My Everyday Life

Because I'm a Girl

"YA KIM KIBUM!!!" a girl shouted during the school's assembly, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"what's with her?"

"ohhhh...yeah, she's the girl who the almighty Key USED to date"

"Key didn't love you. He just played with you" all these word were thrown back at her by the students, especially the girls.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE. HE...HE...HE LOVED ME!!!" everyone threw their disgusted look at her.

"what's the fuss over here?" everyone turned their heads to see four men, and someone.

Key's POV

"hyung, it looks like something's going on in there, let's see" Taemin said as he started to pull me towards the assembly.

"look, is that Jessica your girlfriend?" Onew said to me.

"please...girlfriend my " I said to them, rolling my precious eyes.

"but you said you're getting serious this time?" Minho my other friend said.

"when did I say that?!?" I said with an o forming in my mouth.

"your first date" Jomghyun, my pal told me. I just rolled my eyes at them and decided to enter the conversation, I mean fight over me the gym.

"what's the fuss over here?" I shouted from the second floor of the gym. Everyone started looking at me...and her.

"YA KIM KIBUM TELL ME WHAT YOU JUST SAID LAST NIGHT IS A LIE" Jessica said with tears flowing off her eyes. I smirked and said 

"Jessica-shi, do you think it's a lie?"

"yes, because you love me"


"but you told me at out first date"

"but it doesn't say I mean it. We're over. FACE IT" I shouted at her and started to walk away and her only screaming my name. I went back to our classroom and the class started. The usual, I just slept the whole time, waiting for dismissal. As the bell rang, I stood up but Jonghyun approached me.

"Kibum, we're gonna have a party tonight at the club tonight. Wanna come? lot's of girls there."

"sure" I smirked and went off. I went to the parking lot to wait for my driver. I waited for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour. I started to get irritated and called my driver.

"YA!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" I yelled at the other line.

"sorry sir, I cannot make it. I'm taking you're brother to Busan right now and we're far from Seoul"



"Hyung, how dare you steal my driver"

"Mianhae Kibum-ah, just take the subway home, I'm gonna pay you double the price of the fee ok? Bye" Aishhhhh...Subways...The almighty Key will ride a subway home. Great. JUST GREAT.

Nicole's POV

Dismissal time came. I immediately went out of the classroom and decided head straight to the coffee shop to work. I sighed so much since I only rest for about 3 hours and go to school again. That's the reason why almost in every subject, I'm asleep.

"Ya Nicole, why do you keep on sighing?" Hara my friend asked me.

"Eo? Hara-yah, you know the reason"

"Nicole-ah, why don't you skip work today and rest. You seemed so tired" my other friend Seungyeon told me.

"You know that's impossible" both of them pouted at me, totally worried of my condition.

"ya, if you keep on pouting I'll not go home today" they both smiled at me and sent me off at the school gate.

I decided to walk since I only have little money and I still need to feed myself, pay for my tuition, etc. I know the life of Jung Nicole is so miserable. No parents, no one supports you and no one's there for you. After Sighing for about 15 minutes, I stepped inside the coffee shop and work.

"Annyeong Nicole!" my workmate, Gyuri eonni greeted me.

"Annyeong Eonni!" 

We all started to work as customers started to crowd the shop. We kept on going back and fourth, back and fourth, totally busy without even having a one second rest.

"Nicole-ah can you go at the back and grab some flour for the bread?" I nodded and went at the back. As I grabbed the flour, someone was screaming and I panicked. I went straight to where the person screamed. I arrived there and saw a child drowning. My eyes widened.

"Eonni, help me" the girl shouted. My feet froze at the floor, I c-can't move.

"Eonni, please...Eomma help! Eomma!!!" the girl said shouting. Without realizing, I started to run away from that place and back at the coffee shop. I went inside, closed the door and my whole body started to tremble. 

"Nicole-ah where's the--- NICOLE-AH, what happened?!?" Gyuri eonni rushed towards me and started to help me sit and grabbed some water.

"What happened?" she asked me and I told her the whole story. She was shocked and started to hug me and pat my back.

"Cole-ah, you should go now, I'll handle the shop"

"I c-cant-ttt do that"

"just listen to me okay? now go home and rest" I nodded and went off. "are you sure Eonni?" She nodded and gave me a smile and went back in as I went off.

I started walking at the busy streets of Seoul as my mind were blank. That incident kept on replaying on my mind.


"WHAT?!?" appa started to dive in the ocean on where we decided to feed the fishes. I waited there for 10 minutes, 3o minutes, 1 hour, a day but nothing seems to get out of the water until I saw many boats heading towards us.

"please help us, my eomma and appa still didn't get out of the water" they just nodded and decided to dive in until...

That incident kept on playing in my head, that moment when Eomma and Appa disapperaed in front of my eyes without me doing anything. I ran as fast as I could to the subway and arrived there in no time. I just stood there in front of the train with tears as I started to scold myself.

"Nicole how can you not do anything to help your parents?!?"



"NIOCLE YOU USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN" I said as tears started to flood my eyes and I stood there until they were dry and just stared blankly at the train.





annyeong!!! now, how would they meet? wait for the next chapters KAMSAHAMNIDA LOVE YOU!!! >:D< :*

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Chapter 1: oh Nicole you're not USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN don't say such things about yourself
You came back! Thank you so much for updating! I hope Nicole doesn't have to be key's servant for long! I hope key has a rival soon! I wouldn't mind if dongwoon, Minho, or Jinwoon is his rival. Nicole needs a prince charming to save her from key. I cant wait to read the next chapter! Please update soon!
Awww I love Keycole but then when Nicole agree to be his servant I was kind of mad and it annoys me so much when key ask her to do his assignment past midnight! urghhh but than he was sorry. so I think that was sweet ;)
Oh my god.....i love your story! I want more! Please update! You are doing an excellent job!!!!!
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #5
Yehey! An update!
Hehe. Update.
cant wait to read next chp... they will be good couple... update soon !!!
nana_lve_fanfic #8
update soon~~
Miinii #9
I really love your story<3<br />
Can't wait to read what will happen next!<br />
aila0891 Haiting!!!
I want more! (: