna get expelled... right?" she gave me a pout then looked down.

"I know... please don't tell anyone" my heart soften as she pouted. She's just so cute.

"but I'm a member of the security club. If I let you escape..." she cutted me off.

"I'd do anything!!!" she said as she faced me with those pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. I swear, with other girls, this looks disgusting but with her... she's just plainly... cute.

"you'd do anything?" I asked her as I smirked.

"yes... just let me escape without telling anybody"

"are you sure?" she just nodded in agreement. HAHAHA Kim Kibum you're plainly awesome I smirked at her then spoke

"be my servant" 


"I said, you be my servant" 

"wait... that's unfair!!!" she said as she stood up, proudly.

"what's unfair? I help you, you help me. And besides, do you want to get expelled?" I said as I smirked at her.

"of course not but---"

"no buts if you still want to go to school, just agree" I smirked and it took her a while to answer.

"FINE!!!" she said as she crossed her arms in defeat.

"you should get going now. You don't wanna be late"

"yeah yeah whatever. Thanks Mr Arrogant" she said then waved goodbye.

"WHAT?!?" she just meronged me then left.

"this is gonan be sooo much fun..." I said as I smirked and left.







Hello readers!!! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday :( but here's a new chapter :) please enjoy and comments are appreciated. Thank you all and have a good day!!! :)

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Chapter 1: oh Nicole you're not USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN don't say such things about yourself
You came back! Thank you so much for updating! I hope Nicole doesn't have to be key's servant for long! I hope key has a rival soon! I wouldn't mind if dongwoon, Minho, or Jinwoon is his rival. Nicole needs a prince charming to save her from key. I cant wait to read the next chapter! Please update soon!
Awww I love Keycole but then when Nicole agree to be his servant I was kind of mad and it annoys me so much when key ask her to do his assignment past midnight! urghhh but than he was sorry. so I think that was sweet ;)
Oh my god.....i love your story! I want more! Please update! You are doing an excellent job!!!!!
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #5
Yehey! An update!
Hehe. Update.
cant wait to read next chp... they will be good couple... update soon !!!
nana_lve_fanfic #8
update soon~~
Miinii #9
I really love your story<3<br />
Can't wait to read what will happen next!<br />
aila0891 Haiting!!!
I want more! (: