
Because I'm a Girl

Nicole's POV

Morning came and I went downstairs as I ate a bunch of left over bread from yeterday morning and without realizing, tears started to flow off my eyes. 

"why? why leave me?" I suddenly bursted out crying like a little child while eating her lollipop and was left behind.

I just shrugged off my thoughts and decided to get up and walk my way towards school. I looked at he beautiful city of Seoul and was breathing fresh air. I arrived at the school minutes later and went straight to the classroom.

"Cole-ah, I called yesterday and they said you already left" Hara told me.

"ohhh...I think you know why..." I told Hara without even looking at her and started buring my face to the table and decided to sleep.

"subway again? Nicole, it's time for you to forget about the past" Hara told me and I looked up at her.

"Help me then..." I told Hara who was smirking evily at me.

"Wait and see..." she told me and went off.

"yeah, like that would happen" I said and buried my face again at the table and started sleeping.

Kibum's POV

I stalked her...kinda, then I found out she was studying at our school.

"Hyung! we've been looking at the whole Building since this morning" my friend Taemin told me.

"Yeah! can't believe you called us this early to help you look for a person we don't even know" Minho said and Onew just nodded.

"I've never seen you like this before. What's happening?" Jonghyun told me.

"I think...I'm...nevermind! Just keep looking!" Jonghyun just sighed heavily and stopped me.

"Looking for what? We don't even know what this person even looks like" he told me and I started to smirk at them.

"Then go! I'll look for her myself" I told them and went off.

*"Hyung...did you just heard that?" Taemin said.

"I guess..." Onew said.

"What the..." Minho replied back.

"did he just say...HER?!?" Jonghyun said and all of them were shocked.*

"Where are you...where are you?" I said as I kept on opening the doors to each classroom.

"please show yourself to me" I kept on saying and it was about time that I saw the last classroom at the far left.

I closed my eyes and prayed before opening the door. I finished praying and inhaled then opened the door.

"ahhhh!!! IT'S KIBUM OPPA!!!" one of the girls screamed and all of them, I mean literally, all of the girls, even the guys (ok I don't know why, but I guess they turned into gays because of me *smirks*) went all to me and started asking me out.

"Aishhh...where is that girl anyways?" I whispered to myself as I looked at the classroom and yes, she wasn't there...or I can't see anything because I was crowded by the whole class. I decided to go because I was being savataged by numbers of various girls.

"Goodbye ladies" I told them and went off.

"I'll see you...soon" I said and went off.

Nicole's POV

I was at dreamland when someone was suddenly shaking my shoulders, as if wanting to kill me or what. I looked up and just saw it was Hara, blushing crazily.

"thanks for waking me up" I told her sarcastically.

"yeah yeah, you're welcome" I looked at her in disbelief.

"you gotta be kidding me" I told her and went to look at the other side.

"so what's with the excitement?" I asked her.

"Kibum, my all time crush, the perfect man in this whole wide universe, just came here, at our classroom"

"wait wait wait. How come I don't know him" I smirked and was about to continue sleeping.

"You need to get a life Nicole" Hara told me and left. 

Time flies so fast that it was already lunch time.

"Nicole! Nicole! Let's go grab lunch!" Hara came towards me, running excitedly.

"Hara-yah, you know I don't have any money for those right?" Hara just smirked evily at me and told me...

"It's my treat!"


"NO BUTS!!! Let's go or I;ll jump off the building if we don't eat right now" Hara pulled me towards the cafeteria and we both got Lasagna for our lunch.

"I promise Hara, I'll pay you" I told her.

"no need to. I told you it's my treat right?" Hara told me, smiling.

"no! just let me pay you in the future. It doesn't feel right" I told her with my best puppy look face.

"fine. But you don't need to"

"I'll pay for it, okay?" she just nodded and so we went off to find tables for us. I can't believe the cafeteria is full of people. How possibly can we find seats for both of us.

"There Nicole! There!" Hara told me and she started pulling me.



Hara said the same time as the other boy said.

"We got here first!" Hara told the guy.

"No! we saw this first!" the guy (Onew) said. Hara glared at him and she started to sit there and gave them all a mehring look.

"I'm sorry, but me and my friend just got this place right Nicole?" she told me and I just nodded in disbelief.

"Excuse me, but don't you know us?" one of the guy said, coming out of nowhere.

"you're..." Hara said in disbelief as I looked up at the guy and stood up suddenly...



both of them said...




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Chapter 1: oh Nicole you're not USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN don't say such things about yourself
You came back! Thank you so much for updating! I hope Nicole doesn't have to be key's servant for long! I hope key has a rival soon! I wouldn't mind if dongwoon, Minho, or Jinwoon is his rival. Nicole needs a prince charming to save her from key. I cant wait to read the next chapter! Please update soon!
Awww I love Keycole but then when Nicole agree to be his servant I was kind of mad and it annoys me so much when key ask her to do his assignment past midnight! urghhh but than he was sorry. so I think that was sweet ;)
Oh my god.....i love your story! I want more! Please update! You are doing an excellent job!!!!!
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #5
Yehey! An update!
Hehe. Update.
cant wait to read next chp... they will be good couple... update soon !!!
nana_lve_fanfic #8
update soon~~
Miinii #9
I really love your story<3<br />
Can't wait to read what will happen next!<br />
aila0891 Haiting!!!
I want more! (: